“The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits]. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms [sic] – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses…”
Napoleon I (i.e., Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1821; emperor of the French)
Napoleon I (i.e., Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1821; emperor of the French)
“It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe.” ~ Freemason and 1st President George Washington
(note Freemason is before 1st American President!)
This essay is an attempt to lay the groundwork to show primary and circumstantial evidence that the Society of Jesuits (Jesus), founded by Ignatius Loyola in 1540, have been highly instrumental in the creating and perpetuating the Great 500 year Lie that the Earth is a round ball sphere rotating around a central Sun held in orbit by gravity.
Below you will find that the Jesuits and the Vatican have been the intimately and deeply involved in all things space, including owning the earliest telescopes and to this day, the largest owners of observatories and telescopes in the world today.
From Copernicus’ dedication to “On the Revolutions” to Pope Paul III to Galileo Galili who was feted Rome, honoured by the Jesuits of the Roman College and recieved by Pope Paul V to Isaac Newton who conspired with Jesuits at Lige in England to Albert Einstein who yielded, the publicly praised, the Big BangTheory Story created by his colleague, Jesuit Priest, Georges Lamaitre, the Society of Jesuits have been intimately involved with both the spreading of heliocentric theory and the burying of 5,000 years of Flat Earth Cosmology.
The Jesuits are rulers of all powers that we are aware of and are ruthless in their pursuit of world domination for centuries, no matter who is killed or what has to be done to maintain and establish world order out of chaos.
The rule over, or are deeply partnered with, the Rothschilds and Int’l bankster, secret societies from Opus Dei, P2 to the York and Scottish Rite Freemasons, as well as the Zionist Jews in seats of power.
The rule over all agencies of government and think tanks including the NSA, CIA, FBI, Mossad, KGB, Round Table, Committed of 300, Tavistock Institute, Lucis Trust Publisihing, Bilderberg Group and the Council of Foreign Relations, including representative government and legislation like the U.S. Presidency, Congress and the Supreme Court.
Our laws are derived of Roman Latin Maritime law and run out of Rome.
Their 500 year system is based on openly secret bodies of governance called City-States managed by the Trilateral Commission of the Vatican, City of London and Washington, D.C.
These separate city-states are individual corporations that answer to no country and have their own special status in world court with their own banking, police force, mayor, constitution and flags. (bonus question: Why is Washington named to be in the District of Columbia). For more on the NWO Trilateral ownership of the world, please see here.
The Jesuits are a military order under the Knights of Malta and are ruled by the 13 ancient families of Satanic bloodlines. The top of power currently is one Black Pope, Adolfo, Nicolas, the current Superior General, who all Presidents, Prime Ministers and banksters answer to.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio not only supported the US sponsored dictatorship, he also played a direct and complicit role in the “Dirty War” (la guerra sucia”) in liaison with the military Junta headed by General Jorge Videla, leading to the arrest, imprisonment, torture and disappearance of progressive Catholic priests and laymen who were opposed to Argentina’s military rule. (source)
Now, for the first time in 600 years, the White Pope Francis is a Jesuit who reigned power in Argentina during their bloody “Dirty Wars”. Additionally, drought engineered California has as Governor, Jesuit trained Jerry Brown.
The first Jesuits established Washington D.C., when the wealthiest man in the U.S. at the time, Jesuit John Carrol donated the land to found the birthing of the “New Jerusalem” in 1871 with the passage of the Organic Act creating the separate city-state of Wash. D.C. (note the “birthing occurred between the two states of Virginia and Maryland…., the Virgin Mary, get it?
This is how long these most despicable group of child abusing men have ruled all worlds of all for centruries. And not it is over. The truth is being revealed and below you can see how far Jesuit influence has come about all stories and legend relating to round ball earth hurtling through space around our Sun at hundreds, thousands and even millions of miles per hour.
(Note how far down government politicians are on this pyramid, so go ahead and vote!)
Very few in the alternate news media is covering this top of the pyramid uncovering while extensively reporting on the Jews, bankster, Rothschilds, Freemasons, Bilderbergs, etc. and the question has to be asked why? Why have they not included the omnipresent hand in all world events of the Jesuits throughout modern history?
For more on all members controlled by Jesuits and a deeper investigation into Jesuit power and control,please see here. Yet now, let’s discover how the Jesuits assisted in creating the Greatest Lie in the Past 500 Years ~ “Helocentrism”.
The Society of Jesus (Company of Jesus) aka Jesuits is a 500yr-old All Male Roman Catholic Military Order. The operate through The Sovereign Military Order of St. John The Hospitalier of Jerusalem,Rhodes & Malta aka SMOM Knights of Malta, wielding unchecked power behind the scenes.
The “Society of Jesus” – as they are officially known – was originally used by the Vatican to counter the various Reformation movements in Europe, to which the Vatican lost much of its religious and political power. Absolute-temporal-ruling power has always been the Vatican institution’s primary objective.Source
The Jesuits actually became so powerful and overbearing that they were disbanded by none other than the pope himself. In 1773 Ganganelli, who succeeded Clement XIII, issued a papal
bull in which he declared them suppressed and extinct and their statutes annulled. They remained suppressed for forty years, but in 1814 Pius VII issued a bull solemnly restablishing the society under the constitutions of “St. Ignatius.”
bull in which he declared them suppressed and extinct and their statutes annulled. They remained suppressed for forty years, but in 1814 Pius VII issued a bull solemnly restablishing the society under the constitutions of “St. Ignatius.”
In the words of Abraham Lincoln: “If the Protestants of the North and the South could learn what the priests, nuns, and monks, who daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion, were doing in our schools and hospitals, as emissaries of the Pope and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions and alienate the hearts of our people from our Constitution and our laws, and prepare a reign of anarchy here, as they have done in Ireland, Mexico, Spain, and wherever there are people that wish to be free, they would unite in taking power out of their hands”. “The Jesuits never forsake.” (Washington in the lap of Rome, Justin D. Fulton; Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, by: Charles Chiniquy LCCN: BX1770.F9).
By the 17th Century there were more than 500 Jesuit schools established across Europe. The Jesuits standardised curriculum and teaching methods became the basis of many education systems today. There are 20,000 Jesuits working in more than 100 countries, with 200 members in the UK in parishes, schools, colleges and spirituality centres.
To understand the who, when, why and how the Flat Round Geocentric Earth Theory was destroyed 500 years ago in favor of a well coordinated well planned effort to sell the world that we live on a heliocentric round rapidly spinning ball is what this effort is about.
Their purpose for creating the Greatest Lie in the History of Manking, was to create a story that each of us are only a single being amongst billions and billions of other star systems with their own planets and possible inhabitants versus the reality that we are really the center of the universe and all revolves around us, thus making us one of God’s most important creations.
“Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Vice-Regent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated.” ~ From Secret Instructions of the Jesuits
The Jesuit Oath Exposed
[The following is the text of the Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction as recorded in the Journals of the 62nd Congress, 3rd Session, of the United States Congressional Record (House Calendar No. 397, Report No. 1523, 15 February, 1913, pp. 3215-3216), from which it was subsequently torn out.
The Oath is also quoted by Charles Didier in his book Subterranean Rome (New York, 1843), translated from the French original. Dr. Alberto Rivera, who escaped from the Jesuit Order in 1967, confirms that the induction ceremony and the text of the Jesuit Oath which he took were identical to what we have cited below. – A. N.]
The Ordained Society of Jesuit Oath
“……I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition;
and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race.
That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private,
as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.’
…In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all corporal powers, and with the dagger which I now receive I will subscribe my name written in my blood in testimony thereof;
And should I prove false, or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet and my throat from ear to ear, my belly be opened and sulphur burned therein with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth, and my soul shall be tortured by demons in eternal hell forever. [Full Oath exposed HERE]
Compare to the Freemason First level degrees Blood Oath:
…binding myself under no less penalty than that of having my throat cut across…
— Oath of Freemasonry Entered Apprentice Degree (1°)In every ritual degree of Freemasonry and in all the most important ceremonial rituals and initiations of elite orders, the candidate is required to take an oath and is warned of the hideous and grotesque penalty that awaits him if he dares ever to reveal any of the group’s innermost secrets. For example, in the very first degree oath of Freemasonry, the candidate declares:
…binding myself under no less penalty than that of having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and my body buried in the rough sands of the sea, at low-water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours, should I ever knowingly violate this my Entered Apprentice obligation.
Second degree Masons recite the following heinous oath:
…binding myself under no less penalty than that of having my breast torn open, my heart plucked out, and placed on the highest pinnacle of the temple there to be devoured by the vultures of the air, should I ever knowingly violate the Fellow Craft obligation.
The third degree oath proclaims:
…binding myself under no less penalty than that of having my body severed in two, my bowels taken from thence and burned to ashes, the ashes scattered before the four winds of heaven, that no more remembrance might be had of so vile and wicked a wretch as I would be, should I ever, knowingly, violate this my Master Mason’s obligation.
In the 4th degree, Mark Master of the York Rite, the candidate performs a ritual which symbolizes having his “ear smitten off” if he reveals the order’s secrets.And for the 5th degree, Past Master, the hapless candidate agrees as follows:
…binding myself under no less penalty than (in addition to all my former penalties) to have my tongue split from tip to root, that I might thereafter be unable to pronounce the word.
The sixth degree (Most Excellent Master) of the York Rite continues with the horrific penalties:
…binding myself under no less penalty than to have my breast torn open, and my heart and vitals taken from thence, and exposed to rot on the dunghill.(Source)
So both Jesuits and entry level Freemasons share very similar blood oaths or brutal death is brought upon thee.
To understand the great power of the Jesuits we need to take a brief overview of how much power they yield, and who and what they control.
The order traces its history to an 11th cent CE infirmary in Jerusalem set up by a monk to care for pilgrim visiting the Holy Land.During the Crusades it took on a military role to protect pilgrims and Christendom as a whole from muslim attacks.In February 1113 Pope Paschal II recognized the order with a papal bull establishing its sovereign status by saying it was independent of both lay and other religious authourities.
The orders international legal status is entirely unique, a sovereign a sovereign entity that prints its own stamps, coins, license plates and passports,yet has no territory over wich it rules.Its forces once occupied Cyprus, Rhodes and Malta, but Napoleon expelled the order from Malta in 1798,depriving it of the final patch of land ove it ruled.Neverthless the order still enjoys many of the trapping of a small country:UN observer status and diplomatic relation with 104 countries.
The orders international legal status is entirely unique, a sovereign a sovereign entity that prints its own stamps, coins, license plates and passports,yet has no territory over wich it rules.Its forces once occupied Cyprus, Rhodes and Malta, but Napoleon expelled the order from Malta in 1798,depriving it of the final patch of land ove it ruled.Neverthless the order still enjoys many of the trapping of a small country:UN observer status and diplomatic relation with 104 countries.
The knight of Malta Grand Master is Catholic British name Matthew Festing
Orders of Chivalry directly under Papal protection. These are today the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Malta, and the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher. These Orders are under the protection of His Holiness as Supreme Pontiff and are not considered to be awards of the Vatican State
The Miltary Knight Malta….MOMa?, one of the most peculiar organisations in the world marked its 900th birthday Saturday Feb 9, 2013 with a colourful procession through St Peters Square,a mass in the basilica and an audience with Pope Benedict XVI, himself a member of the onetime chivalrous order drawn from Europe s nobility.
The order traces its history to an 11th cent CE infirmary in Jerusalem set up by a monk to care for pilgrim visiting the Holy Land.During the Crusades it took on a military role to protect pilgrims and Christendom as a whole from muslim attacks.
In February 1113 Pope Paschal II recognized the order with a papal bull establishing its sovereign status by saying it was independent of both lay and other religious authoroties.
The orders international legal status is entirely unique, a sovereign a sovereign entity that prints its own stamps, coins, license plates and passports, yet has no territory over which it rules.
Its forces once occupied Cyprus, Rhodes and Malta, but Napoleon expelled the order from Malta in 1798,depriving it of the final patch of land over it ruled.
Neverthless the order still enjoys many of the trapping of a small country:
UNobserver status and diplomatic relation with 104 countries.******
When Flat Round Earth Got Dropped from Scientific Inquiry

Geocentrism vs. Heliocentrism and no longer discussionof Flat Earth Theory
When Jesuit astronomer, Giovanni Battista Riccioli published his Almagestrum Novum or “New Almagest” the title alone suggested the boldness of the project. This was to be a new and updated take onPtolemy’s Almagest. The book offered new insight into the state of thought about the cosmos in 17th century Europe.
The frontispiece to Riccioli’s Almagestrum Novum tells his perspective on the state of astronomy in 1651. Urania, the winged muse of astronomy, holds up a scale with two competing models, a sun centered Copernican model, and the Tychonic geocentric model. The Ptolemaic model sits discarded in the bottom right corner of the scene. On the right, 100 eyed Argus points at cherubs in the upper right corner of the illustration.
The Cherubs hold recent observational discoveries; the moons of Jupiter, a detailed mountainous moon and the rings of Saturn. Under God’s hand from the top of the image, the scale reports the Tychonic model to be heavier and thus the winner.
Some of the most interesting details in this illustration are tucked away in the corners. In the upper right corner, among the clouds, are small representations of additional solar systems. Beyond the central diagram, the mapmaker shows the concept of the plurality of worlds. Each of these little sets of circles represents its own solar system with a star and planets. This image directly draws on the literary author, de Fontenelle, who building on the ideas of Newton and Descartes’, explored the significance of living in a universe with a plurality of worlds each orbiting their own stars.
Riccioli leans on the authority of a number of contemporary and historical thinkers. He lists 38 different astronomers and thinkers, such as Aristotle, Ptolemy and others who believe the Earth to be the center of the universe. He compares them to the 16 astronomers, including Copernicus, Kepler, and Descartes, who favor a sun centered model.
There were three mathematical models to describe the movements of the heavens in 163
- The Aristotelian / Ptolemaic system, with everything orbiting around a stationary Earth, which had largely fallen out of favour following Galileo’s observations.
- The Tychonic system (developed by Tycho Brahe), in which the Earth was viewed as stationary, the Sun went around the Earth and everything else went around the Sun. After Galileo’s presentations in 1611, this became the favoured model of the Roman Catholic Church. Most Jesuit astronomers (such as Clavius) had adopted this system by 1620.
- The Copernican system, with a stationary Sun around which everything else revolved.
Among Catholics, Christoph Clavius (1537–1612) was the leading astronomer in the sixteenth century. A Jesuit himself, he incorporated astronomy into the Jesuit curriculum and was the principal scholar behind the creation of the Gregorian calendar. Like the Wittenberg astronomers, Clavius adopted Copernican mathematical models when he felt them superior, but he believed that Ptolemy’s cosmology — both his ordering of the planets and his use of the equant — was correct.
Pope Clement VII (r. 1523–1534) had reacted favorably to a talk about Copernicus’s theories, rewarding the speaker with a rare manuscript. There is no indication of how Pope Paul III, to whom On the Revolutions was dedicated reacted; however, a trusted advisor, Bartolomeo Spina of Pisa (1474–1546) intended to condemn it but fell ill and died before his plan was carried out (see Rosen, 1975). Thus, in 1600 there was no official Catholic position on the Copernican system, and it was certainly not a heresy.
Tycho Brahe
Tycho Brahe, 14 December 1546 – 24 October 1601), was a Danish nobleman known for his accurate and comprehensive astronomical and planetary observations.
Tycho Brahe, 14 December 1546 – 24 October 1601), was a Danish nobleman known for his accurate and comprehensive astronomical and planetary observations.
After disagreements with the new Danish king Christian IV in 1597, he was invited by the Bohemian king and Holy Roman emperor Rudolph II to Prague, where he became the official imperial astronomer. He built the new observatory at Benátky nad Jizerou. There, from 1600 until his death in 1601, he was assisted by Johannes Kepler who later used Tycho’s astronomical data to develop his three laws of planetary motion.
Some acceptance of the Tychonic system persisted through the 17th century and in places until the early 18th century; it was supported (after a 1633 decree about the Copernican controversy) by “a flood of pro-Tycho literature” of Jesuit origin.
Among pro-Tycho Jesuits, Ignace Pardies declared in 1691 that it was still the commonly accepted system, and Francesco Blanchinus reiterated that as late as 1728.[82] Persistence of the Tychonic system, especially in Catholic countries, has been attributed to its satisfaction of a need (relative to Catholic doctrine) for “a safe synthesis of ancient and modern”.
“The laws of nature are written by the hand of God in the language of mathematics.” – Galileo Galilei (Il Saggiatore, 1623)
Initially a beneficiary of church patronage of astronomy, Galileo rose to prominence with the publication of Sidereus Nuncius, which comprised astronomical observations made possible by the 1608 invention of the telescope. He was feted in Rome, honoured by the Jesuits of the Roman College and received byPope Paul V and church dignitaries
In 1611 Galileo travelled to Rome to present his findings, and was greeted with great acclaim. He demonstrated his observations of Jupiter to Christopher Clavius, a Jesuit at the Collegio Romano and the most respected astronomer in Europe at the time, who confirmed Galileo’s observations and parts of his theses of planetary motion. He was monumentally arrogant, belligerent and abrasive towards any who opposed him.
Controversial Questions’ (don’t you just love that title?), wrote a letter to Galileo in April 1615 outlining the Church’s official position. He pointed out that Copernican theory was perfectly acceptable as a working hypothesis, and if there were proof that the earth circles around the sun, “then we should have to proceed with great circumspection in explaining passages of Scripture which appear to teach the contrary.”
Galileo had no astronomical proof to offer, partly because his own observations did not align properly with his theory. Instead, Galileo proposed as proof a flawed and unconvincing theory that the tides were evidence of the Earth’s rotation (and, incidentally, specifically denying that lunar attraction was involved). In 1616 the Church ordered him to cease and desist his public advocacy of the unproven theory.
n 1623 his friend and supporter Maffeo Barberini ascended to the papacy, and Galileo confidently re-entered the public fray. In the same year he published Il Saggiatore (‘The Assayer’), in which he launched a vicious assault on a treatise on comets by Orazio Grassi, a Jesuit mathematician at the Collegio Romano. Grassi used observations of parallax to argue that comets are further away than the moon; Galileo ridiculed this idea and claimed instead that comets are an optical illusion. His factual error notwithstanding, the harshness of Galileo’s tone permanently soured his relations with the Jesuit order.Pope Urban VIII thoroughly enjoyed the rhetorical flourishes of Galileo’s prose, however, and composed a poem in his honour.
The Jesuits at the Roman College undoubtedly followed Aristotle in philosophy and Ptolemy in astronomy, at least for didactic purposes
Orazio Grassi, S.J. (1 May 1583 – 23 July 1654), was an Italian Jesuit priest, who is best noted as amathematician, astronomer and architect. He was one of the authors in controversy with Galileo Galileion the nature of comets

Giovanni Battista Riccioli[1] (17 April 1598 – 25 June 1671) was an Italian astronomer and a Catholicpriest in the Jesuit order. He is known, among other things, for his experiments with pendulums and with falling bodies, for his discussion of 126 arguments concerning the motion of the Earth, and for introducing the current scheme of lunar nomenclature.
Other 17th Century Jesuit Astronomers:
- Matteo Ricci (1552–1610), Italian mathematician, translator, and noted for his importance to theJesuit China missions.
- Christopher Clavius (1538–1612), German mathematician and astronomer, most noted in connection with the Gregorian calendar, but also his arithmetic books were used by many mathematicians including Leibniz and Descartes.
- François d’Aguilon (1567-1617), Belgian mathematician and physicist who worked on optics.
- Giuseppe Biancani (1566-1624), Italian astronomer and selenographer who wrote Sphaera mundi, seu cosmographia demonstrativa, ac facili methodo tradita.
- Wenceslas Pantaleon Kirwitzer (1588-1626), Czech astronomer and missionary to China.
- Charles Malapert (1581-1630), Belgian astronomer known for observing the stars of the southern sky and being against Copernicus.
- Christoforo Borri (1583–1632), Italian mathematician and astronomy who made observations on the magnetic variation of the compass.
- Christoph Grienberger (1561-1636), Austrian astronomer and mathematician.
- Giovanni Battista Zupi (c.1590-1650), Italian astronomer who discovered that Mercury had orbital phases.
- Alexius Sylvius Polonus (1593-c.1653), Polish astronomer.
- Johann Baptist Cysat (1587-1657), Swiss mathematician and astronomer, who did important research on comets and the Orion nebula.
- Mario Bettinus (1582-1657), Italian mathematician and astronomer..
- André Tacquet (1612-1660), Flemish mathematician whose work prepared the ground for the eventual discovery of calculus.
- Francesco Maria Grimaldi 1618-1663), Italian physicist, who coined the word ‘diffraction’ and used instruments to measure geological features on the Moon.
- Niccolo Zucchi (1586-1670), Italian astronomer known for his study of Jupiter and work ontelescope design.
- Giovanni Battista Riccioli (1598-1671), Italian astronomer who was the first to note that Mizarwas a “double star.”
- Albert Curtz (1600-1671), German astronomer.
- Jacques de Billy (1602-1679), French mathematician who wrote on number theory and astronomy.
- Athanasius Kircher (1601-1680), German who in his Scrutinium Pestis of 1658 he noted the presence of “little worms” or “animalcules” in the blood, and concluded that the disease was caused by micro-organisms. This is antecedent to germ theory.
Cogito ergo sum ~ I think therefore I Am
Rene Descartes laid the foundation for 17th-century continental rationalism, later advocated by Baruch Spinoza and Gottfried Leibniz, and opposed by the empiricist school of thought consisting of Hobbes,Locke, Berkeley, and Hume. Leibniz, Spinoza[citation needed] and Descartes were all well versed in mathematics as well as philosophy, and Descartes and Leibniz contributed greatly to science as well.
In 1607, late because of his fragile health, he entered the Jesuit Collège Royal Henry-Le-Grand at La Flèche where he was introduced to mathematics and physics, including Galileo’s work.

Jean- Fran Fouquet was born in Vézelay in a wealthy family. He studied at Lycée Louis le Grand in Paris. In 1681 he entered the order of the Jesuits. Four years later he taught mathematics. In 1693 he became a priest and in the following year he decided he wanted to volunteer in Asia. In 1699 he arrived in Amoy. Until 1711 he worked in Fujian and Jiangxi, then he was invited to Peking, to teach math and astronomy.
Jean-Félix Picard (21 July 1620 – 12 July 1682) was a French astronomer and priest born in La Flèche, where he studied at the Jesuit Collège Royal Henry-Le-Grand. . He was the first person to measure the size of the Earth to a reasonable degree of accuracy in a survey conducted in 1669–70, for which he is honored with a pyramid at Juvisy-sur-Orge.
While the Kirch Comet of 1680–1681 was discovered by—and subsequently named for—Gottfried Kirch,credit must also be given to Eusebio Kino, the Spanish Jesuit priest who charted the comet’s course.
Jesuit Astronomers with Chinese Scholars in the 18th Century
The Jesuit China missions of the 16th and 17th centuries introduced Western science and astronomy, then undergoing its own revolution, to China. One modern historian writes that in late Ming courts, the Jesuits were “regarded as impressive especially for their knowledge of astronomy, calendar-making, mathematics, hydraulics, and geography.”[4]
The Society of Jesus introduced, according to Thomas Woods, “a substantial body of scientific knowledge and a vast array of mental tools for understanding the physical universe, including the Euclidean geometry that made planetary motion comprehensible.”[5] Another expert quoted by Woods said the scientific revolution brought by the Jesuits coincided with a time when science was at a very low level in China.
On 8 June 1723, Fouquet was received by Pope Innocent XIII. Fouquet met another Chinese in Rome, who offered him help with translating. In 1725 he was appointed as bishop of Eleutheropolis in Palestine.
Johannes Kepler December 27, 1571 – November 15, 1630) was a German mathematician,astronomer, and astrologer. A key figure in the 17th century scientific revolution, he is best known for his laws of planetary motion, based on his works Astronomia nova, Harmonices Mundi, and Epitome of Copernican Astronomy. These works also provided one of the foundations for Isaac Newton‘s theory ofuniversal gravitation.
Modern refracting telescopes are based on a design proposed by Johannes Kepler in 1611 but first constructed by Father Christopher Scheiner some time between 1613 and 1617 (see Timeline of the Telescope).
Why did Scheiner build an astronomical telescope when other scientists of his day seemed quite content with the Galilean telescope? The answer may require looking past Scheiner to his order, the Jesuits. Scheiner’s unorthodoxy regarding telescope construction, use and theory was not out of place in the Jesuits. Another Jesuit of Scheiner’s and Galileo’s time, Niccolo Zucchi, demonstrated that a telescopic effect could be achieved using a combination of parabolic mirrors and lenses instead of just lenses. This crude reflecting telescope was built more than 50 years before Newton’s famous telescope.
The Jesuits also have a connection with the spread of telescope technology beyond Europe. The first telescope in North America was a gift presented by the Jesuits in 1646 to Jean Bourdon, an engineer in New France (modern day Quebec) [_5_] . The first telescope in China was brought there by Johannes Schreck, another Jesuit, in 1621 (his trip from Europe started in 1618) [_6_] . The Jesuit Jean Richaud is wrongly thought to be the first to use telescopes for astronomical purposes in India.
Related and Relevant Sidebar:
The Vatican’s latest ….The L.U.C.I.F.E.R. Telescopethe dedication plaque of the VATT reads:
This new tower for studying the stars has been erected during the XV year of the reign of John Paul II on this peaceful site so fit for such studies, and it has been equipped with a new large mirror for detecting the faintest glimmers of light from distant objects. May whoever searches here night and day the far reaches of space use it joyfully with the help of God.
Why Is the Vatican the Largest and Longest Owners of Telescope Observatories?
“It may be boldly asked where can the man be found, possessing the extraordinary gifts of Newton, who could suffer himself to be deluded by such a hocus-pocus, if he had not in the first instance willfully deceived himself; Only those who know the strength of self-deception, and the extent to which it sometimes trenches on dishonesty, are in a condition to explain the conduct of Newton and of Newton’s school.To support his unnatural theory Newton heaps fiction upon fiction, seeking to dazzle where he cannot convince. In whatever way or manner may have occurred this business, I must still say that I curse this modern history theory of Cosmology, and hope that perchance there may appear, in due time, some young scientists of genius, who will pick up courage enough to upset this universally disseminated delirium of lunatics.”
“Along with the rest of the world I was convinced that all the colors are contained in the light; no one had ever told me anything different, and I had never found the least cause to doubt it, because I had no further interest in the subject…But how I was astonished, as I looked at a white wall through the prism, that it stayed white! That only where it came upon some darkened area, it showed some color, then at last, around the window sill all the colors shone… It didn’t take long before I knew here was something significant about color to be brought forth, and I spoke as through an instinct out loud, that the Newtonian teachings were false.” ~ Johannes Wolfgang Goethe (Source)
Isaac Newton’s Theory of Colors Worked Out With Jesuits of England
Sir Isaac Newton was also engaged in another exchange on his theory of colors with a circle of English Jesuits in Lige, perhaps the most revealing exchange of all. Although their objections were shallow, their contention that his experiments were mistaken lashed him into a fury. The correspondence dragged on until 1678, when a final shriek of rage from Newton, apparently accompanied by a complete nervous breakdown, was followed by silence.
Newton has been identified as a “Grand Master of the Priory of Sion” from 1691-1727 in documents by Pierre Plantard. (source)
- there is a secret society known as the Priory of Sion, which has a long history starting in 1099, and had illustrious Grand Masters including Leonardo da Vinci and Isaac Newton;
- it created the Knights Templar as its military arm and financial branch; and
- it is devoted to installing the Merovingian dynasty, that ruled the Franks from 457 to 751, on the thrones of France and the rest of Europe.
Newton was made President of the Royal Society in 1703 and an associate of the French Academie des Sciences. In his position at the Royal Society, Newton made an enemy of John Flamsteed, the Astronomer Royal, by prematurely publishing Flamsteed’s star catalogue.
…The researchers say that a little known school of scholars in southwest India discovered one of the founding principles of modern mathematics hundreds of years before Newton, a University of Manchester statement says.
Newton‘s supposed “law of gravity,” are what’s truly dubious. Heliocentrists cannot show us a single object massive enough that by virtue of its mass alone, causes other smaller masses to stick to or orbit it as they claim happens with the Sun, Moon, Earth, Stars and Planets. If you cannot give me a single practical example of “gravity” smaller than the Earth or the Sun, then it is merely heresay, not science! ~ Eric Dubay Flat Earth Conspiracy
Newton’s Major Body of Work Heavily Edited by Jesuits
“Newton’s Laws have been responsible for the discovery of planets, for the construction of safe bridges, roads and amusement park rides, for an understanding of the ocean’s tides, and for realistic computer animations and video games,” said Erlich, the Class of 2017 Associate Professor of Physics. “It would be difficult to overstate the importance of at least some of these things.”
After the first edition (hereafter referred to as Newton 1), two subsequent editions were published. The second edition (Newton 2) was published in 1713 and the third edition (Newton 3) in 1726. Then, just over a decade later, comes Newton 4, the so-called Jesuit edition, which was edited by two Minim friars.The Jesuit edition contains commentary that extends to roughly the same length as Newton’s text. The text for the Jesuit edition was, in fact, taken from the Newton 3 edition of the Principia—the last edition to be edited by Newton himself.(Source)
Newton Did Not discover Calculus but Passed on by Jesuits
Dr George Gheverghese Joseph from The University of Manchester says the ‘Kerala School’ identified the ‘infinite series’- one of the basic components of calculus – in about 1350.
The discovery is currently – and wrongly – attributed in books to Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibnitzat the end of the seventeenth centuries.
The discovery is currently – and wrongly – attributed in books to Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibnitzat the end of the seventeenth centuries.
And there is strong circumstantial evidence that the Indians passed on their discoveries to mathematically knowledgeable Jesuit missionaries who visited India during the fifteenth century. (source)
Newton vs. Castel; Theory of Colors
Louis Bertrand Castel (15 November 1688 – 9 January 1757) was a French mathematician born inMontpellier, and entered the order of the Jesuits in 1703.
t was in 1740 that Louis Bertrand Castel published a criticism of Newton’s spectral description of prismatic colour[1] in which he observed that the colours of white light split by a prism depended on the distance from the prism, and that Newton was looking at a special case. It was an argument that Goethelater developed in his Theory of Colours
Roger Joseph Boscovich 18 May 1711 – 13 February 1787) was a Ragusan physicist, astronomer,mathematician, philosopher, diplomat, poet, theologian, Jesuit priest, and a polymath[2] from the city ofDubrovnik in the Republic of Ragusa (modern-day Croatia), who studied and lived in Italy and Francewhere he also published many of his works.[3]
In 1744 he was ordained to the Roman Catholic priesthood
He produced a precursor of atomic theory and made many contributions to astronomy, including the first geometric procedure for determining the equator of a rotating planet from three observations of a surface feature and for computing the orbit of a planet from three observations of its position. In 1753 he also discovered the absence of atmosphere on the Moon.[4
Other Jesuit Astronomers of the 1700’s
- Valentin Stansel (1621 – 1705), Czech astronomer in Brazil, who discovered a comet, that after accurate positions were made via F. de Gottignies in Goa, became known as Estancel-Gottignies
- comet.
- Paolo Casati (1617-1707), Italian scientist, notable in meteorology and speculation onVacuums.
- Franz Reinzer (1661-1708), Austrian writer who wrote about comets, meteors, lightning, winds, fossils, metals, etc.
- Eusebio Kino (1645 – 1711) Trentino missionary, mathematician, cartographer and astronomerwho drew maps based on his explorations first showing that California was not an island as then believed and who published an astronomical treatise in Mexico City based on his observations of the Kirsch Comet.
- Giuseppe Asclepi (1706-1776), Italian astronomer.
- Christian Mayer (1719-1783), Czech astronomer known for his pioneering study of binary stars.
- Roger Joseph Boscovich (1711–1787), an Ragusan Polymath famous for his atomic theory in part. Also for devising perhaps the first geometric procedure for determining the equator of a rotating planet from three observations of a surface feature and for computing the orbit of a planetfrom three observations of its position.
- João de Loureiro (1717–1791), Portuguese mathematician and botanist active in Cochinchina.
- Maximilian Hell (1720-1792), Hungarian director of the Vienna Observatory who wrote astronomy tables and observed the Transit of Venus.
- Ignacije Szentmartony (1718-1793), Croatian who ‘obtained the title of royal mathematician andastronomer’ and used his astronomical knowledge in mapping parts of Brazil.
Someday someone will write a pathology of experimental physics and bring to light all those swindles which subvert our reason, beguile our judgement and, what is worse, stand in the way of any practical progress. The phenomena must be freed once and for all from their grim torture chamber of empiricism, mechanism, and dogmatism; they must be brought before the jury of man’s common sense.— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The 1822 Treaty of Verona
(between Austria, France, Prussia and Russia) the Jesuits agreed to smash the US Constitution and suppress the freedom of the US. Their methods included destroying free speech, destroying and suppressing the press, universal censorship, sustaining the cooperation of the Pope and clergy to use religion to help keep nations in passive obedience and financing wars against countries with representative governments.
The monarchs who signed this treaty were ultimately deposed. Most of these families are very wealthy and may be more powerful today than when they sat upon thrones. They are known collectively as the Black Nobility. Privately these families refuse to recognize any right to rule except their own. The fact that this treaty was made long ago does not mean it is void. The treaty was placed in the Congressional Record on April 25, 1916 by Senator Owen.(source)
The Monroe Doctrine was a U.S. foreign policy regarding domination of the American continent in1823.
The threat under the secret treaty of Verona to suppress popular governments in the American Republics is the basis of the Monroe doctrine. This secret treaty sets forth clearly the conflict between monarchial government and popular government and the government of the few as against the government of the many.
The Holy Alliance made its powers felt by the wholesale drastic suppression of the press in Europe, by universal censorship, by killing free speech and all ideas of popular rights, and by the complete suppression of popular government.
The Holy Alliance having destroyed popular government in Spain and in Italy, had well-laid plans also to destroy popular government in the American colonies which had revolted from Spain and Portugal in Central and South America under the influence of the successful example of the United States.
It was because of this conspiracy against the American Republics by the European monarchies that the great English statesman, Canning, called the attention of our government to it, and our statesmen then, including Thomas Jefferson, took an active part to bring about the declaration by President Monroe in his next annual message to the Congress of the United States that the United States should regard it as an act of hostility to the government of the United States and an unfriendly act if this coalition or if any power of Europe ever undertook to establish upon the American Continent any control of any American Republic or to acquire any territorial rights.
This is the so-called Monroe doctrine.
Fr. Secchi was born in Reggio Emilia, where he studied at the Jesuit gymnasium. At the age of 16, he entered the Jesuit Order in Rome. He continued his studies at the Roman College, and demonstrated great scientific ability. In 1839, he was appointed tutor of mathematics and physics at the College. In 1841, he became Professor of Physics at the Jesuit College in Loreto. In 1844, he began theologicalstudies in Rome, and was ordained a priest on 12 September 1847. In 1848, due to the Roman Revolution, the Jesuits had to leave Rome.
Fr. Secchi spent the next two years in the United Kingdom at Stonyhurst College, and the United States, where he taught for a time at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. He also took his doctoral examination in theology there.
Sidebar: Vastly Changing Distances to the Sun or How Wrong They’ve Been.
Nicolas Copernicus estimated 3 million miles away
Johannes Kepler estimated 12 mill miles away
Isaac Newton, “it matters not if its 24 or 56 mill. miles away, science will find the answer.”
Current Distance Story 93 million miles away.
Royal Astronomical Society
The Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) is a learned society that began as the Astronomical Society of London in 1820 to support astronomical research (mainly carried on at the time by ‘gentleman astronomers‘ rather than professionals). It became the Royal Astronomical Society in 1831 on receiving its Royal Charter from William IV.
India gets Astronomy with help of Jesuits
G.V.Juggarow Observatory, established in 1840, was the earliest private modern Indian as-tronomical observatory that functioned till the turn of the twentieth century. Jesuit priest-astronomers were the real initiators of telescopic astronomy in India, particularly FatherJ.Richaud who carried out systematic observations of binary stars, comets, zodiacal light,dark clouds etc. at Pondicherry from 1689 (Rao et al 1984) http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1103/1103.5104.pdf
Other 19th Century Jesuit Astronomers
- Franz de Paula Triesnecker (1745-1817), Austrian astronomer.
- Angelo Secchi (1818-1878), Italian astronomer who discovered the existence of solar spiculesand drew an early map of Mars.
- Benito Viñes (1837-1893), Spanish scientist who led the Bethlehem College Observatory inHavana and was known as “Father Hurricane” because of his research on hurricanes.
The “consensus” that Catholic faith is somehow opposed to science, and has stifled and restrained it, is a long-held bias based on prejudice and not evidence. At times in the history of science and faith, the truth has been just the other way around.
..” It was about the Belgian Jesuit priest, mathematician and physicist, Father Georges Lemaitre, originator of the Big Bang theory and the man who changed the mind of Albert Einstein on the true origin of the created Universe.
“The term “big bang” was coined by a bitter opponent of the theory: the English astronomer and physicist Fred Hoyle. In 1950, Hoyle gave a series of Saturday night radio talks for the BBC on “The Nature of the Universe.” Detesting the notion that the universe had a beginning, he held a different theory, according to which the universe is eternal. In his concluding talk, Hoyle, striving for a visual image of the theory he opposed, called it “this big bang idea.” The name gradually stuck, without any of the pejorative overtones Hoyle may have intended.” (Source)
At the very end of that post, there is a photograph of Father Lemaitre with Albert Einstein who once told Father Lemaitre in response to his theory about the Big Bang, “Your math is perfect, but your physics is abominable.”
Six years later, in 1933, Einstein declared that his own “Cosmological Constant” – his theory that the Universe always existed – was his greatest error, and he called Father Lemaitre’s work “the most beautiful and satisfactory explanation of creation I have ever heard.” For Einstein to use the “C” word – Creation – was a pivotal moment in modern science.
In 1941, he was elected member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Belgium, and he received the very first Eddington Medal awarded by the Royal Astronomical Society in 1953.
The story of Fr. Lemaitre’s role in modern cosmology was often stifled by science because he was a Catholic priest.
In January 1933, Lemaître and Einstein, who had met on several occasions—in 1927 in Brussels, at the time of a Solvay Conference, in 1932 in Belgium, at the time of a cycle of conferences in Brussels and lastly in 1935 at Princeton—traveled together to the U.S. state of California for a series of seminars.
Newspapers around the world called him a famous Belgian scientist and described him as the leader of the new cosmological physics.

Origins of Man as Told by Jesuits
Pierre |
Teilhard de Chardin | |
![]() |
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881–1955), French palaeontologist and philosopher involved in the discovery of the so-called Peking Man. Teilhard was praised by Pope Benedict XVI, and he was also noted for his contributions to theology in Pope Francis‘ 2015 encyclical Laudato si’.
Beginning in 1887, U.S. scientist Albert Abraham Michelson began to do experiments to try and detect the motion of the earth around the sun by using the speed of light as a barometer. This experiment was called the Michelson-Morley experiment and was famous for one thing: ALL THE RESULTS WERE NEGATIVE.
An interferometer for measuring the motion of the earth around the sun used by Dr. Michelson in 1887.
After serving as professor at Clark University at Worcester, Massachusetts, from 1889 until 1892, Michelson was appointed professor and the first head of the department of physics at the newly organized University of Chicago. With his big salary from Rockefeller, and the Nobel Prize money, Michelson was content not to make WAVES about the non-motion of the earth.
In 1924, Michelson received a huge grant from the university in order to determine the ROTATION of the earth by using the speed of light. This test consisted of a mile long 12 inch tunnel with all the air removed. As expected, all the results were NEGATIVE.
By 1900, the proof of the non-motion of the earth did not cause Michelson to get on his knees and acknowledge that the Bible was correct after all. Had he and the “scientific” community done so, the whole evolutionary house of sand would have come crashing down. That is the last thing that the Jesuits wanted. Their answer was to use Albert Einstein to invent a completely new theory of the universe called RELATIVITY. So now the scene shifts from the U.S. to Switzerland and an obscure clerk in the Swiss Patent Office named Albert Einstein.
Einstein and Michelson at the Mount Wilson Observatory in 1931.
“Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.”
Nikola Tesla
Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and the Vatican
Let Him Prey: High-Ranking Jesuits Helped Keep Pedophile Priest Hidden
Jesuits, Pedophiles,The Power Rangers And The Illuminati
Jesuits pay record $166.1 million in child abuse case
Sovereign Military Order of Malta
That’s just an elaborate front… As the name Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) confirms, it is a military order based on the crusader Knights Hospitaller of Jerusalem and is interwoven with Freemasonry. Most people have never even heard of SMOM, much less that it is a part of Freemasonry. But that is the way the aristocratic elite like it.
(same double eagle as Freemasonry, Nazi Germany, Vatican and Rothschild Shield–ed.)
One of the symbols of the military orders of the Vatican, the masonic double-headed eagle emblazoned with the Maltese cross, signifies omnipotent royal dominion over both East and West. The orb signifies temporal dominion over the globe of Earth, and the scepter signifies control over the spiritual and religious impulses of humanity.
This eagle symbol is used in the masonic rite of Memphis and Misraim, under which it reads, “Order Out of Chaos”, the Hegelian method of crisis creation. It is found on the seals of many European and Eurasian nation states including that of Russia, indicating direct Vatican control over those countries. (Source)
More on the Double-headed Eagle and the ‘Redshilds’
The two-headed eagle emblem of the Byzantine Empire (Roman Empire) on a Red Shield was adopted in 1743 by the infamous goldsmith Amschel Moses Bauer. He opened a coin shop in Frankfurt, Germany and hung above his door this Roman eagle on a red shield. The shop became known as the “Red Shield firm”. The German word for ‘red shield’ is Rothschild. After this point, the Rothschilds became the bankers to kings and pontiffs alike, among the richest families in the world. Ever since, they have financed both sides of every major war and revolution using the Hegelian Dialectic to engineer society toward their New World Order.The Rothschilds and their agents, such as the Rockefellers, have been engineering America and its foreign policy almost since its inception. They and their Skull and Bones Wall Street partners staged and funded both sides in WWII, and out of that hellish nightmare was born their infant global government, the United Nations, and their tool of tyranny, the CIA. The father of the CIA, “Wild Bill” Donovan, was a Knight of Malta. In order to be a director of the CIA you must be a crusading Knight of Malta and it doesn’t hurt if you are a member of Skull and Bones either. In order to reach the highest levels in the Pentagon establishment, you must be an illuminated Freemason and/or a Knight of one order or another. Notable US military members of SMOM include top crusading generals such as Alexander Haig, William Westmoreland, and Charles A. Willoughby, an admitted Fascist.Other notable members include:
- Reinhard Gehlen (Nazi war criminal)
- Heinrich Himmler (Nazi war criminal)
- Kurt Waldheim (Nazi war criminal)
- Franz von Papen (Hitler enabler)
- Fritz Thyssen (Hitler’s financier)
- Rupert Murdoch
- Tony Blair
- Pat Buchanan
- William F. Buckley, Jr.
- Precott Bush, Jr.
- Edward Egan (Archbishop NY)
- Licio Gelli
- Ted Kennedy
- David Rockefeller
- Phyllis Schlafly (Dame)
- J. Edgar Hoover
- Joseph Kennedy
- Henry Luce
- Thomas ‘Tip’ O’Neill
- Ronald E. Reagan
- Giscard d’Estaing
- Allen Dulles
- Avery Dulles
- Frank C Carlucci
- Nelson Mandela
- Rick Santorum
- Juan Carlos (King of Spain and Jerusalem)
- Oliver North
- George H.W Bush
- Augusto Pinochet
- William Randolph Hearst
- Francis L. Kellogg
- Hilary Clinton Grand (Dame)
- Nelson Mandela
Blackwater/Academia/Xe and the Knights of Malta Connection
Malta Star | Sep 29, 2007
An American investigative journalist compared the US firm Blackwater, the biggest security services provider in post war Iraq, to the Knights of Malta.
The company is currently in the midst of a controversy after some of its 20,000 personnel stationed in Iraq killed a number of civilians.
In his book, ‘Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army’, Jeremy Scahill links the modern security firm to the Knights of Malta.
The writer argues that “Blackwater’s employees… share the same religious zeal of ancient crusaders”, the Egyptian weekly newspaper Al-Ahram reported.
All the top Nazis in our government are connected in some way to the Vatican, Jesuits and Knights of Malta and have been for decades, as were the Italian Fascists and German Nazis of WWII. After all, what was their favorite symbol after the swastika? The Maltese Cross of course!(Dejan Lucic–source)
Blackwater/Xe is more than just a “private army”, and much more than just another capitalist war-profiteering business operation.
It is an army operating outside all laws, outside and above the US Constitution and yet is controlled by people within and outside our government whose allegiance is primarily to the foreign Vatican state. In other words, Blackwater/Xe is a religious army serving the Pope in Rome through the Order of Malta, which is itself considered under international law, as a sovereign entity with special diplomatic powers and privileges.
Like Blackwater, the Order of Malta is “untouchable” because it is at the heart of the elite aristocracy.~Source
“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” – President Woodrow Wilson
Who formed the CIA? It was a Catholic Knight of Malta, William “Wild Bill” Donovan. He was considered the “father of the CIA.” he was also the former head of the OSS before he was used to create the CIA.
Donovan was given an especially prestigious form of knighthood that has only been given to a hundred other men in history.
Over the years there have been many CIA bosses who were also Knights of Malta and/or Jesuit trained.
And Who Formed the FBI?
It was a powerful Roman Catholic who was also a Knight of Malta and a trustee of The Catholic University of America. Charles Joseph Bonaparte.
“The degree of Knight of Malta is conferred in the United States as “an appendant Order” in a Commandery of Knights Templar. ~Source
Harry Truman was put in office by the Jesuits, the Pensergast Democratic machine in Missouri. Harry Truman takes over after FDR’s murder, because he was murdered in the home of Bernard Baruch. When he did that, he then finished up the war with the hoax called the dropping of the nuclear bombs, to purposely create this greater hoax called the Cold War, that would enable the Vatican to knock over country after country after country, and replace the leaders with dictators, subordinate to the Pope. That was the purpose of the Cold War.
And so, when Harry Truman in 1950 signed into law the Emergency War Powers Act, the Cold War was in full force. They were building bomb shelters, etc. So the nation was in kind of a frenzy.
When he signed this into law, it put the whole country under military or martial law, and that’s when the flags in every courtroom, state and federal, began to be changed. And every state flag and every U.S. flag is now trimmed in gold fringe. And whenever you see a flag trimmed in gold fringe, that means that it is the flag of the Commander-in-Chief. Now, if it’s the state flag, it means that’s the flag of the governor, as Commander-in-Chief. And if it’s the federal flag, or the national flag, more correctly, it’s the flag of the Commander-in-Chief in Washington.
So, all your courts are nothing more than courts of military rule. They all proceed with summary procedures. The jury has no power of jury nullification. And they are simply enforcing the laws of the Empire, which I call 14th Amendment America, which is a military-style, King of England-style country. The courts are nothing more than courts of the king’s bench, as you can see in Blackstone’s Commentaries.
And the banks, as you walk into every bank, they all have a flag trimmed in gold fringe. The bank is what England would call, in Blackstone’s day, the king’s bank. So, we have the king’s bank, and we have the king’s bench. And it’s run according to military rule, according to Berkheimer’s great work Military Rule And Martial Law, published in 1914.
When Harry Truman did this, there was a consummation of a great plan to put us under the Emergency War Powers Act and, actually, a war rule. “Daylight savings time” is what was called “war time”. This country only went to daylight savings time during World War II, and they called it, at that time, war time. So, nothing’s changed. We’ve never gone back to not turning back our clocks. We’re still on war time. The income tax is a war tax. It was called a victory tax in 1942.
So, people are paying a war tax, they’re under war time, they’re under an emergency war powers act, and the courts are war courts.
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Member: Knights of Malta
Member: Bilderberg Group
Member: Council On Foreign Relations
Member: Trilaterial Commission
Advisor: Jesuit Georgetown University
Polish Roman Catholic Socialist-Communist
Professor: Columbia University, New York
Recruiter of Barry Soetoro, 1981
Creator of “Barack Hussein Obama”
Member: Knights of Malta
Member: Bilderberg Group
Member: Council On Foreign Relations
Member: Trilaterial Commission
Advisor: Jesuit Georgetown University
Polish Roman Catholic Socialist-Communist
Professor: Columbia University, New York
Recruiter of Barry Soetoro, 1981
Creator of “Barack Hussein Obama”
George Soros
Member: Council on Foreign Relations
Member: Carlyle Group
Major Stockholder: Halliburton
Hungarian Jew: Socialist-Communist
Financial Backer of Barack Hussein Obama
Friend of Rupert Murdoch
Freemasonic Jewish Labor Zionist
“Court Jew for the Pope”
Member: Council on Foreign Relations
Member: Carlyle Group
Major Stockholder: Halliburton
Hungarian Jew: Socialist-Communist
Financial Backer of Barack Hussein Obama
Friend of Rupert Murdoch
Freemasonic Jewish Labor Zionist
“Court Jew for the Pope”
Rupert Murdoch, Media Group, Fox News
Member: Council on Foreign Relations
Member: Knights of St. Gregory
International Media Mogul
Owner: Fox News Network
Friend of George Soros
Occult Protector of Barack Hussein Obama
Member: Council on Foreign Relations
Member: Knights of St. Gregory
International Media Mogul
Owner: Fox News Network
Friend of George Soros
Occult Protector of Barack Hussein Obama
Joseph R. Biden
Papal Knight; Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor
Vice President: Rome’s “Holy Roman”
14th Amendment American Empire
Alter Ego: Jesuit Advisor to
President Barry Davis Obama
Promoter: Council on Foreign Relations
Honorary Degrees:
Jesuit University of Scranton, Scranton, PA
Jesuit St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA
Papal Knight; Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor
Vice President: Rome’s “Holy Roman”
14th Amendment American Empire
Alter Ego: Jesuit Advisor to
President Barry Davis Obama
Promoter: Council on Foreign Relations
Honorary Degrees:
Jesuit University of Scranton, Scranton, PA
Jesuit St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA
Barry Davis
“Barack Hussein Obama”
32nd Degree Prince Hall Freemason
President of Rome’s “Holy Roman,”
14th Amendment American Empire
Sunni Moslem, Pretended Protestant Christian
Mulatto: Mulatto Father, White Mother
Father: Frank Marshall Davis, Jr.
Wife: Michelle, Member: Chicago CFR
Obama: CFR-Controlled and CFR Spokesperson
Obama: Promoted by the late William F. Buckley, Jr.
Buckley: Knight of Malta, Bonesman, Bilderberger, CFR Member
Buckley: Promoter of Reverse Discrimination against Whites
Buckley: Promoter of a Coming Black President
Obama: Trained in Romanism, Islam and Apostate Protestantism
Obama: “Nimrod”; Pretended Unifier of Whites and Blacks
Obama: Promoter of the Papal Crusade against Shia Islam
Obama: Promoter of Bush’s Papal Inquisition
Against Protestant American Liberties
Obama: Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor
Promotor of the Black Pope’s Counter-Reformation
Barry Davis: “Boy” of Pope Benedict XVI (Source)
“Barack Hussein Obama”
32nd Degree Prince Hall Freemason
President of Rome’s “Holy Roman,”
14th Amendment American Empire
Sunni Moslem, Pretended Protestant Christian
Mulatto: Mulatto Father, White Mother
Father: Frank Marshall Davis, Jr.
Wife: Michelle, Member: Chicago CFR
Obama: CFR-Controlled and CFR Spokesperson
Obama: Promoted by the late William F. Buckley, Jr.
Buckley: Knight of Malta, Bonesman, Bilderberger, CFR Member
Buckley: Promoter of Reverse Discrimination against Whites
Buckley: Promoter of a Coming Black President
Obama: Trained in Romanism, Islam and Apostate Protestantism
Obama: “Nimrod”; Pretended Unifier of Whites and Blacks
Obama: Promoter of the Papal Crusade against Shia Islam
Obama: Promoter of Bush’s Papal Inquisition
Against Protestant American Liberties
Obama: Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor
Promotor of the Black Pope’s Counter-Reformation
Barry Davis: “Boy” of Pope Benedict XVI (Source)
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