It may be boldly asked where can the man be found, possessing the extraordinary gifts of Newton, who could suffer himself to be deluded by such a hocus-pocus, if he had not in the first instance willfully deceived himself;Only those who know the strength of self-deception, and the extent to which it sometimes trenches on dishonesty, are in a condition to explain the conduct of Newton and of Newton’s school. To support his unnatural theory Newton heaps fiction upon fiction, seeking to dazzle where he cannot convince.In whatever way or manner may have occurred this business, I must still say that I curse this modern history theory of Cosmology, and hope that perchance there may appear, in due time, some young scientists of genius, who will pick u courage enough to upset this universally disseminated delirium of lunatics. ~ Goethe
“And out of those two halves he formed heaven and earth, between them the middle sphere, the eight points of the horizon, and the eternal abode of the waters.”
The Laws of Manu
1. Aditya (the sun) is Brahman.
In the beginning this was non-existent. It became existent, it grew. It turned into an egg. The egg lay for the time of a year. The egg broke open. The two halves were one of silver, the other of gold.
2. The silver one became this earth, the golden one the sky, the thick membrane (of the white) the mountains, the thin membrane (of the yoke) the mist with the clouds, the small veins the rivers, the fluid the sea.
3. And what was born from it that was Aditya, the sun. When he was born shouts of hurrah arose, and all beings arose, and all things which they desired. Therefore whenever the sun rises and sets, shouts of hurrah arise, and all beings arise, and all things which they desire.
Khandogya-Upanishad Part 2, Third Prapathaka Nineteenth Khanda
The Churning of the Milky Ocean (Milky Way) is a famous and sacred teaching from the Hindu text the Mahabharata. To churn the ocean they used the Serpent King, Vasuki, for their churning-string. For a churning pole they use Mount Mandara placed on the back of a Great Tortoise – the Kurma Avatar of Vishnu. As the gods and demons churned the sea, a terrible poison issued out of its depths which enveloped the universe.

The Maize God is reborn from a turtle carapace by his sons the Hero Twins. This turtle is the double-headed turtle that cracks open for the rebirth of the Maize God (seen as a serpent below).
In the Aztec creation story, as the gods continued to create, they had a problem – their creations would fall into the water and be eaten by the dreadful Cipactli. So it was time for war – the four gods attacked the sea monster, pulling her in four directions. She fought back, biting Tezcatlipoca and tearing off his foot. But at last Cipactli was destroyed. From this enormous creature the universe was created. All the 13 heavens stretch into her head. The earth was created in the middle, and her tail reaches down to the underworld (Mictlán) (nine underworlds, to be exact). You could say that in the Aztec creation story the world is on the back of this sea monster, floating in the water of space(reminiscent of the Iroquois belief that the world rests on the back of a turtle).

In Ancient Chinese, the early Jesuit scholars were the first Europeans to gain access to the Chinese ‘book of all knowledge’ from ancient times. This 4,320-volume collection told of the repercussions of mankind’s rebellion against the gods: “The Earth was shaken to its foundations. The sky sank lower towards the north. The sun, moon, and stars changed their motions. The Earth fell to pieces and the waters in its bosom rushed upwards with violence and overflowed the Earth.”
The legend of Nvwa Mending the Sky is one of the most representative myths about the world creation in ancient China. Legend has it that in remote antiquity, the four pillars supporting the sky suddenly broke and as a result, the sky had chasms and couldn’t fully cover the earth. The land on earth also spilt open and couldn’t sustain things on top of it. At that time, raging flames ripped through the earth, where torrential flood water, ferocious beasts and birds also wrecked havoc on people’s lives.
Seeing that human beings were suffering such disasters, Nvwa tried everything she could to mend the sky. She selected all types of five-coloured stones, melted them into slurry over fire and filled the chasms with the slurry. Later, she cut off the feet of a big turtle to prop up the sky. Afterwards,she killed the black dragon that caused floods and other disasters and the ferocious beasts and birds harming people. At last, she burnt reeds into ashes and piled them up to block flood water. Thus, disasters were conquered and mankind was saved.
Seeing that human beings were suffering such disasters, Nvwa tried everything she could to mend the sky. She selected all types of five-coloured stones, melted them into slurry over fire and filled the chasms with the slurry. Later, she cut off the feet of a big turtle to prop up the sky. Afterwards,she killed the black dragon that caused floods and other disasters and the ferocious beasts and birds harming people. At last, she burnt reeds into ashes and piled them up to block flood water. Thus, disasters were conquered and mankind was saved.
There was a fight between the god of water Gonggong and the god of fire Zhurong. When Gonggong lost the fight, he smashed his head against Mount Buzhou out of fury. Since Mount Buzhou was a pillar holding up the sky, the sky began to fall and caused a lot of damage. Because of that, people’s lives became miserable. Nüwa was really concerned about her people so she picked out colourful stones in Mount Tiantai and used them to seal the broken sky. In this way peace and happiness returned to mankind.
Belief in a flat Earth is found in mankind’s oldest writings. In early Mesopotamian thought, the world was portrayed as a flat disk floating in the ocean, and this forms the premise for early Greek maps such as those of Anaximander and Hecataeus of Miletus.
Some theologians and biblical researchers maintain that at least some of the writers of the Old Testament books of the Bible had a Babylonian world view, according to which Earth is flat and stands on pillars, and is covered by a solid sky-dome (the Firmament). The firmament was the heaven in which God set the sun ( Psalm 19:5) and the stars ( Gen 1:14). The flat earth concept appears to be mentioned in ( Isaiah 40:22) where it speaks of God “dwelling above the circle of earth” which means a literal circle, from the Hebrew word “chuwg”.

The Antarctic Ice Circle around the Flat Earth

$5,000 for Proving the Earth is a Globe
Post and Gatty didn’t fly around the world, according to Wilbur Glenn Voliva, they merely flew in a circle around the North Pole. This article presents Voliva’s theory of a flat world, and tells you how you can win his offer of $5,000 for proving that he is wrong.
WOULD you like to earn $5,000? If you can prove that the world is a sphere, floating in space, turning on its own axis, revolving around the sun, you can earn a prize of that amount. Such a prize has been posted for years, offered by Wilbur Glenn Voliva, general overseer of Zion, 111., home of the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church, founded some thirty years ago by the late John Alexander Dowie.
Many have tried to claim the $5,000—and all have failed. The catch is that your proof must not start with the assumption that the world is round, or rather a globe, for Voliva believes the world is round, but a round, flat disc rather than a sphere. Without that basic premise that the earth is spherical no one has found an absolutely convincing proof that Voliva is wrong when he describes his disc-shaped world, firmly planted on its foundations, surrounded by a wall of ice to keep mariners from falling off the edge, and surmounted by a crystal dome in which the stars are hung like chandeliers to light the night. Nor can you submit proof to absolutely disprove the belief of Voliva that the sun, instead of being an 800,000 mile ball of fire more than ninety millions of miles away is really a fairly insignificant affair, only some 27 to 30 miles in diameter and about 3,000 miles above the earth. Or that the sun and moon move in orbits while the earth stands still, that the moon is about the same size as the sun and the same distance from the earth, shines by its own light, and moves in much the same orbit as the sun.
“They want you to believe that the Moon’s rotation is perfectly synchronized with its orbit so that’s why we only ever see one side of the Moon, rather than conclude the obvious – that the Moon is simply NOT rotating. Moreover, they had to slow down the Moon’s speed by 58,870 mph AND reverse its direction to West-East to successfully sell their phony heliocentricity system to a gullible public. I don’t think there is one person in many, many thousands – regardless of education – who knows that the Copernican Model had to turn the Moon’s observable direction around and give it a new speed to accommodate the phases and eclipses.” -Marshall Hall
What makes the orbital rings expand and contract to inner and outer limits of seasons is unknown and another mystery.
Believe them or your own lying eyes?
Sun and Moon are same size. Moon is luminous and pourous. Antarctic is a South CIRCLE not a pole which holds in one OCEAN. Sun and moon are said to be 233 miles wide and some 3000 miles above us on our plane earth.

“Circular sailing no more proves the world to be a globe than an equilateral triangle. The sailing round the world would, of course, take very much longer, but, in principle, it is exactly the same as that of the yachtsman circumnavigating the Isle of Wight. Let me give a simple illustration. A boy wants to sail his iron toy boat by a magnet, so he gets a basin, in the middle of which he places a soap-dish, or anything else which he may think suitable to represent the Earth, and then fills the basin with water to display the sea.
He puts in his boat and draws it by the magnet round his little world. But the boat never passes over the rim to sail under the basin, as if that were globular, instead of being simply circular. So is it in this world of ours; from the extreme South we can sail from East to West or from West to East around it, but we cannot sail from North to South or from South to North, for we cannot break through intervening lands, nor pass the impenetrable ramparts of ice and rocks which enclose the great Southern Circumference.” -David Wardlaw Scott, “Terra Firma”

Flat Earthers look up to Sky where beads (stars) through the firmament shine, meaning there is a light outside of the darkness of our enclosed capsule.

1,000 mph revolution everyday, 1,000 mp/second around the Sun and over 500 mph trucking around the Solar System and we feel nothing.
NASA 3D Imagery. Antarctic CIRCLE surrounding a Flat Earth!
IN PLAIN SIGHT; Dept of Defense Official Logo, Oval Earth, NO Antarctica
United Nations Emblem w/o AnTarctic shown on Flat Earth plus Freemason outlay.
The UN building is 39 (13x3) stories high and sits on land donated by Mason David Rockefeller. The United Nations flag shows the globe divided into 33 sections encircled by olive branches. The flag also happens to be blue just like the first 3 “blue degrees” of Masonry. There are 13 degrees of York-Rite Masonry and 33 degrees of Scottish-Rite.

English musician Thomas Dolby released an album called The Flat Earth, has used the name Flat Earth Society for his website forums, and has linked to information relating to the flat earth myth. Thomas Dolby also holds the place as the first member since the Flat Earth Society reopened membership.

Google Earth Day Logo
The Hunab Ku symbolises the source, the cosmic essence of our being. It is the ‘womb of creation’from which all the stars and planets of our galaxy, including our Solar System, have been created.
This is the most sacred symbol for the Highest Authority of the Milky Way galaxy in Maya tradition.
This is the most sacred symbol for the Highest Authority of the Milky Way galaxy in Maya tradition.
“I smote the earth and broke it as an egg is broken; for I would cut loose the bound in heaven. Then all the tribes of men cried out: There is a Mazda! An All Power Unseen!”
I’hua’Mazda said, Book of God’s Word, Ch. I
The ancient goddess Nuit is an archetype of the nights sky. She is often depicted as being “held up.”
In this ancient depiction, the sun god has wings, and also has two serpents, and it sits behind the stars. Notice the boats too.

Greater Bundahishn CH XXXIV:
16. During the performance of that renovation of the universe [Frashegird], those holy men and women will come to the help of Soshyant.
17. And as [the dragon] Gochihr within the celestial sphere shall fall from the base of the moon on to the earth, the earth shall have such distress as that of a sheep when a wolf tears off its wool.
18. Then fire and Airyaman Yazad will melt the metal which is within the hills and mountains, and it will remain on this earth like a river.
16. During the performance of that renovation of the universe [Frashegird], those holy men and women will come to the help of Soshyant.
17. And as [the dragon] Gochihr within the celestial sphere shall fall from the base of the moon on to the earth, the earth shall have such distress as that of a sheep when a wolf tears off its wool.
18. Then fire and Airyaman Yazad will melt the metal which is within the hills and mountains, and it will remain on this earth like a river.
19. And then they will cause all men to pass into that melted metal, and will make them pure.
And the dragon Gochihr will be burnt by that melted metal, [and the metal will flow into the wicked existence, and] the stench and contamination within [the earth,where] the wicked existence was, will be consumed by that metal, and it will become pure. The hollow where through the Evil Spirit had entered is closed with that metal.
And the dragon Gochihr will be burnt by that melted metal, [and the metal will flow into the wicked existence, and] the stench and contamination within [the earth,where] the wicked existence was, will be consumed by that metal, and it will become pure. The hollow where through the Evil Spirit had entered is closed with that metal.
32. They will bring that wicked existence of the earth back to the expanse of the world, and there will be renovation [frashegird] in the universe, the world will become immortal at will, up to eternity and eternal progress.
In the Iranian Bundahishn the “targets over the sky” are called the ‘Path of Kayus’ (Milky Way), and the Path of the Dragon Gochihr (the great one of the middle of the sky) is presumably the ecliptic, since the seven planets are the head and tail of Gochihar.
Gochihr stood in the middle of the sky, like a dragon, its Head in Gemini and Tail in Sagittarius, as there are always six constellations betwixt its Head and Tail; its motion is backward; every ten years, its tail returns there where is its head and its head returns there where is its tail.
Chaco Canyon New Mexico “Sundagger” Faja da butte
The Vedas also speak of a “submarine fire” which:
” …consumeth the waters of the great Ocean, [and which] became like unto a large horse’s head which persons conversant with the Vedas call by the name of Vadavamukha. And emitting itself from that mouth it consumeth the waters of the mighty ocean.”

“I smote the earth and broke it as an egg is broken; for I would cut loose the bound in heaven. Then all the tribes of men cried out: There is a Mazda! An All Power Unseen!”
I’hua’Mazda said, Book of God’s Word, Ch. I
The Maya world tree has a serpent in the sky:
Chich’en Itza is a remarkable place, I have been there on the equinox, and during the fall and spring equinoxes, the sun’s shadow forms an enormous snake’s body, which lines up with the carved stone snake head at the bottom of the Castillo pyramid. It depicts the return of the serpent sun god.
“The Maya name “Chich’en Itza” means “The Mouth of the Well of the Magicians of Water.” (Water here could read milky way which was known all over the ancient world as an ocean, or it could mean those magicians that can bring water / deluge).
The Systems of the World in 1651 According to Father Riccioli
(this gave the false choice of a spheroid earth being geocentric or heliocentric and eliminated discussion of a stationary flat earth model)

“When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
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