So an American aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf, which Iran practically owns, is not in and of itself a provocation?
The claim is that the "zika virus" just suddenly did it all, but that defies all logic.
This article is getting hacked, with the hacks removing key words and phrases that tie it all together. Why would this article need to be baby sat?
"I'll tell you what is going on here - VIRTUALLY ASSURED: Bill Gates or some other slime ball released a new vaccine in response to the autism uproar, which was to be administered to women while pregnant, to destroy the baby en utero so post-birth vaccines would not be blamed for brain damage they want to do to ALL children to make them more manageable under tyranny and they are no longer completely getting away with doing this."
The new "Autism", titled "Microcephaly" has destroyed more than 2,400 Brazilian newborn babies en utero in only the past 2 months with ZERO DESTROYED IN THE MONTHS PRIOR and is stated to be caused when a pregnant mother is bitten by the mosquito carried African zika virus, which recently "made it's debut" in Brazil in 2015. But the pattern of symptoms does not match the virus which has been proven to have infected humans since 1954 and has never previously been associated with shrunken brains in newborn babies, nor does the geographic propagation pattern match the natural propagation pattern of a mosquito carried virus that would cause undersized brains in newborn babies if it really did exist.This "shrunken brain" issue in newborns was just suddenly in Brazil as if someone flipped a switch, and the only way that could really happen is via the sudden arrival of a new brain destroying MMR vaccine, which all pregnant Latin American women are strongly encouraged to get before week 22 of pregnancy. This perfectly matches the probable arrival of the real culprit - a tainted MMR vaccine, which if administered in May (when this virus supposedly arrived) would be causing precisely the shrunken newborn baby brain problems Brazilians are having now, right on schedule.
The claim is that a mosquito naturally carried this disease across almost all of South and Central America in only six months. This defies all logic because mosquitoes have a life cycle that is too long for immediate propagation and won't fly more than a mile from where they hatch, which would limit the movement of a totally new disease to a mile or so a month, not 30 miles a day. A continent wide outbreak of a totally new virus is not the same thing as an outbreak of malaria, which is already everywhere and only needs the correct conditions to bring it forward. As standing proof of the impossibility any totally new host/carrier/host dependent disease could naturally propagate so rapidly, just look at how long it took the killer bee which needs no intermediate host to propagate through south and central America. It took the killer bee decades to do so and bees can fly miles in a day. And the killer bee was not host dependent, which in the case of the Zika virus, which is host dependent might permanently quarantine such a virus to a small area via demography alone. Additionally, if the zika virus spread so readily, it should have made it to Brazil from Africa during the first periods of air traffic 50 years ago, traveling to Brazil via infected passengers, who would then pass it along to the Brazilian mosquitoes. If it was as contagious as they claim, and it really did shrink baby brains, it should have been decades old news.ADDITIONALLY, AND EVEN MORE IMPORTANT IS THAT SOME OF THE NEWS RELEASES RELATED TO THIS "DISEASE" ARE DATED 2016, WHICH MEANS SOMEONE IS DOING IT AND THE MEDIA RELEASE WAS PRE PLANNED, TO MAKE THE SPREAD OF THE DISEASE APPEAR TO SPAN MORE THAN A YEAR, WHEN IT HAS NOT.
The first undersized brains from this disease were first seen in Brazil IN NOVEMBER OF 2015. IF SO, I'd like an explanation for how this virus, which has NEVER been associated with small brains before suddenly caused more than 2,400 children in Brazil to be born with undersized brains SINCE NOVEMBER OF THIS YEAR and has now been pinned to RECENTLY BORN babies with undersized brains in far away Mexico, when according to the story it arrived in Mexico in November of 2015? THERE IS NO WAY IN * THIS DISEASE WENT FROM BRAZIL TO PERU TO MEXICO TO ALL ACROSS THE CARIBBEAN IN ONLY SIX MONTHS UNLESS SOMEONE DID IT BY INTENT, OR THERE IS NO ZIKA DISEASE AT ALL, AND IT IS ALL A VACCINE SCAM, SPREAD RAPIDLY VIA REFRIGERATED BOEING JUMBO JETS.Here is the wiki:
"In May 2015, Brazil officially reported its first 16 cases of the illness.[9] According to the Brazilian Health Ministry, as of November 2015 there was no official count of the number of people infected with the virus in Brazil, the disease being not subject to compulsory notification. Even so, cases were reported in 14 States of the country. Mosquito-borne Zika virus is suspected to be the cause of 2,400 cases of microcephaly and 29 infant deaths in Brazil in 2015.[10]" interesting, when it has never been associated with that before! "The emergence of Zika virus in South America led to a rapid spread throughout South and Central America, reaching Mexico in November 2015"My response: Yep, it is in Wikipedia, which anyone can write to, including those involved in this plot, and they can just make it all look normal. Yep, symbiotic host/carrier/host diseases just rip across continents to all corners in months, faster than a bush tribesman could travel! IT REALLY IS THAT WAY, Wikipedia said so!
REALITY: This is a host/carrier/host disease which requires new mosquitos to be born before it can spread. This makes it absolutely impossible for it to rip across the entirety of Latin America, from Chile to Brazil to Mexico in only six months. It would take DECADES for that process to complete. But 20 Boeing jets could carry the real brain shrinking cause via vaccines to all corners of Latin America in only 12 hours, with the zika mosquito being a convenient scapegoat for the devastation that followed.Here is another wiki quote:
"The first human cases were reported in Nigeria in 1954.[3] A few outbreaks have been reported in tropical Africa and in some areas in Southeast Asia.[4] By using phylogenetic analysis of Asian strains it was estimated that Zika virus had moved to Southeast Asia by 1945.[2] In 1977 - 1978 Zika virus infection was described as a cause of fever in Indonesia.[5]The first major outbreak, with 185 confirmed cases, was reported in 2007 in the Yap Islands of the Federated States of Micronesia.[6] A total of 108 cases were confirmed by PCR or serology and 72 additional cases were suspected. The most common symptoms were rash, fever, arthralgia and conjunctivitis, and no deaths were reported. The mosquito Aedes hensilli, which was the predominant species identified in Yap during the outbreak, was probably the main vector of transmission. While the way of introduction of the virus on Yap Island remains uncertain, it is likely to have happened through introduction of infected mosquitoes or a viraemic human with a strain related to those in Southeast Asia.[2][6] This was also the first time Zika fever had been reported outside Africa and Asia.[7]"
My response: ALL OF THAT, AND IT WAS NEVER ASSOCIATED WITH SHRUNKEN BABY BRAINS UNTIL IT HIT BRAZIL, WHERE IT JUST SUDDENLY WHACKED THE BABY BRAINS OUT OF 2400 PREGNANT MOMS! See what I am getting at here? And if they change things, and say this disease has a history of shrinking baby brains, remember, up until now IT WAS NOT SO, so something else is causing the brain destroyed babies, it is not any "zika disease", something else is causing it and I guess they figured "zika" sounded spooky enough to blame it all on while they proceed to blow baby brains out with pre-natal pregnancy vaccinations. In many Latin American countries, women are strongly encouraged to get the MMR vaccine no more than 22 weeks into a pregnancy. Since the story line behind the Zika explanation is patent bullshit, another vector is being used, which leaves only the previously harmless MMR vaccine as the only available real "shrunken brain" transmission vector, BET ON IT.
Additionally, they would never release such a disease with the mosquito as the carrier, because the tribe is everywhere, Kikedom has infiltrated all corners of the earth and they won't make themselves vulnerable to their own weapon. That means their weapon has to stay safely within needles and vials, to be separated out by marking "Ashkenazi" on the race card questionnaire handed out by every single hospital they will ever go to. Those who identify their race as "Asheknazi" will get a differently sourced vaccine. Ok so to sum this up:1. Prior to 2015, the Zika virus was never associated with shrunken brains in newborn babies.
2. The propagation pattern is impossible, no mosquito borne disease that requires and intermediate host can get to all corners of a continent in only six months. Such a rapid propagation would require the disease to move 33 miles a day, day after day. Mosquitos do not breed, infect, lay eggs and hatch young to re-infect any faster than two weeks and won't fly more than half a mile during their lives, and if movement of people could spread it so fast, it would have happened decades ago. This disease might take six months to go 30 miles, not go 30 miles in a day!
3. The Zika virus has been known about since the 1950's, and requires a carrier host during it's life cycle. If it is so contagious it can rip across a continent via mosquitoes alone in only six months, which would require people flying around on airplanes to do, then it should have traveled across the ocean to Brazil as fast as an airplane can fly along with an infected host carrier from Africa, more than 50 years ago.
4. The autism / child vaccination link has now been so firmly drawn that the scammers need an entirely new venue before they get totally busted, and pre-birth vaccines have to be that venue. They need a safe way to do this and they are not going to get the job done by letting their weapon loose in the wild, where it can jump out of the bushes and nail them. They need a scapegoat for the intellectual damage they need to cause to maintain their future tyranny, and the zika virus is virtually assured to be their chosen scapegoat.
5. They claim this disease is ripping through the Caribbean island nations. QUESTION: HOW DOES A MOSQUITO BORNE ILLNESS, WHICH TOOK 50 YEARS TO JUMP FROM AFRICA TO LATIN AMERICA END UP PROPAGATING THROUGHOUT THE CARIBBEAN IN ONLY A FEW MONTHS, WHEN EACH LOCATION IN THE ENTIRE REGION IS, FROM A MOSQUITO'S STANDPOINT, EQUALLY SEPARATED BY OCEAN? Good question, and I have the answer, CASE CLOSED:I'll tell you what is going on here - VIRTUALLY ASSURED: Bill Gates or some other slime ball released a new vaccine in response to the autism uproar, which was to be administered to women while pregnant, to destroy the baby en utero so post-birth vaccines would not be blamed for damage they want to do to ALL children and are no longer completely getting away with. The zika virus has to be there to take the rap.
Common core DEFAULT:
23 Year old trucker destroys historic bridge because she did not know how many pounds six tons was!
With common core math, calculating the number of pounds in six tons is a twelve thousand step process. No wonder why she made a failed judgment call!Full story HERE
My opinion: The gas leak in California is not a story
Some have compared it to the BP disaster in the gulf. What a joke! If it is, show me the millions of barrels of sludge flowing across the landscape! If the local utility company had not added the stink to the gas prior, no one would know there was a leak. If they want to take care of this leak, all they have to do is set it on fire until they plug it. Perhaps put up a burning man statue and sell tickets. Burning it off would be the best option for everyone. This is just one storage well for one utility company in one state. Whatever. Yep, it is a big one, so what? Some people have hopped on the global warming bandwagon, saying it is doom because methane is 25 times the greenhouse gas CO2 is. Ok, then what about water vapor, which is many times the greenhouse gas methane is? If the methane is doom, the ocean is doom, how much water evaporates from the ocean daily? Sure doom.Maybe they have to evacuate nearby areas in an abundance of caution. This would not be so if they just torched off the gas. The gas is only 110,000 pounds per hour, as much available excitement that would be contained in two large gasoline trucks, and less than a single railcar. Just torch it off and stand back! And what would have happened to the area if the BP disaster happened there? There would have been an oil volcano coming out of the ground that would have made a fire river, probably all the way to the ocean. Similar disasters? NOT ON YOUR LIFE, someone needs a story.
Heads up:
It really looks like Obama is attempting to get a full on gun ban through before his term is up. Additionally, on Jan 1, there is a gun confiscation plan going into place in California, and no one really knows what the limits will be. The U.S. just got busted for flying ISIS commanders out of Iraq, and as a result Drudge and a European crony released the "Isis rape handbook" to pump up the anti Islamic hate among the blind fools and trolls, of which there are all too many. BANK ON IT: All of this amounts to setting a precedent for yet another "terror attack" on American soil, and rather than watch the mosques, we need to watch the synagogues, for only the Jewish community has a thing to gain from more "terror". Let's hope the year does not go out or come in with a bang, and if it does, HOP ON IT AND CAPTURE ARCHIVE AND POST, because the first few moments after such attacks are critical with regard to calling the real perpetrators into account.Mayan/Aztec Medicine series finally started.
These will eventually get their own section on this web site, this will be a long term project that will continue until everything is covered, and the topic is massive.All information slides will be done in 1308X1588 (because that is what the first one ended up being, and it looks about right.) CLICK TO VIEW LARGER.
Dec 28 2015
Google invasion even more!
Now Google wants to start a new E-mail service, where only your cell phone is used to access your E-mail account, NO PASSWORDS. In other words, now if you want to use Gmail, (if this becomes mandatory) you have to first give Google your full triangulated position from a device that is confirmed to be yours in real time before you can access your mail box! CUTE!!!! . . . . . . . so let me get this perfectly straight: If you dissent the wrong way, logging into Gmail could very well "dial in" a drone strike. Sounds like a service I want to use, with Obama approving drone strikes against American citizens and all . . . . . and dont forget all those nice high powered personal drones out there that can carry a gun and take care of business outside of official channels . . . . . just got to be a member of the right tribe and notify google to report positions of specific people (probably). You know darn well they will to the "right people," outside of all official channels. For google to demand this of their users is sheer lunacy, anyone who thinks it is impossible for this to be abused in horrific ways "off the books" most likely has a potato chip greasy remote control and a deeply dented couch.Herbal update:
1. I found medicine man #2. Might be better than the first one. 2. Computer is now totally flaky, they put on an extra layer of something since I started this, and I cannot search anything on any topic, not even non - herbal topics anymore, not on Duck Duck Go, Google, or whatever. All search attempts render nothing but useless results on ANY TOPIC.3. They can KMA, this job is easy now and does not need the web. Except to post. All I want is pictures of the various plants referred to off the web, I will have the names, what they treat, and the finished product photographed without the web. Would be nice to get photos of the live plants though. Everything jams when trying. THEY HATE THIS AS MUCH AS THE FUKU REPORT, IF NOT MORE. Evidently there is a lot of disinfo out there and the last thing they want is a first generation zero point reference purification of facts. I am not going to consult anything other than these medicine men.
4. If it remains impossible to do this, I am likely to stall posting (for a few days and not more) catalog a huge number of treatments, and slam them all up to the web at once.
The motorcycle is going BYE BYE. Reason: It has inner tube tires (not tubeless) and they go flat too frequently. Furthermore, when they go flat it is usually completely, instantly, and without any warning. Today I had a fun little flat tire related incident where my right knee went backwards too far and seems to have popped the patella off. It hurt so bad it gave me diarrhea, but I am already back up and walking because it seems like the actual joint itself is not damaged. I can go up steps, walk forward, and even push hard with the knee, but I can't walk downhill or turn. Anyway, I did not lay the bike down and am completely unhurt otherwise. So bicycle therapy or whatever, I am not doing surgery, PERIOD.If I do get another motorcycle it will probably be a 100 plus HP bullet bike with tubeless tires (the 60 plus MPG Suzuki GSXR 600 comes to mind, might as well have a getaway bike if tshtf or perhaps better yet maybe a KTM 400 4 stroke back country bike) but obviously that is somewhere in an unknown point in the future. I have had other motorcycles (but with tubeless tires) and never had flat tire issues. Never had flat related wipeout issues. Never had ANY ISSUES. The little Honda is a great get around bike with in my opinion an Achilles heel - inner tubes. Anyway. . . . .
Dec 27 2015
Cell modem credit wiped out over Mayan/Aztec medicine topic
I was going to begin posting the Mayan/Aztec/Inca medical cures this morning, but got all the airtime deleted the moment I was about to post the first two medicinal cures. I am now on a cyber cafe computer I can't post the first two from. Background on this: It at least used to be a well known fact that almost ALL modern medicines are based on herbal cures from the Aztec, Inca, and Mayan indian civilizations. Western scientists knew they had extremely good medical technology based on plants. But you cannot patent a plant, and therefore cannot scam the public for huge profits off of plants. So they analyzed what was in the plants and came up with synthetically manufactured chemical equivalents which in most cases did the job, but usually did not work as well as the original natural formulations. They then gave the synthetic versions names they figured would work well for marketing, called them drugs, put a patent on the manufacturing process and restricted access via a "doctor" based prescription paywall.I knew this was the case ever since grade school, where this was part of even a grade 8 education in the old school, but figured I'd never have a way to find out what was in the original formulations. But this changed overnight. I came across a Mayan medical vendor that has ALL the formulations, hundreds of them, along with full documentation of exactly what is in each of the formulations, and what problems each formulation will treat, as well as complete availability of all formulations for photographing in their natural form. This is my next project, there is absolutely nothing stopping me from publishing it all, as well as the derivative drugs Western medicine came up with that are based on this.
I am obviously going to have "technical difficulties" doing this and had my first round of problems today. This is going to turn heads and tweak tempers for I stabbeth the monster . . . . . If this web site experiences serious troubles over the next unknown time period, please stand by . . . . .
Dec 26 2015Force Awakens review
I went to see the force awakens, and it was not as bad as I thought it would be. Four word review: "It is worth seeing".I thought it would be a politically manipulative romp in political correctness and it was not. The fact that the new character was black was not played in any sort of way, other than that now there is a black character in Star Wars.
My main criticism is that the acting during the first part was very poor. There are totally legal 10 peso movies available at Wal Mart here (that is about 60 cents for a movie) and among the 60 cent regular price DVD's there are many many many totally second rate movies with very bad actors. If the special effects were not as good as they were in Star Wars it would have failed in the beginning the same way the 10 peso movies do, the first part had horrible acting that was similar to what would be found in those movies and did not get good until Harrison Ford took back the Millenium Falcon. At that point the movie became "real" and it stayed that way to the end.
Without blowing the movie:
The new death star was not a constructed death star, it was a hollowed out planet that housed a super weapon that could suck in all the energy from a star (killing the star in the process of doing so) and then direct all of that energy at planets far far away, at a speed far greater than the speed of light. The beam could be split and the weapon could destroy multiple planets at one time.
The super villain threw temper tantrums when he did not get his way or when anything went wrong, and when he threw temper tantrums he did it with his light sabre, and in one instance intentionally cut up and destroyed a complex control room in his own starship, display panels, buttons and all.
Very interesting key point: The emblem for the new evil empire is the hexagram version of the star of David. I was absolutely stunned when I saw that, and tried to get a picture of it but my ailing and aging pocket camera that has been through nightmares during it's long life tripped a memory card error and I could not take a picture of the screen on time. There was one epic back drop loaded with hexagrams right before the super weapon was fired for the first time and there are no pictures of this scene in Google images. I don't think the Jewish community approved of that, because it was such a stab at that graphic form they use so much, putting it in such a negative light that there is no conceivable way a Jew would ever portray it in representation of a crushing evil empire the same way Hitler put swastikas everywhere. I laughed. Good one. Perhaps a hidden message.
There were repeat themes, including a droid with an important file, (just like R2D2), the death star, heavy duty light sabre battles, the garbage chute referred to, etc but it also had plenty of original stuff and was done quite well. Other critical reviews that said it was like a giant video game in my opinion are being too nit picky, all I saw was original star wars type stuff with similar themes, a little bad acting at first, and 2 immature childish acting main actors (who were mixed in with other main actors that were not so immature). It was not enough to critically damage the movie, and though Jar Jar Binks did not bother me much in the other star wars episodes he did bother a lot of other people badly. Other movie reviews say the new black hero was as bad as Jar Jar, and there is no way that is true. Jar Jar is in a league of his own, you'd have to try hard to do that again.My conclusion: See it.
You will clearly see the difference in quality between the old school actors (luke and Hans) and the common core educated new people who just can't do as well, but started doing OK after the old school actors showed up and showed them how it was done. The special effects are second to none, and there are plenty of decent new themes. Overall, I'd give the movie an A- simply because the new actors just don't get it, bad acting may work well for the Avengers but simply sticks out in Star Wars, yet somehow does not kill the movie because the kid actors started catching on early enough. I expected to leave the theater angry and offended by political agendas and PC garbage, but there was none of that. Instead I left the theater thinking, Well, that was worth the price of admission and will sell a lot of toys. Thank you for not wrecking the series. I'd say in this order:Return of the Jedi: #1.
Original Star Wars, #2.
The Force Awakens: #3.
Empire Strikes Back: #4.
The rest? Not memorable enough to rate but still pretty good movies. This latest one was a step up.
Merry Christmas!!!
Dec 25 2015
This is worth mentioning:
Almost ALL of modern medicine is based on old Aztec/Mayan herbal cures. The Aztecs and Mayas had amazing medical technology based on plants. For almost everything in big pharma now, there is a plant based original that is far far better than the big pharma cure. The only mainstream things modern medicine has that is unique to itself is mold/fungus based antibiotics, the first of which was penicillin, and vaccines. Those are big ones, but I think they pale when compared to all the other medicines that came straight from the Indian civilizations of the Americas.I recently had a huge discovery on this topic
Before the common core and outcome based education scams were pushed on America, (you know, back when education was real) American schools taught the origins of "modern medicine" and that all of the medicines, from blood pressure to pain relief to skin infection cures, basically everything out there, originated with plants the former American civilizations used. American medical companies went to Latin America, consulted the traditional medicine men, found out what plants did what, then isolated the compounds in those plants that actually had medical value, and then would NEVER, AND I MEAN EVER, release that "newly discovered cure" to the public until they figured out a way to synthesize the compounds in industrial processes (rather than get them from plants.) Once they figured out how to manufacture the compounds, they could then patent them and charge huge amounts for medicines, which in their original plant form were usually incredibly inexpensive and to top it all off usually worked better in plant form.Guess what? The medicine men are still around, and these medicines are all over Mexico, and they work.
Even the little store just two doors away has them. I thought they were different types of spices, but as it turns out, the little store right here has liver problem cures, kidney problem cures, worm/parasite cleansers, blood pressure regulating medications, everything that will completely cure or solve approximately 24 unique serious medical conditions. This can cover a lot - such as even menstration problems, nerve problems, blood thickness problems, folks, it is all there just in one little store, the type of store that gets repeated over and over again, usually several times in just one small Mexican neighborhood. If the little store does not have what you need, there are many many many larger stores that are specifically dedicated to the original herbal medical cures, and also there are medicine men in the streets in the center of town that also sell these cures in droves, and I mean you can't miss them, and I just thought all this time they were selling traditional spices. Nope, the real cures, the original cures, the stuff that got copied and sold in pill form for BIG BUCKS is all here, on main street Mexico. Figure that! And you know, I can certainly consult all of these stores and medicine men, find out what does what, and publish it all. I think I will.Dec 24 2015
Yeah, it is warm in New England but even Nevada, out there in the middle of the desert, has a temperature that is 26 degrees below freezing as a high temperature for the day. That does happen from time to time in Nevada, but you can't make the case it is "as warm as July" there or anywhere else!
Drudge headline correction: Due to a weather anomaly out east, which brought warm wind in off the ocean, in a couple spots on the coast Christmas Eve will be as warm as the coldest July temperature on record. There. Fixed.Dec 22 2015
PressTV started working in Mexico again, first noticed at 0:15 AM CST Dec 22
According to one reader, the entire report about Craft mercs doing the shooting in San Bernardino has now been expunged. Maybe that is why they are back online . . . . . . HA HA HA, THE ARTICLE IS STILL THERE even though it is de-linked from all visible pages and you can't search for it anymore. Update: The .com version of this article got wiped overnight. The .ir version was still there this morning.So many people have written to me saying it does not work and they can't get to it that It is obviously getting messed with so I captured it and embedded it below: UPDATE: THIS GOT DELETED OFF THE SERVER IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE FIRST TIME I POSTED IT AND CAUSED A DEAD IMAGE! WHOAH SOMEBODY HATES THIS!!!!
OK, OK, so someone hates it. And in the comment section below this report on PressTV, that "someone" had troll teams including "weapons experts and medics" saying this guy knew nothing about weapons, "because a .223 does not leave a huge mark when it hits someone." They then used that as a straw man to debunk the whole report. Well, I have news for you, the .223 is WICKED when it hits someone, this is what .223 injuries look like:
and the fact the trolls went to the PressTV report and lied so brazenly only proves the report to be 100 percent accurate, because if it was not accurate they would not have needed to invent a fake reality about the .223 to debunk it, they would instead have simply stated facts.
Anonymous wrote (in reference to what is farther down the page: Jim: It is not our job to forgive women who have had abortions. There is really no excuse for having had three of them and while it is awful, what can you say? How stupid does a woman have to be to end up like this? She has no one to blame but herself in the end. People need to take responsibility for their actions rather than blaming others, no matter who else has blood on their hands (and I agree that many others certainly DO have blood on their hands).Ultimately, we are responsible for the choices we've made, brain washing or not. That is more "empowering", if you will, than pointing fingers and assigning blame to everyone but ourselves. We've not only allowed this, but clamored for it.
Women tend to have a collectivist mentality, and this one is no exception. There is a Zen saying "drive all blames onto one", which means that whatever happens, we need to look for the place where we are responsible. That is the only way to change anything and be healed. This woman believes she will feel better if she gets into some activism around abortion but this is the collectivist mentality again. While she may be right that abortion is terrible (and I agree that it is), this will not solve her problem.
Mail box full of trollage, but there is some real mail mixed in . . . . .
I cannot run a site like this and keep everyone happy. But I will make a correction due to a decent mail correcting me about Catholics. According to one reader (and I have no reason to doubt this) Catholics do not believe in the rapture. If this is wrong, I stand corrected, and it is an important detail. Additionally, no Muslims wrote to me on this topic, but I am not certain Muslims believe in the rapture (which is actually a bit of a detail) either. But I can still state with certainty that BOTH believe in the second coming of Christ, and the thousand year reign of Christ on Earth. This is crucial to know with regard to Islam because it proves beyond a doubt they have a lot in common with Christian beliefs and that the war propaganda saying they worship Satan is hoakey and fake as can possibly be.Another thing that people have forgotten is that even up until 100 years ago, Christian women often covered their heads the same way Muslim women do now. It was never widely enforced in Christianity (not a required part of the faith) but it was very common, if not the norm in some areas and even today, Catholic nuns are still required to dress like Muslim women are supposed to. That is an obvious parallel.
Here is a more usual example of what is now allowed through the mail:
Always been a fan but lately your ignorance has been astounding. I doubt you are even the real jim stone. Russia is the leader of the free world despite all its shortfalls and corruption. Christianity is not dead its last stronghold remains in Orthodox Christianity in Russia , Putin has revived the state and purged most of its previous bolshevik elements. ( Not by peaceful means of course ) Communism exists in a more pure form in America then it does it the current Russia.Your cold war paranoia is showing.
I would suspect after all the so called "revolutions" aka coup d'etats you should know how a so called peaceful protest can have radical elements and subject motives. - Euromadian clashes
My response: Let me dissect this.
"Always been a fan but lately your ignorance has been astounding. I doubt you are even the real jim stone." My response: "Always been a fan" means even now, if you doubt I am even the real "Jim Stone" I guess that is over with."Russia is the leader of the free world despite all its shortfalls and corruption. Christianity is not dead its last stronghold remains in Orthodox Christianity in Russia , Putin has revived the state and purged most of its previous bolshevik elements. Communism exists in a more pure form in America then it does it the current Russia. "
My response: Russia is the leader of no one right now, other than dreaming ideologists hoping to God the new image is real. As far as I see it, Christianity has it's last stronghold in Latin America, and Putin can play the Christian card all he wants and end up trumped by the fact that Russia still has the world's second highest prison population, surpassed only by America, and still surpassing that of Communist China, which has many times the population to draw prisoners from. Surely you jest about "righteous Russia," the prison stats alone blow that notion straight into the gutter and the abortion map farther down this page rips the entrails right out of any confidence that might remain in the "righteous Christian Russia" meme. Russia is still 100 percent pro abortion at an official level. How does that weigh in to the "moral superiority new Christian state" myth?.
Yeah, I guess Putin is now building the world's tallest Jesus, a small thing for a massive national budget to accomplish and very cost effective I'd say for use as a tool to undermine what is left of Christian America's morale and hopefully make that gun toting Christian base look up to Russia and perhaps not shoot during an invasion. I can't say I'd cry about an invasion, because you are right - America is now more communist than Russia but I'd also like to question exactly what you would expect to get from Russia in exchange when the countries are virtual twins with an enormous amount of the needed proof in the prison stats. What on earth would the trade be, really?
I'll tell you what the trade would be: They'd get Hillary back and that is all the Bolshevik any nation would need to return to full blown commie, not all Bolshevik elements have been expunged in your own words, and I am confident even if there is a freedom faction in place in Russia now, they'd get stuxnetted, NSA'ed and CIA'ed into oblivion within six months of "taking ownership of America". The Bolsheviks would dust off old bookshelves upon return home and then Alaska would be returned to Russia, and while heading West would drag the rest of America with it.
I never believed Russia actually fell, it was all just too easy and too convenient and not enough changed to prove it. The fact they are playing good enough to look up to now in reality only shows just how far into the cesspool murk America has slid, even the current Russian system is NOT THE ANSWER. Putin the savior? You jest!
"Cold war paranoia?" NOT. Just a little bit of a broader look at reality, sans the rose shades.
Regrets . . . .
This message came in from a reader, and I am going to post it because that is probably the best thing I can do to help. Hi Jim, We don't have planned parenthood in Australia. However, we have the multitude of many for people to pick from. Im mad...a crazy mad woman and my fingers are ready to do some harsh (and effective) communications. Im 38 now and prior to the age of 25 I had 3 abortions. I worked for a dirty bank in the CBD of Sydney and "thought" I had to focus on my career etc at that time in life. WOW....ARENT I A SUCKER FROM ALL SIDES. It saddens me deeply...deeply that I was a victim to the abortion atrocity.I am 38 now, childless and will need to look at alternatives for bearing children. Not to mention that adoption here in Australia is practically NON-EXISTENT, which is an interesting fact in itself - approx. 300 children per year. I looked at the US Planned parenthood site and I really ...just really couldn't believe my eyes. THEY ACTUALLY ASK FOR DONATIONS on the front page of the site. Its quite sick. They do not have an email address listed for any correspondence to them - which isn't surprising, any help you can give me to start emailing my arse off to whom you think is best to DRILL OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again on the abortion BS.
My response: By posting this here your message will reach more people than you could ever E-mail, and the right people will get your message by default.
The brainwashing is absolutely astounding to make it all happen, and I am not pointing fingers, I am stating fact when I say abortion is 100 percent Jewish implemented and caused, it was them that set up Planned Parenthood (with 3 original Jewish women as the front, but you know it is much much more than that) and it is them pushing for legalization in all countries. It is them pushing the brainwashing, them fooling the young girls, them erasing the morals, them destroying Christianity via subversion of Christian communities to make it all possible, and THEY will definitely get the message from this web site as well as many many other people. None of it will be stopped until they know the world knows who is doing it, and they have a reason to believe the world will compel them to stop pushing it all. That is all I will say, because people get nervous when I state things more clearly than that.
A while ago, I started forgiving women who regretted having abortions once I figured out just how effective and potent the brainwashing is. Though it all seems like an obvious no to many of us, one must understand that when the brainwashing comes from a trusted college professor and tons of "official" sources some people might actually be legitimately fooled long enough for serious mistakes to be made. As I see it, the key is in whether or not those who make the mistakes ever manage to break free of the trance and are subsequently sorry and repentant about it and then go the extra mile to stop other women from making the same mistake. The rest is up to God. Obviously I am dead set against it.
Dec 21 2015 "Allow me to say Thanx to all that have helped the cause ! Times are tough , but one thing everybody can do is turn somebody on to this site . Not like infauxWars , drudge , dahboo777 ... Where they mix fact with some bs . Thanx Jim , keep on truckin` !"
My response: I am not error proof, but I am error resistant and correct errors very openly and loudly when I make them. Other than that, well, I am definitely not fake opposition and make every effort to pick every last bit of distortion and garbage out of what I put up. There are lots of sites out there that put up earth shattering truth and mix it with lunacy and distortions to make it all look nuts and/or divert people off onto an old logging road so they go nowhere, that won't happen here, bet on it!
Heads up: Several readers have told me PressTV is blocked where they are, and it is blocked here as well. Hopefully it is only because they had the guts to say Craft Mercenary Inc. did the shooting in San Bernardino and not because there is going to be a huge Christmas "attack" that needs to be pre-censored.
U.S. Support of Gay Rights in Africa May Have Done More Harm Than Good
There was an article in the New York Times today that surprised me, because I never thought I would ever see anything like it get published. The article talked about how U.S. embassy workers and diplomats were being used openly to push gay rights in Africa and that The overall project, when the Arab world is included (outside of Africa) has thus far cost $700 million. Yep, you heard that right, the U.S. government has blown 700 million trying to get the third world to accept gays. Great justified expenditure there. There has been enormous backlash to this effort. Rather than accept gays, Nigeria has imposed strict anti gay laws with the maximum penalties being 14 years in jail.Usually the U.S. government uses "Non Government Organization" fronts to push agendas such as this one, and I guess the most surprising thing is that this time they were brazen enough to put their name on this particular agenda. This has caused hatred for the U.S. directly, there is now no question whatsoever who is pushing cultural changes everywhere, and the people of Africa are questioning why they can't just be themselves and have their cultures and identities left alone - to be what they want them to be - rather than what is imposed from abroad.
The backlash in Africa makes me think luciferians may fail.
If the end result of the U.S. effort to get acceptance of gays in Africa ended up triggering laws including 14 year prison terms, the NWO crowd is not nearly as good at corrupting the world as we might believe. Yes, they corrupted America and have corrupted and destroyed Europe by opening all borders to third worlders who do not understand what it took to make such societies great, so we can clearly see the damage, from our perspective, on our own home turf. They did indeed succeed in mostly wiping out the true Christian base in Europe and America as well. But obviously, when it comes to going abroad and destroying the third world from within, it is obvious they are having limited success and if the prophecies in the bible, which they are clearly attempting to make happen require the entire world to go down the rat hole with them, they are obviously failing - you can't just wipe out America and Europe and call it mission accomplished. In order for the bible prophecies to come true Islam has to be wiped out the same as Christianity, with the best one line proof being that Muslims, just like Christians, believe in the rapture and the thousand year reign of Christ. That makes them the clear enemy of the Luciferian clan. And that is not even mentioning the fact that half of the third world population that is putting up a huge resistance to the corrupting influences of the West is Christian. All the corrupting efforts have done with near complete effectiveness is scrape Christianity and culture out of America and Europe, so it all looks really bad from that perspective. They have also done a good job of weakening the Hindus and Buddhists. But the entire Arab world and much of Christian Africa and Latin America is getting through it all in fairly good shape, yes there is damage here but it is nowhere near the magnitude of what has happened in America and Europe, and that represents a huge failure on the part of those who seem to want to swirl the world down the toilet bowl.This map shows the failure of the luciferian agenda quite clearly. Most of the world's population has not fallen for it. True, by geography and the looks of things, it really looks like a lot of the world has been overtaken (and it has,) but a second look also reveals that at least half of the world's population has rejected that agenda, with the only huge population country to have accepted it to be China, and most of the green represents vast tracts of land where no one is living. Outside of China, most of the portion of the world that has fallen for it represents Western civilization.
I guess the last answer then for the tribe if all efforts fail would be to just kill the part of the world that is resisting well. And I think the "Ebola" scam was an early shot at this. As it turned out, the entire scam was launched via two venues - tainted vaccines and poisoned water, with the more successful of the two being poisoned water. That is why many of the "ebola victims" had no lesions, in fact, pictures of people with lesions at all were nonexistent, all we had was stupid text stories about lesions, but no photographic proof. Practically all water consumed in Africa now comes in plastic bags which are sold at a price even poor africans can afford, which means there were choke points in the water supply that could be exploited for mass poisoning efforts. People figured out the bagged water was poisoned with formaldehyde and stopped it. I do not think the tribe planned on that happening, and it happened very early on so they did not get a huge die off. This is why the entire ebola meme just faded away and also why there were no outbreaks anywhere else, despite air travel getting plenty of the "infected" out to the rest of the world.
If people continue to put a stop to their murder scams the same way they stopped the "ebola" scam, how are the elite going to get the mass die offs that are outlined in the bible? If the "elite" do get their world war 3, how are they going to justify killing off the red part of that abortion map, all of which has to go before they can win? True, they could wipe out some of it, maybe 15 percent of it, but what about the rest? I think the luciferian agenda as outlined in the Bible will fail. Somehow, in this timeline, it is evident they will fail. The bible clearly states that NONE of it has to happen, if people resist and repent. Are we really doing that well, mankind as a whole? Consider this: It is 2015, and the bad guys are at best breaking even. And the part of the world they have gained victory over is waking up . . . . . . .
Anyway, the New York Times article I mentioned earlier is HERE and it speaks volumes, ENORMOUS volumes about what I said above here, the agenda to corrupt all of mankind has definitely hit a road block.
Russia jailing protestors
Anonymous wrote: About Putin:Russia begins imprisoning peaceful protestors
What happened:
Recently, a Russian activist was given 3 years of jail time for participation in protests that were not authorized by the state.
This is the first person to receive jail time under a new law that criminalizes violating the government's tyrannical public assembly rules more than twice in 6 months.
What this means:
You know things are bad when peaceful protest is officially a crime.
This shows just how nervous the state is of losing power, and is an admission on their part that they are acting against the interests of the people.
The European Court of Human Rights would agree with this statement, having cited Russia for 122 cases of human rights' violations in the last year alone.
Conveniently, Putin has just signed a law to overturn any of their rulings in the future... so basically he can keep on doing what he likes.
My response: The same laws are in place in America now, where first offense EVER can get you a lengthy prison term, and I have always maintained that people need to keep an eye on Russia, if you think communism/tyranny is dead there and it is any sort of a haven you are badly mistaken. That being said, Russia's laws and punishments regarding protest are a LOT softer than those in the U.S, where it seems any excuse is used to stuff the prisons with cheap labor.
Dec 20 2015
There is a family reunion today, I will try to update this web site today at some point . . . . .
Drones will need to be registered now!
If your drone weighs more than 8 ounces, you have to register it! Now there will be a market for sub - 8 ounce super drones. I bet that can be done! In Mex you can still get a five pounder off the books . . . . . I bet there is a loophole. This is what will be done: You will get the airframe, motors, battery, under 8 ounces to get rid of paperwork, and then there will be bolt on accessories you can add such as cameras and add on piggy back batteries that won't be considered part of the official weight. This will mean that drones will still weigh up to a pound, the FAA is sort of like that - accessories for some types of aircraft are not considered part of the airframe weight, only what it takes to get it in the air is counted. If the camera cannot be removed and it won't fly without the extra battery however, it will be considered part of the aircraft weight.This is just a guess by me however, based on past knowledge of FAA policy.
Dec 18 2015
Ralf wrote:
Hello Jim, As I took advice and just ordered "They live among us", I just dropped you also 30 over PayPal and hope that it'll make it through. Sincerely hope to raise more funds in the future, you should earn really A LOT of money for this incredible work. It's about ten months I know your site now. About February 2015 a small part of the fuku-report was translated on a quite good German site, with a link to you. Soon I got the impression that yours is probably the most important site ON THE WHOLE INTERNET. Good luck that you got the brain and guts to do what you are doing! We must stop them. Best regards RalfMy response: Money gets made by liars, if I am ever inaccurate it is a legitimate error. Despite being influential enough to trigger responses in the MSM overnight this site is not money based at all, it is "get by only". It stays online mostly because I am an advanced web admin typing manual code only who can stop all attacks and never needs to ask others to solve problems. This makes it so that I don't have to have a huge budget to pay thousands for a "server" like other truthers do, because "server costing thousands" really means "I get attacked all the time and have to have someone babysit the web site constantly". That is not the case with this web site, I ditch all attacks practically instantly myself which helps keep costs to a bare minimum.
If I could get ads here and was not blackballed current traffic would pay for a large staff and more. This web site has, on just the main server alone for the past three years continuous been much much higher up the ladder than several MSM outlets but miraculously after the FCC took over was wiped off even Alexa. Anyway, it is still powerful and still getting over a million pageviews a month though no one, not Alexa, Google, or anyone else will acknowledge it anymore.
Donations are predominantly blocked, YES, THEY DID TRY TO STEAL YOURS because all of the confirmation paths were wiped out (no mails made it to ANYWHERE,) which means they tried to steal it but screwed up because I happened to hit Paypal just as you sent it and basically saw it come in before they wiped it, all the while they did succeed in wiping out all the confirmation messages to various boxes Paypal sends confirmation to. I am not kidding when I tell people they have to use the message window to confirm donations they send, and that if they don't show up at the top of this page they were taken by someone else. This site still depends on donations almost entirely.
WHY WOULD THIS IMAGE FREAK THEN OUT SO BADLY? The answer is simple, and has several points:
1. Because this image has no driver, it proves remote control of cars is possible, in proof positive terms.
2. Because this image has no driver, it proves that they will murder people, stuff them in a car, shoot up that car and then claim those in the car did something horrible, even though they did nothing at all. This image is an absolute killer of credibility for the MSM, the government, for everything official and it is so damaging that an attack on this web site, which is obviously of a magnitude intended to kill it entirely so nothing like this can ever break again here, was the only thing they could do (as well as everything I stated above, about the honey pot women and stalkers, they actually went to ground action over that photo.)
I did not mention the attacks until they went to ground action, because I can manage all of that so well and it happens on a regular basis anyway, why bore the reader with a constant diatribe of how tough it is to keep this site up?
4. Because this image has no driver, it proves the government really can just murder people with their own cars by taking them over via remote, flooring the gas, and crashing them. Just disable the antilock brakes via remote, floor the throttle, and in most cars now, spin the wheel. Game over for the "undesirable" and that photo proves that this is happening now, without question. Revealing this is worth killing someone for. And they obviously did not think anyone would be able to snag this from the video they released, but I picked through all frames until I found the one they missed . . . .
5. This image is important, because anyone can download the source video, which is now echoed all over the web, go frame by frame, find this frame, and prove I did not just make this up. This is easily to forensically prove to be cold hard fact by anyone with a media player and a willingness to take the time to do it, and that screwed them royally.
One might think I enjoy doing this, and I admit that when I nail them as badly as I did above, I laugh for hours, and chuckle intermittently for days. But truth be told I hate doing this site, it is a duty more than anything and it totally screwed my life up. I really wish I did not have to do it, but am afraid that if I do not keep this up, "they" will win that much faster. I can only hope to forestall what seems to be the inevitable until hopefully, before succeeding in the final smack down, they drown in their own river of Styx.
Once again, I'd like to make a reference to Wayne's new book, "They Live Among Us"
They live Among us is a very well studied expose' of the Jewish community that was more than five years in the making. If you enjoyed Wayne's It's NOT the LAW, you are sure to enjoy "They Live Among Us." Due to the rapid decay of the internet and evident possible shutdown, I told Wayne to release this book before it is too late because it had already taken an enormous length of time due to the fact that the book is substantial and Wayne is meticulous about accuracy. He is still working a few details into the last chapters, and if you order it now, you will be able to read the updates as the final lines are completed. Wayne woke even me up to a lot of the conspiracy with "It's NOT the LAW", and I am sure many will find "They Live Among Us" to be a similar wake up call.Rush Limbaugh dumped on the Republican party!
Take a look at what Rush said yesterday! After the incident with his hearing he had, I thought they got rid of him before 911. Perhaps not, the following is solid gold, and it is likely to awaken a huge number of people to the conspiracy. REQUIRED READ, DO NOT SKIP THIS ONE!RUSH: The country was just sold down the river again by your very Republican Party.
I have a headline here from the Washington Times: "White House Declares Total Victory Over GOP in Budget Battle." That headline's a misnomer. There was never a battle. None of this was opposed. The Republican Party didn't stand up to any of it, and the die has been cast for a long time on this. I know many of you are dispirited, depressed, angry, combination of all of that. But, folks, there was no other way this could go. Because two years ago when the Republican Party declared they would never do anything that would shut down the government and they would not impeach Obama, there were no obstacles in Obama's way and there were no obstacles in the way of the Democrat Party.When you surrender the power of the purse -- and that's the primary power the House of Representatives has. Not a penny of money can be spent in this country by this government without the House of Representatives authorizing it. Obama can spend all he wants, but if the House doesn't give him the mechanism, he can't spend any of it. But the Republicans squandered that. They gave up the power of the purse. The reason they did that is because for some inexplicable reason, they are literally paranoid and scared to death of even being accused of doing something that would shut down the government.
So to avoid even the accusation that they were going to or would ever even think of shutting down the government, they signaled that whatever Obama wanted to spend, he would get, because they figured that had less damage to them politically than the allegation that they were shutting down the government. So, very simply, ever since the Republican Party became the party of keeping the government open at all costs, we get bills like this. There's simply no stopping the Democrats. There's no mechanism. Every constitutional mechanism found in the power of the purse, Separation of Powers, the Republican Party years ago gave it away, in total fear of the media.
Now, there's also a factor that needs to be mentioned, too, and that is that many Republican donors want every bit of this money spent, and they have donated voluminously to key Republicans in order to get the money spent. So it's not all Republican fears. It's not all Republican caving. A lot of it is Republican fealty and loyalty to some of their donors. Some people today looking at this, and this is 2,009 pages. It's said to be a spending bill. Among the things that it does, it fully funds Obamacare.
It fully funds Planned Parenthood. That, to me, is unforgivable, with everything now known about what goes on behind closed doors at Planned Parenthood, and that the federal government, led by a Republican Party, sees fit to pay for it. It is beyond comprehension, and it is a total squandering of moral authority to fully fund the butchery at Planned Parenthood. This spending bill fully pays for Obama's refugee plans, fully. This spending bill, this budget bill quadruples the number of visas Obama wants for foreign workers. This is even a slap at American union workers. Not the leaders. The union leaders seem to be in favor of it, but blue-collar people, known as working people, have been sold down the river along with everybody else here.
lots more:
MY COMMENT: Both parties were all communist all the time, heads on the same hydra. A little late to the game here if you did not see the teamwork being played to flush America down the river. But at least now it is evident you were not just tooting a toy trumpet for the GOP!
Once again, I'd like to make a reference to Wayne's new book, "They Live Among Us"
They live Among us is a very well studied expose' of the Jewish community that was more than five years in the making. If you enjoyed Wayne's It's NOT the LAW, you are sure to enjoy "They Live Among Us." Due to the rapid decay of the internet and evident possible shutdown, I told Wayne to release this book before it is too late because it had already taken an enormous length of time due to the fact that the book is substantial and Wayne is meticulous about accuracy. He is still working a few details into the last chapters, and if you order it now, you will be able to read the updates as the final lines are completed. Wayne woke even me up to a lot of the conspiracy with "It's NOT the LAW", and I am sure many will find "They Live Among Us" to be a similar wake up call. ______________________________________Another warning to not use anything Google - I cannot administer this web site with ANY GOOGLE PRODUCT WHATSOEVER.
If I try using Chrome, regardless of what computer it is on (and I have access to countless cyber cafe computers so I know this is not a machine issue) Chrome limits my typing speed to 1 letter every 15 or more seconds, because with every letter I type, Chrome reloads the entire administration page before echoing the letter back to the screen. This could only be done by an intelligence effort that trips a notification in ALL chrome browsers as to what web site is being accessed (and how) so they can then turn on monitoring and begin letter by letter capturing when the browser trips an alert. If they capture in this fashion, it can only mean they want to know every letter I typed as I type it, so they can make guesses as to what I thought I was going to think, what I think, and what I used to think. In other words, Chrome echoes every letter to a remote computer before it is allowed to show on the screen, for a perfect forensic capture. Due to the fact that it is slow to do that with a secure connection, it is OBVIOUS when it happens. Additionally, if I use Android for ANYTHING, it will allow me to type until I get anything damning typed, and as soon as I do, it wipes the entire document out. If you are a truther, Chrome is an absolute fail, even Internet Explorer looks like a catholic nun compared to Chrome, which is a comparative ED209 killer droid. Avoid all Google products like the plague, I see things here at a level practically no one else ever gets a chance to and what I see with Google is NOT GOOD AT ALL. I am confident that if anyone using Chrome makes the wrong discovery, they will be car crashed or blackballed or suicided - you can't use Google products in this day and age, GOOGLE IS THE NSA and PROBABLY WORSE.Dec 17 2015
Observation: Recently, Drudge Report has looked exactly like a Bolshevik communist information node, with precisely the correct ratio of articles to make people "think" they have been informed when really there is nothing there. Drudge now has: 1. Surface MSM reporting about a spending bill that passed, 2. Odd stories, including one about an "earthquake bed" 3. Links to MSM reports that anchor in the latest false flag, and 4. links to fake opposition sites, that make suggestions but don't really say the truth at all, to provide a "balance" for the MSM reports. In actuality there is nothing of substance on Drudge at all, only what it takes to keep someone who is totally out of the loop in a chain of thinking they are informed . . . . a perfect communist style granola mix, enough to really get my attention.
Here it is!
FBI said shooters did not use social media which means ALL the facebook and other posts were PHONY. Now, why would these posts be phony? BECAUSE:Three tall white men did the shooting
I'd be one to believe no one died, but at least our patsies did, because their lawyer made this statement:
"Where the couple was found, from what I understand, is that they were handcuffed, lying face-down in this truck, shot up."
And finally when they did get buried, FBI agents guarded the burial and a secret location was chosen, to "prevent anyone from digging the bodies up" which sort of digs the lawyer a little bit because you would want a secret burial place to "prevent the bodies from being dug up" if there were none to begin with anyway . . . .
Interesting it is that No one was driving the SUV during the final shootout, we all know about remote control and why leave things to chance? If you want real dead patsies you might miss when firing the first shots at your drill partner, he might floor it to get away once he realizes you are shooting for real, and therefore it is a lot better to just shoot your drill assistants and handcuff them beforehand just in case they wake up after being shot and wonder why they are going down the road with no one behind the wheel . . . . . . ANYWAY:
It is also quite salient that someone stepped forward and said that Craft international mercs did the shooting, and that PresTV went down for days after posting it (they are still down which is why I linked this elsewhere).
But that is impossible, because The neighbor bought the weapons the shooters used, OOPS, I GUESS NOT, Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina said something interesting during an appearance on the Morning Joe Show on Thursday:
"If you listen to your reporter earlier, what he said is the ATF believes that someone purchased this gun on behalf of the police department and somehow that gun ended up in the hands of this guy, so it actually does not sound at all like this man purchased a firearm," she said.
How did a firearm destined for a police department end up in the hands of a suspected mass shooter?
Where does the neighbor fit into that equation, HMMMMM?????
And all of this inconsistency is what you would expect if America was not a constitutional republic, not even a democracy but an oligarchy instead. Once again, the web site that posted something huge - that a Cambridge study concluded the U.S. is an oligarchy and that "the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.'" the web site that posted this went down also, but that might be temporary.I have cached it here and linked to the web site that broke this READ IT AND WEEP:
Princeton study concludes: America is an oligarchy
Study Finds US Is an Oligarchy, Not a Democracy "Researchers from Princeton University and Northwestern University have concluded, after extensive analysis of 1,779 policy issues, that the U.S. is in fact an oligarchy and not a democracy. What this means is that, although 'Americans do enjoy many features central to democratic governance,' 'majorities of the American public actually have little influence over the policies our government adopts.' Their study (PDF), to be published in Perspectives on Politics, found that 'When the preferences of economic elites and the stands of organized interest groups are controlled for, the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.'"My insert:
CommonDreams went down when they published this, maybe they will be back up later, here is the link: Here is the text from the abstract page, the study itself is behind a paywall and costs $30 to read: Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average CitizensMartin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page
Each of four theoretical traditions in the study of American politics—which can be characterized as theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy, Economic-Elite Domination, and two types of interest-group pluralism, Majoritarian Pluralism and Biased Pluralism—offers different predictions about which sets of actors have how much influence over public policy: average citizens; economic elites; and organized interest groups, mass-based or business-oriented.
A great deal of empirical research speaks to the policy influence of one or another set of actors, but until recently it has not been possible to test these contrasting theoretical predictions against each other within a single statistical model. We report on an effort to do so, using a unique data set that includes measures of the key variables for 1,779 policy issues.
Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism.
To read more, you have to click this link and pay: Dec 16 2015
Posts from Iraqi war vets are now circulating the web
These posts are being made to get people to think carpet bombing Muslim countries is justified.Here is one such post, and my response:
Tonight's Republican debate asked some fundamental questions about whether or not Carpet Bombing Muslim countries crosses certain lines. Well, as a Combat Veteran I can tell you that the woman and children that are in ISIS strongholds are there supporting their terrorist counterparts. There are no civilians in these cities... These are people that believe in Jihad and support barbarism in the name of Islam. Now you can say that these woman have no choice because they are being forced into supporting Jihadists but don't be so quick to judge. What would you do as a woman? Would you kill countless others to save own your life? Would you keep your children in that environment? What means more to you, your life or your conscience? As far as I'm concerned they are all guilty!CARPET BOMB THEM ALL!
My response:
We have a right to "carpet bomb" them IF AND ONLY IF they totally destroy a city the size of Houston, leveling every home there and killing everyone in the entire city, along with leveling every building, blowing out every power station and destroying every road and airport completely for a distance of at least 100 miles out, which is EXACTLY WHAT YOU DID TO THEM IN IRAQ. Dear sht head op, Because you did this to them, they live for Jihad and if you can't understand why, you should be locked up in a nut house.Carpet bombing them might have been justified if Iraq or Syria ever did anything to America, but they did not, all you did OP and the other vet was go into a foreign land that did NOTHING at all, and kill over a million people who did NOTHING to deserve it at all while the remainder wandered looking for loved ones in dust and ashes. You call them "barbarians" just because a few of the survivors sent bullets your way from the rubble you turned their lives into. What a malfunctioning piece of trash you are for ever blaming them. Even if Muslims had done 911, Iraq had nothing to do with it which makes your crimes on par and more, due to the sheer magnitude of what you did in comparison.
Rather than two city blocks worth of buildings in New York, you went into a land full of nothing but innocents and almost entirely blew everything in that land away. NO SHT they want to kill you, and you deserve it, ignorant or not.
Ever wonder why 80 percent of American combat soldiers now fight while high on government issued psychotropic drugs and meth? I have an answer: it is to get you into a mode where you will thoughtlessly murder and destroy with a mindset those you destroy could never get into. You surpass any "jihadist" by an order of magnitude in mind alone. The American Soldier - now the ULTIMATE Jihad brainless killer that makes the worst of the worst so-called Arab look like a saint.
What would be a fair trade on American turf after what you did to countless innocents as a doped up machine for the DOD? the total annihilation of New York, LA, Chicago, and every other American city flattened to dust would be a good start, provided the destruction only affected you and those who gave you orders. A use for a parallel universe, which you clearly belong in. You sought total annihilation against complete innocents and deserve nothing but annihilation in return and due to the extent of what you did and your subsequent attitude, it is people like YOU that need to be "carpet bombed".
The Arrival of the American navy and supporting forces is like the death star that destroyed Alderan. Interesting it is that a new Star Wars is coming out as you post that comment, interesting it is, the parallel there. EVIL EMPIRE? THAT YOU ARE.
ODD: Alt media news synchronisity
All alternative media, plus drudge, plus RT, plus Farsnews and sites like Infowars, Global research, World Affairs Brief and many others, plus all the forums have the exact same stories posted, with very little variance in what is up. I have never seen such a unified front of identical news in the alt media EVER, for the first time EVER if you hit one site, you hit them all, JUST LIKE THE CONTROLLED MSM. PressTV is not coming in where I am also, Pravda has a little variety but has mostly the same as all others, it really seems like something weird could be going on.I might as well put up what I believe is a good warning about American made weapons since so much alt media has the same on repeat today:
With all weapons such as missiles, smart bombs, aircraft, tanks, drones, you name it, (anything that has a brain) you can't trust made in the USA, or made in Israel, or for that matter, made by any country other than your own. If the U.S. has a back door into every non military privately owned computer and cell phone, which has no military purpose, believe me, America has a back door into any missile system America has ever sold, into every cruise missile, into every auto targeting system, into EVERYTHING that can be accessed to shut them down so they can't be used against America. I am confident this is precisely why America kicks Arab butt so bad even if the Arabs have "modern" U.S. weapons and missiles - because if such a missile approaches a target such as an American aircraft, it will see a beacon from that target telling it to shut down or miss.As far as I see it, this entire topic is a no brainer. It would be so stupid to design an advanced weapons system that could be turned against you eventually without any back doors in it to shut it down that I can't fathom any possible way America would ever do it. Additionally, I firmly believe that if a Russian weapons system uses an American designed CPU, it can also be shut down even if the Russians do not know about it. There are so many back doors into everything now that the only weapons systems that will work against America are those that are totally home grown from the ground up, including the software, the CPU, and all sub-processors.
My guess is that the back doors are so firmly in place that the U.S. could easily auto crash any F-16 sold abroad without even firing a missile at it. Even tanks made for the last 35 years have had an engine control unit it is virtually assured could be shut down with the right access code. And if Russia is stupid enough to put "intel inside" they have a rude awakening awaiting them, they had better have a "Baikal model 30 no cache 16 bit 2.4 MHZ miracle processor" in their S-series missiles (if that is all they can manage to make) because it would at least work within design limits when asked to. No Russian missile system can match even the original Aegis system even today, so such a processor would definitely work because it is all America had when Aegis was first put in service. Since Russia can at least make a processor that good now "home built" is what they better have because it just does not take a lot of CPU to look for a dot in the sky and go for it. Remember the line drawn black and white video game Tempest? THAT.
Anyway, I figured I'd put this up as a warning to people using American built weapons: If you are using anything "advanced" from America or ANYONE ELSE, INCLUDING RUSSIA, THIS IS UNIVERSAL, If you can't make it all yourself and you have to depend on others to make it for you, don't be surprised when it all goes kablooey when you need to use it against those who made it, NO ONE is stupid this way.
Trump is a wild card. With his recent comments about "who funds ISIS" and his knowledge of and public statements that vaccines cause autism, he is an unpredictable wild card and it is impossible to know what is going on in his head and what the outcome of his becoming President would be. KEY: I think Trump is honest. Wanna know why? Because he at least had the guts to half finger Israel for funding ISIS. HEADS UP: Trump is honest AND PARTIALLY AWARE "partially aware" is not a good thing for the global elite scammers, because "partially aware" has a really steep slippery slope to TOTAL AWARENESS. And what would happen if Trump was president, was honest, and became TOTALLY aware? Here is what I think:Practically all the drug company executives and bio science experts would be arrested and slammed into prison for life for the tainted vaccines (and they should be). America would suddenly flip and blow ISIS off the map, rather than fund it. Common core education would be vaporized instantly. And I think Trump is already up to that level of knowledge, you don't have to be totally aware to know these things would be the right things to do and I think even if Trump did not take it to the "prison level" it would all at least definitely be stopped. And "they" are watching him, twitching and nervous . . . . .
I have a wish, a prayer: For Trump to be HONEST, at least partially aware, and then somehow, miraculously, overcome the "Diebold" vote rigging apparatus. Kicking behinds would follow, provided he did not get shot. If Trump was fully honest, fully aware, and had ethics, he could blow the entire NWO scam to smithereens with ONE state of the union address, resistance in Congress be damned. He could wipe out the vaccine scam without even producing legislation to punish the drug companies simply by stating what they are doing to the children via a national broadcast. He could easily trip a much needed rebellion with only a few words, and there is no hope of this happening elsewhere, Trump is the FIRST major figure to finger Israel for anything, let alone funding ISIS. In more than one way he is a step beyond Ron Paul, Let's all hope . . . . . and if he does get elected that it is not just an illusion.
Dec 15 2015
A gun in the hand beats a cop on the phone!
The anonymous man in Turkey managed to get a long message through
If you want to see the opinion of what is obviously a high intellectual in Turkey, this is a good readYou probably saw the ISIS/hacker/Britain report on Drudge
In that report, hackers traced ISIS back to the bowels of the British government. Britain quickly responded by saying they sold the government owned IP addresses the hackers pegged ISIS with to Saudi Arabia and that the databases had not been updated yet to reflect that and the hackers were therefore misguided. I DOUBT IT.HUGE IMPORTANT FUKUSHIMA UPDATE
This following extensive Fukushima update is going to stay top posted for the next day or two (but I'll throw a few items on top as one liners for people to pick through)9 million bags of Fukushima cleanup material confirm my Yakuza mafia/dead Japanese homeless report (as well as the original Fukushima report) was BANG ON.
How bad was Fukushima blown away? So bad that an entire section of Japan had to have the first three inches of top soil stripped from the ground by workers, countless numbers of which have died, and these people who have died were Japan's homeless, who were pulled from the streets by the Israeli controlled Yakuza mafia and forced to work until the radiation killed them.
Unlike the heroic pilots who died in Russia with honors after putting Chernobyl out, Japan's dead will be buried in the homeless stats. Obviously such a story would eventually have proof evident everywhere, despite efforts to contain it. Well, to blow the lid off and prove that countless workers really have been stripping the top three inches of soil off of a large section of Japan all you now have to do is google "black bags fukushima" and images of these cleanup bags will now be prominent. I guess they figured the topic had cooled off enough to let this level of truth out.All the stories about seepage into the pacific are straw man reports that are out there to hide the bigger reality - millions of times as much radiation is getting into the Pacific via rainwater runoff from all over Eastern Japan, where reactor 3 is now laid out like pepper.
The original Yakuza mafia Fukushima cleanup report now follows:
50,000 workers doing Fukushima cleanup DOCUMENTED, with over 800 dead from radiation poisoning DOCUMENTED
Fukushima cleanup workers given death threats by mafia
NEW BOMBSHELL: JAPAN LIMITING ISRAELI VISAS TO KEEP ISRAELI MAFIA OUT . . . . Israeli travelers now using fake passports from other countries to enter Japan.
"I submitted a visa application to the Israeli consulate in Tokyo, but was informed that a visitor's visa is usually not granted because the Israeli mafia is growing rapidly in Japan"
I know the above headline sounds too incredible to be true, but it is definitely true. Organized crime is usually tied to intelligence agencies at the top, and it is the Israeli Mossad, the same group that fronted Magna BSP, that is now handling Fukushima "cleanup" via control of Japan's Yakuza mafia. The Yakuza and the Israeli mafia formed an alliance with each other in 1990. Take a look at what is here, it may sound too "out there" to be true, but it definitely is true.
All of what is spoken of on this page is now properly referenced.
UPDATE: CONFIRMED BY REUTERS - over 50,000 people now doing cleanup of radioactive debris from reactor 3. FINALLY the real numbers. Unconfirmed blogs say medical professionals have recorded over 800 radiation deaths of cleanup workers (as of March 2014) and have been told to keep their mouths shut under heavy threat in the name of "national security". THAT MAKES SENSE.
Updated Dec 14 2015 For now, there are an officially claimed 5,000 workers doing fukushima cleanup, at least that is the number the ziopress is willing to admit to. I guess they think that is a believable number that people can cope with. But there is a huge problem with this number. And that is -Over 700 different registered companies and at least 50 unregistered companies are involved in cleanup of radioactive debris left in the wake of the reactor 3 explosion. Virtually ALL of these companies are Yakuza mafia run. And if over 700 of these companies add up to 5,000 people, it means that only seven people per company are working fukushima cleanup. That is not a believable number. It is my guess that the real number is between 50,000 and 100,000 people are working on Fukushima cleanup, numbers so high that they would result in hard questions being asked by the greater nuclear community and that is why the real numbers are being kept silent.
The official story right from the beginning is that the explosions were hydrogen gas explosions which would be harmless and incapable of spreading a lot of radioactive material. That is the only thing that can match a realistic scenario for boiling water reactors. You cannot, with such a reactor, get expulsion of hard material up into the atmosphere. Due to the inherent nature of the system, the only disaster scenario that can happen is melt downs and not explosions and expulsions of reactor cores. And since having huge amounts of radioactive debris spread over miles cannot in any non warfare, HARDWARE ONLY related situation happen, it is the job of the scamming ziopress and fake alternative press to hide the reality that this indeed happened, a reality which resulted in the need for an epic cleanup effort.
Reactor 3 never melted down before the explosion. It was destroyed by a nuclear weapon while still fully functional. This is the only thing that matches the scenario for what actually happened.
What proves this to be the case? It is the large amount of dust from the reactor core, dust which is now being cleaned up by thousands of admitted to, and probably upwards of a hundred thousand people. Reactor fuel pellets in a boiling water reactor are composed of uranium oxide dust which has a zircon cladding around the dust to keep it in pellet form. If the reactors had melted down before the explosions, there would have been no dust, the fuel would instead have been in the form of a liquid that would not have spread so readily and floated on the wind. Furthermore, it took an extreme kinetic event to pulverize the fuel pellets and send the uranium oxide dust inside them skyward. To do this, first the explosion had to penetrate a final thick concrete shield immediately surrounding the reactor that is inside the inner containment. It then had to completely blow away the reactor pressure vessel, which is several inches of solid steel thick. After that, it then had to blow apart the core, to get to the fuel pellets, and THEN have enough energy left in the shock wave to pulverize the fuel pellets and send them skyward in the form of dust. There is no conventional weapon on earth that could do that, only a nuclear weapon could, and the proof that this event did indeed happen via a beyond conventional explosion is the fact that much of Japan is now completely covered in this dust. Neither the hardware of the reactor itself or conventional weaponry could create such a scenario.And the bigger point is that if the reactors had only melted down, there would be no cleanup needed outside of the power facility. Yet melt downs are the only scenario the laws of physics support with the given materials and hardware absent a nuclear weapon blast, so melt downs are what scam sites like ENE news and others are pushing with regard to the dead starfish. And melt downs and open air gas explosions would never have destroyed or breached the inner containments, only explosives would, so why are these containments now leaking?
The key to keeping the lid on all of this now is silence from the workers
And that is precisely why they are being given death threats for speaking up about what is really going on with all of this. Obviously after the explosions, whatever was left of the reactors melted completely down. But at the time of the explosions there could not possibly have been melted reactor cores, the hard material now being cleaned up over 20 km away could not have come from that scenario.The Japanese Mafia, which is under Jewish control at the top, is handling the cleanup
Make sure you scroll FAR down this page to the links that prove the Israelis are in full control of Yakuza, this particular report is huge
And HOW IN THE HELL DID THE ISRAELI CONTROLLED YAKUZA MAFIA GET THIS JOB? I will tell you how - If you want to cover up a crime scene, have criminal organizations in charge of the cover up. People are dying left and right out at Fukushima because there is so much nuclear material laying around in the open compliments of reactor 3's core ejection. Since we have a scenario that could not have happened absent an act of war, criminals have to handle it if it is to remain a suitable secret. If anyone speaks up, BOOM, they are dead. If anyone steps out of line, a bullet to the head. And Tepco could not possibly get away with this, they are not the ones in charge of it. All this criminal activity is taking place under the radar, via mafia controlled subcontractors with Jewish overlords at the top.Japan is absolutely screwed
The contamination ended up being exactly what I said it would be from the beginning. But I was wrong about something - and that is that rather than abandon land, the Japanese are actually going to clean it up. This will involve the removal of all vegetation from thousands of square kilometers of land, and the top five centimeters of soil from all of that land. The cleanup does not only involve the exclusion zone, it extends all of the way through Sendai.And the big question is, WHY is this only coming to light NOW? I will tell you exactly why. It took this long for the public to mostly forget that officially, the fukushima disaster was only a little steam and a little loose gas. And Tepco could not and did not front a lie like that, the lie HAD TO come straight from the ziopress. Tepco initially stated that the radiation released was, in their own words "immeasurable" but the ziopress and nuclear blackmail silenced them within two days of them saying it. Now, over two years later, the public concience is sleeping on the topic and it is FINALLY safe for the ziopress to tell pieces of the truth, first starting with obscure news outlets such as AlJazeera because with an event that far back in the past people won't care about the details and Tepco has been successfully blackballed.
They now have to begin telling at least pieces of the truth, because the scenario on the ground has become too obvious for the official lie to cover up. They are obviously calculating what information to release at what time to avoid having too many lights go on all at once.The least influential people in Japan are doing the cleanup
The mafia contractors are taking the drug addicts, homeless, and other extremely disadvantaged and unsophisticated people and using them exclusively for the cleanup, especially at Fukushima proper. They are not having geniuses go in there. And there are reasons for this - this low economic class will produce the fewest complaints after being destroyed by the radiation, and this particular class of people will mostly lack the ability to question what is going on and what really happened to those reactors. It is also because These people are largely isolated and disposable, and few people, if any at all will notice if they die. The fact that death threats are being issued at all, the fact that the Mafia is involved with this at all should say it all.In order to cover up a war crime this big, a police state style management had to happen to keep the people silent, which Japan does not have via the government. The mafia had to be brought in, and you can't tell me the Japanese government is unaware. The Japanese government would not permit the cleanup via the mafia to happen as it is happening, but they are allowing it to proceed the way it is because they are under threat, which is: In Magna BSP's own words, with only 12 employees, IDF front company Magna BSP is handling the security for ALL of Japan's reactors. Magna has to be an IDF/Mossad front company, because 12 people could not possibly either protect or threaten that many reactors. 12 claimed employees means it can only be a mafia style protection racket that is "protecting" Japan's reactors, a "protection" racket which is run by the top criminals in the highest political places outside of Japan - and if Japan steps out of line, Stuxnet and more nukes go hot and it is BOOM to more reactors.
Working in Tokyo for the Israeli Mafia
This is the account of a witness to the Israeli mafia in Japan. It is indeed there and in control of the Yakuza
Note - I lived in Japan for almost a decade. The Israelis have had a strong presence there for at least 2 decades. On the cover of the Japan Times, circa 1990, there was a small article stating that the Israeli Mafia and the Japanese Mafia had formed a pact. I knew an Iranian who sold drugs for the Japanese mob (Yakuza). He said some Iranian Jews he knew were selling jewelry in Tokyo and making $2000 a day - in actuality, they were selling hash and meth to the Japanese. Some (not all) of these Israeli street hawkers are really in the drug trade. More than a few of them get jobs in Tokyo through connections in Bangkok at Israeli run guest houses, like the ones on Khao San Road.There are better ways to make a living.
It’s said that a fool and his money are soon parted. And that’s exactly why there are so many Israelis selling jewelry on the streets of Japan – they’re making it even easier. But the good news for the traveller in search of a buck is that you don’t have to be Israeli to hawk fake Rolexes and silver rings to the Japanese. I did it and I’m as uncircumcised as the next goy.
The boss once asked me: “Tom, are you Jewish?â€
“Well, nobody’s perfect.â€
Yes, you will be working for the Israeli mafia and they’ll suck all the work they can out of you. They’re lying, corrupt sleazebags but at least you won’t have to kow-tow to some nerdy Japanese boss. The Israelis have all the pitches on the streets sewn up these days so there’s no choice but to work for them. At least you don’t have to bring any stock yourself and they take care of all the practical stuff for you. All you’ve got to do is sell.
The set-up is like this: You get yourself to Japan and the Israelis will find some cheap accommodation for you. If you’re hard up they might even lend you a bit of money for the first week or two. Then after a few days of hanging around the stalls of the other sellers, learning the tricks of hard sell and some basic Japanese, you’ll be given a pitch of your own. You’ll be driven to work every day and set up four boards of jewelery and one table for the fake watches. For every item there is a minimum price, but you get 40% of the gross so you sell them for whatever you can get away with.
And then you’re on your own. For the next 10 hours you do your best to lie, flirt, bully and manipulate by any means possible anyone and everyone who passes by into buying something. “Please, sir! Come and look at my shop! Looking is free only! I make you good price! Buy something for your girlfriend!†Sound familiar? Yes, you have to become just like all those merchants and hawkers who drove you crazy all across Asia. Believe me, you’ll feel more sympathy for them in the future.
You’ll fleece drunken salary men returning from a night out at a blowjob bar, bimbos looking for a new Gucci accessory, and naive teenagers who want to buy their first Rolex. And if you can’t agree about the price? Well, this is a society of Samurai, after all. Looking some defiant student in the eye, I’d draw back my shoulders and say:
“Are you a man?â€
“Yes, of course!â€
“Then let’s play junken!â€
Also known as scissors, paper, and stone, this ancient game is sacred and few lacked the honour to pay your asking price if they lost.
But whatever you do, don’t convert the prices into dollars in your head because you’ll die laughing. You can sell pieces of purple string to put around the wrist for $15. It all depends on your confidence. Once, my friend told me, our boss was hanging around his stall and he set down on the table some lighter that he’d bought at 7-11 for two dollars. Some drunken businessman came along and fell in love with the thing. He was talked into buying it for $100.
Of course, the business is not exactly legal. I was working on a busy shopping street over Christmas, and in 10 days the police closed me down 35 times. They’d march up to my stall and shout angrily in Japanese I would pretend not to understand. They’d make me sign some form in Japanese, then I’d turn off the lights and look sorry. When they were out of sight, I’d open up again. They couldn’t believe I kept coming back.
“He’s a real tough cookie, this one,†they must have mumbled.
And if it wasn’t the boys in blue wearing me down with their clipboard and forms, it was the Yakuza. They’re paid off by the Israelis of course, but there’s always some drunk criminal who wants to scare a gaijin ( any foreigner.) Usually it was just some young, Mafia wannabe punk out to prove himself, but once I was fooling around with some pissed old guy who came to me on a quiet night.
“I am businessman!†He told me and held up his left hand with the missing little finger. When the Yakuza fuck up, honour demands that they cut off one of their finger segments to atone. As a guitarist, it was a horrific sight. All I could say was: “Yes, sir! No, sir! How many bags full, sir?â€
On a good day, selling silver in Tokyo was like stealing food from a paraplegic, and I couldn’t believe how a nation of such hopeless suckers ever got so rich in the first place. On the bad days, though, when rain came with the cold and random street aggravation, I hated the work as much as my own corrupted soul for sinking so low as to take such a job.
Still, I was lucky. Over three months I managed to save about US$3,000, but others I met only managed to cover their costs. This is definitely a job best suited to pretty girls and good liars
Other links proving the Israeli Mafia is running the Yakuza mafia, and therefore Fukushima cleanup "I submitted a visa application to the Israeli consulate in Tokyo, but was informed that a visitor's visa is usually not granted because the Israeli mafia is growing rapidly in Japan" My comment: Yeah, with billions of dollars in Fuku cash they ought to be growing rapidly!The first paragraph of this one pretty much nails it: Read the first paragraph, the Israeli mafia is obviously well entrenched in Tokyo
These are good:
This one is cute!
These collectively show that there is a very strong presense of the Israeli mafia operating in Japan, and as far back as 1990 the Israeli mafia had united with Yakuza. Given the skills of the Jews in taking over everything, simple logic would dictate that 25 years later, and current Japanese restrictions on Israeli passport visas for the sole purpose of keeping the Israeli mafia out, that Israel now owns Yakuza. If Yakuza and other mafia (Israeli) are providing a majority of the workers for Fukushima cleanup, it then follows simple logic to conclude that the orders for silence (or face death) threats given to workers have their origins in Israel, which is a nation in deep militarily strategic need of the best cover up possible.
Here is the Japanese reality about Fukushima
Radiation in Japan much higher than stated in the MSM, workers likely issued death threats by Israeli Mossad front companies
This is to once again re-state that Northern Japan is basically ruined and the hype about radioactive water leaking into the ocean is practically meaningless when put in contrast with the massive shot of radiation the Pacific got from the explosion at reactor 3.I am not going to be like CNN and Fox, sitting around saying only a little steam got out, nor am I going to say that the Pacific is dying because of Fukushima. This is mostly because all the anomalies in the Pacific are simultaneously occurring in the Atlantic. The starfish issue is not related to Fukushima, something else is amiss. For something that is actually true about Fukushima and damn spooky, Click here, and remember, the readings of 1,000 times over normal are OUTSIDE THE DECLARED DANGER ZONE just like I said it would be. Crazy stuff indeed. Watch for ENE to parrot this.
Obviously, since the reactors used uranium with a half life of many millions of years, and Plutonium, with a half life of thousands of years, and this stuff is dispersed evenly over a large area, there will be no practical way to clean any of this up. If you bury it, erosion will eventually expose it, and how can you scrape up the surface of every mountain, valley, field, or other terrain features and dispose of the entire top layer of the earth? That cannot happen, Japan really is screwed. On the other side of the issue however is the Pacific. Ordinary people are going out with their own geiger counters and finding nothing wrong. No damning radiation stats are forthcoming from the starfish crowd. Oceanographers are calling it a massive viral outbreak involving both the Pacific and the Atlantic. And I therefore believe there is a huge effort underway by usurpers of the truth movement to get people all scared over Fukushima, never tell them Israel did it, blame Tepco and the nuclear industry, and side track the truth movement AWAY from the real issues, such as Stuxnet at home, tainted vaccines, the encroaching police state, the Obama care disaster (and NO, you CANNOT opt out so I did not link that crap) and many other issues we should all be focused on.The big dirty at Fukushima already happened, and it happened when reactor 3 had its guts blown into the Pacific compliments of Magna BSP and the IDF. If there is a radiation problem in the pacific right now which I seriously doubt, it came from the big blast and not from a little ground water seeping in from the shoreline. It came from the big blast, which was carried by the wind into the ocean. This horrible contamination in Japan is the result of whatever dust was laying around after the big blast in the immediate vicinity of reactor 3 and then subsequently carried abroad. Had the wind currents been different and had the entire core been dispersed over land and not the ocean immediately following the blast, it would have literally cut Japan in half.
There is no doubt a lot got dumped into the Pacific, enough to make the water beneath the initial dust trail from reactor 3 240 times the safe limit within 10 miles of the coast. That has since dispersed. But that is a comparably small area, and I do not buy that it would contaminate the entire ocean. The starfish have had trouble off the coast for years now, even before Fukushima ever happened and it takes more time for the ocean currents from Japan to even hit the west coast than the current starfish die off can support, this die off started happening too soon for that. True, the water should be arriving at the coast right around now, but this starfish die off has been ongoing for two years.
Oceanographers are saying it is a virus and not Fukushima doing this. So are they all bought out by the Israeli Mossad too? Did Israel go into damage control mode and pay all of the oceanographers to shut up? Oh, I get it, TEPCO PAID THEM ALL OFF INSTEAD.
If anyone believes the west coast is frying from fukushima while the oceanographers say nada, I would say it is time for the thinking cap. If ENE and Infowars can say the ocean is destroyed with a web site, the oceanographers can say so as well. No one is shutting anyone up over this. Why are the oceanographers saying it is not Fuku then? How did the Pacific ocean currents carry Fuku fallout to the Atlantic to kill the starfish there as well?And about the latest propaganda row over how the workers are treated at Fukushima, blame it on Israel. Find out who is running those subcontractor companies. I bet a dime to a dollar they are all Mossad fronts, issuing death threats against workers to NOT talk about how it could not possibly have been hydrogen gas that destroyed the place. If any are smart enough to figure out what really went on there, it is shut up or die, straight from the mouth of the Mossad. COUNT ON IT.
Dec 13 2015A Russian warship fired warning shots toward a Turkish ship that was evidently going to ram it on purpose. Nothing more happened.
Climate change conference
As it turns out, the climate conference was a bust for the climate scammers because real scientists showed up and called their bluff. Who knows what the New World Order will do with the carbon tax in response, but it is now obvious to far more people that the climate change plot only existed to de-industrialize civilization and line the pockets of the super rich. As if we did not know. Anyway, good news from the conference, it was not limited to lies only and let's hope Volkswagen eventually gets a refund. At least Volkswagen had the guts to do something about the climate lies by making their cars "run too good" and break the law while doing so. How could that break the law? Ask a high level climate scammer, they all know at a high level that it is all a fabrication and we should support Volkswagen because they really did do something right with the TDI, even against orders.I now actually think this might be real and that the Nasa rovers might be on Devon island
I believe the rovers saw a clearly carved stone face (as I reported a year ago) but it might not have been where we thought they did. They might have photographed an old Viking relic. Right from day one I called the first two rovers fake but I had hopes for the second two. Now I think there is a high probability that the second two are also fake, it would explain EVERYTHING, ALL ANOMALIES, the quarters, the lemming, the polar bear cub, the carved stone face, the water marks, the zero bit dropped in sky in everything. Take a look at this, it would explain everything, Including why the Viking lander took a picture of Mars that actually had a real sky in it along with a huge amount of detail despite having a lesser camera, and these rovers never have done that. All 4 nasa rovers return nothing but one bit zero gradient sky and horrible low contrast low detail image quality that defies analysis. A zero gradient sky is not possible on Earth, let alone Mars where the sky would have a much steeper color gradient than earth because the atmosphere on Mars is thinner.Take a look at that linked report, he did a GREAT job, read it carefully, this guy could easily be right.
Dec 12 2015 Tom wrote:Hi Jim,
Seems to me one cannot go dark on the NSA unless they stay hidden indoors. It's my belief that they video everything from satellites in hi rez.
I think that is good, because movements of the false flag perps and war criminals have been recorded from above.
Best Regards,
My response: You won't need to worry about the satellites unless they are watching you already. Yep, the capability is there and potent, and I mean very potent but fortunately it is not yet "omnipotent" and even if it was "omnipotent" it would still be possible to bug out, no satellite is going to see you in an evergreen forest.
PressTV link
Why can't you keep at least a link to the 'Craft Intl mercenaries carried out San Bernardino shooting' article if it is credible? Is this a matter of personal safety for you? I'll make a donation shortly. You have a phenomenal site. Thank you. My response: The link to the article is still there, I just removed the embed. It is only polite to embed for a day because I will eat PressTV's server uselessly with more.Burner phones
Jim, I was reading your post about staying off the electonic grid. What say you about "burner phones"? The prepaid cellphones you can buy at Wally World? My response: You can't "go dark" with a burner phone. Reason 1: If you buy it in Candada, Canada's security agency will give you a call and get a voiceprint of you saying "hello" and then the phone is identified as yours, your voice print is on file. At least that is how they did it a few years ago. No one responds to your hello, they just grab it and hang up.Reason 2: The NSA is not polite enough to give you a welcoming call, they just record everything and you are pegged. And who you call will tell them who you are anyway.
Reason 3. All cell phones can be triangulated now (in the past they used GPS exclusively but now they just triangulate and they will know every place you called from right down to the inch.) All stories about Arabs buying anonymous "burner phones" for terrorism are hoakey, there is no such thing as an anonymous phone anymore! One call can give them 1. Your voice print. 2. Your home address. 3. Your most called person (if that is who you dial) and by the time you make 5 calls you are totally irrevocably pegged.
Absolutely no phone needs to be "registered" for them to know it is yours from day one, come on now! That is so "80's!"
Lionel Richie's "Easy like Monday Morning" is now "Easy like Sunday Morning!" Maybe I morphed universes again due to a drone strike after my rip yesterday . . . . .More Mandela Effect!!??!! : Trump went back to probable good guy overnight!
During a morning news program on MSNBC, Trump basically called out Israel for funding ISIS! During the MSNBC program called "morning Joe", Trump walked right up to the edge of the line, made it clear to everyone he does not support Israel supporting ISIS all the while the program hosts beat around the bush trying to get Trump to say ISIS was only Arab. Trump held his ground extremely well, and made it very clear that the only reason why he did not directly indict Israel (without even mentioning Israel) was that he had a "lot of relationships with people" there. After this program, Trump canceled his trip to Israel which was supposed to happen two days later, obviously (as far as I see it) for the purpose of staying alive.Trump just might be a good guy, it is really hard to tell because he plays the game so well.
Take a look at the key part of the interview:
Donald: Right now, you have things going on, you have so called people that you think are on our side, they're not reporting it, they're not talking about it, and in some cases they're involved with it. I mean look: I'll give you an example.
Some of our so-called allies that we work with and that we protect militarily, they are sending massive amounts of money to ISIS and to al-Queda and to others.
Joe: So, who are you talking about there?
Donald: You know who it is. What do I have to bring it up for? You know who it is.
Joe: Because you're running for President. Are you talking about the Saudis?
Donald: Joe. Hey Joe. Other countries are giving massive amounts of money. People from other countries are giving massive amounts of money.
Joe: So are you saying the Saudis are doing this?
Donald: Of course they're doing it. Everybody knows that.
Joe: Okay, any other countries?
Donald: There are, but I'm not gonna say it, because I have a lot of relationships with people. But there are. And you know that. And everybody knows that. And nobody says it. Nobody talks about it.
My comment: What other candidate will talk like that? This is not some sort of game he is playing for the idiots, who would never understand what he is referencing, these statements are to be understood by people who know what is going on. The average Trump supporter does not know what is going on. In that context, this is quite a big deal indeed. The fact that Trump canceled his trip to Israel after this is the icing on the cake!
EVERY BIT OF THIS IS REAL REGARDLESS OF TROLL "EXPERTS" WHO MIGHT HIT THIS TOPIC: If you have an old cable TV box or ANY cable ready TV plugged into cable, get rid of it and get rid of cable even if everything you have is from the 1980's. Even if you don't have a smart TV, the speakers in many televisions can be used as microphones to transmit everything said back to the NSA the same way a smart TV will, and many old cable boxes will as well. Almost all Scientific Atlanta cable boxes that were ever made can. If you have any car 1998 or newer, consider it bugged even though it might not be, and anything 2005 and newer IS BUGGED AS A REQUIREMENT OF FEDERAL LAW. This requirement was announced briefly in 2004 and then went "off the books". If you have a less than 10 year old car and a need for information security, Ditch it.Don't tell me you still want your cell phone! DITCH IT.
HERE IS A BIG ONE: ALL, AND I MEAN ALL land lines have been completely bugged since BEFORE 1960 EVEN IF HUNG UP. THIS WAS A HUGE TOPIC AT THE NSA, we were warned to never say anything classified around such a phone because the phone system was designed to never hang up, all it does is cut the ear piece off so you can't hear anything and the microphone stays active full time, always sending everything said in the house back to the phone company. Some of the new cordless phones and touch tone phones actually do hang up, but many will not even if bought new today and absolutely none of the rotary phones or old touch tone phones ever did. The NSA is totally in bed with the phone companies, and has this nailed. And even at that, they were worried about other countries listening in via these phone lines as well, which is why they were considered dangerous and made a topic of discussion regarding keeping classified information secure.
If you think you can go "NSA dark" while using the internet, well, perhaps you can if you only use public computers that have no web cams while keeping your mouth shut, never access any online accounts you might have, and NEVER EVEN THINK ABOUT USING A TABLET, PC OR LAPTOP YOU OWN.
Almost all digital cameras now have a link back to the NSA, and I mean dedicated digital cameras that are not used for communication at all. Most of them now have wifi, and most of them now have GPS. Additionally, many memory cards have wifi as well. Even if you never connect to wifi, the neighbors wifi WILL SEE YOUR CAMERA, a secret connection WILL be made, and everything said around that camera and every picture and video taken can be sent straight back to the NSA via your neighbor's equipment, all the while your neighbor is totally oblivious to anything going on AT ALL. This is also true for laptops, ANY laptop that has a wifi card will snitch through your neighbor's connection even if you never access it yourself, any computer that has CoreVpro or any of the newer processors will snitch via the cell phone network, . . . . .Going NSA dark means NO PHONE, NO LAPTOP, NO COMPUTER, NO CAMERA, NO NEW CAR, NO TELEVISION, NO SMART APPLIANCES, Basically going "NSA dark" means GOING AMISH, seriously, they have gotten so invasive now that is practically the only way. And this is important to know because GOING DARK IS THE ONLY WAY WE HAVE A CHANCE OF TAKING THE COUNTRY BACK.
I am sticking this on top for a while because it is so important.
Regular updates will drop in below.
This is the other item that has someone pissed:
This vehicle could not have possibly been acquired and driven by our patsies because the front emergency lights are flashing white in the video. Only police vehicles are allowed to have that ability, normal cars are required to flash YELLOW, BY LAW. QUESTION: How did our Muslim terrorists manage to drive a restricted "law enforcement only" vehicle?Burned libraries
Jim, want absolute proof that they are burning libraries and destroying all useful knowledge? I realized that I could build a stone house, way out in the boonies (where there is no building code because there is no government), by hand, for a tiny fraction of the price of your standard American moldy tinderbox that costs 6 figures. However, it will be much easier to build that house if I can cut rocks in uniformly sized bricks. Here's the kicker: I cannot find anything on the internet that explains the basics of stone masonry, and then shows how to cut a uniform stone brick that is smoothed on all sides. You can find infinite amounts of info on how to build a worthless rock veneer over a wood frame. You can find some older knowledge explaining how to face stone masonry units. But if you actually want to build a structure out of solid rock, utilizing the proper stone masonry techniques that are older than time itself, GOOD LUCK......My response: This is still done many places outside of America. Including even Mexico. I have cut stone the way you questioned myself. I have had Arab friends tell me what crap American houses are, here is how they rated houses: The best houses are stone, like you described, those last forever (until they are intentionally taken down, and I am talking thousands of years.) The second best is brick and concrete, those last about 3 centuries without much work. The third best is solid concrete, it will last about 200 years before it needs any serious maintenance. So yeah, your typical American tinder box, which needs massive repairs once every 30 years is junk. Not comparative junk, just junk. No excuse for it, other than tyranny that wants Americans wasting their lives on paying for a place to live. How much does a 2,000 year old structure cost anyway? That was paid for LONG AGO, and it was CHEAP to begin with. They are fairly common in the Arab world.
Here is how you cut your stones:
You get a brick mason's chisel and a five pound sledge hammer. The right chisel will weigh about two pounds and have a 4 inch long head, a hand guard (so you don't dentDisclaimer: Use of this information in America without the explicit permission of the government can (depending on how bad your "violation" is, and they decide that on the spot) land your *ss in jail for over a decade. They will be happy, because if you have the gumption to pick up a chisel and sledge, you will make a GREAT PRISON SLAVE.
Another correction needs to be made to this report.
Re video you linked, Frame at 00:00 shows Richardson St. Google location is:,-117.2520422,3a,75y,240.72h,80.2t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUTh0f2h1tD_VvwaRcxZsmg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Tree on far left corner matches video frame at 00:18. Pattern of colored flags, shoes, etc in frame at 00:00 matches those at 00:18. Frame at 00:09 shows white picket fence. Google location is:,-117.2483638,3a,16.8y,185.66h,79.43t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sC-nk_xven-_eSHLYn1lw3g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Seams in curb and cracks in road match. If you swing the view to the right, you'll be looking at the Richardson St sign. What we thought was two different locations is actually the same location. Telephoto lens effect causes the apparent differences, including the dotted yellow line; same effect as I pointed out in the Michael Hastings imagery. More crow. Bummer. My comment: Thanks for pointing that out. I don't care how much crow I have to eat after stuffing myself to the popping point on the finest lasagna in the world, - proving beyond all doubt the SUV was both remote controlled and a police vehicle not available to the public. So we drop one point about two locations - who cares, that point is not even top listed with the good stuff! Take a look at this page, it totally slays them and I gotta say, so many other people have other good info I don't have here that matches the importance of this with ease that this false flag is only to be believed by invalids and pushed by trolls! I also dropped the "windows shot out" angle of this, because if the police opened the doors and shot them out . . . . . well, it would look like that and the only proof the patsies did not do it now is the intact windows as the SUV rolls to a stop. The doors did get opened, question: BY WHO, because that part is not in any video. Umm, yeah it is, but we don't get to see that, do we? and if we can't see it, it can't be proven one way or the other.The bottom line is there is so much proven we don't need doubtful stuff to ramrod this one into false flag oblivion. Thanks for the detailed analysis and $4:11!
Message window removed (for now),
I have to re-secure the server (if possible) the latest reporting on San Bernardino has the elite scammers so pissed it is probably not a good idea to have it open, especially since they have a way into it right now anyway. SO, I am once again going to bump the most damning thing to the top, because someone is absolutely flamed over it:And I am confident this PressTV report gave someone a snuggie, with all the moaning in the in box!
BOMBSHELL: PRESS TV REPORTED THAT "'Craft Intl mercenaries carried out San Bernardino shooting'"
My comment: In my opinion, far from being a propaganda outlet, Press TV is staffed by people who won't report anything unless someone in the MSM holds their hands and begs them. If they reported this, it is a flat guarantee it is bang on, they won't take risks the way I do. Anyway, read it and weep, CAPTURE THIS, ARCHIVE AND POST!!! Quote from this PressTV report:""So clearly this is a very very dirty false flag. Obviously, the United States is getting very very desperate; the government here is very desperate, they need to do something immediately to disarm the United States prior to a revolution, because the people here are waking up very fast, and they are ready to shut down this evil empire. And this needs to happen very soon"
This window will scroll, you can read the entire PressTV report by scrolling the window. Embed removed after a little over a day to not eat too much of PressTV's bandwidth, if you have not seen this click here and it will still come in.
Litmus test time.
Here is your litmus test. Take all of the sites that are parroting the MSM script and throw them straight in the trash, no matter how good they looked in the past. Take all alternative web sites that are playing people's ignorance, saying no one in the family knew what the female shooter looked like because her head was always covered (as well as other things) and throw them straight in the trash. Take any alt media site that is hopping on the "it was real this time" meme and throw it in the trash. If they are not on the ball with a failure this obvious, they are hacks no ifs or buts!
Pallas cat wrote:
Muslims don't
spell "Farook" that way. It should've been Farooq instead. Why? Because K
in Arabic maps to "Q" only. Case study: Muslims write "Quran", not
"Koran". This just basically proved that the name of the terrorist was
devised by someone unrelated to the Muslim faith, and has "koran" in
his/her vocabulary.....hmmm
My response: Ouch, that is a painful one for the fakers, you are
absolutely right. The fact this was spelled wrong on an ID card speaks
volumes. That would never happen and also proves this girl did not
have that card made. It has to be a dropped in fake, and the spelling
error in the word "REVENUE" on the same card is a similar bonus.
An avalanche of readers sent a message that it was a 2015 - 2016 Ford Expedition, this inconsistency is explained and cancelled. Not to worry, THE VIDEO CAPTURE PROVES THEY STILL WERE NOT DRIVING IT. And the two SUV's are so similar they have the same seats.
Additionally, I can't for some reason get the audio from that video, but I have watched it in full and it has a lot of helicopter footage which apparently proves our two patsies were shot and killed by police after the police destroyed their car about 5 miles away, and that they were then transferred to the SUV in handcuffs unconscious or dead. There is so much censored that obviously that part is not on video anywhere, but it is all pretty obvious. That video is a good one, I think it got leaked by an insider who did not agree with what was done. The video proves police helicopters have cameras no one ever dreamed of, and that is something that is no doubt classified. The helicopter footage has to be an unauthorized leak because it proves these helicopters can put anyone on screen full screen from 10 miles away.
____________________________________________ The false flag has fallen apart, and the only thing holding it together is the lies in the media. It is up to you, the reader, to make a difference now by posting this proof or at least mentioning it everywhere, IMPORTANT: TO AVOID THE CENSORS DO NOT LINK BACK TO HERE OR MENTION THIS WEB SITE IF YOU DO NOT HAVE YOUR OWN WEB SITE OR IT WILL GET CENSORED IN COMMENT SECTIONS AND FORUMS, AND I DON'T CARE ABOUT CREDIT, LET'S BLOW THIS THING, THERE IS A WAR TO STOP. just copy and paste, ARCHIVE AND POST! I am aware that three white men did the shooting, (and have been aware of this since the beginning because the mainstream reports said so in the first hour, it did not take the female whistle blower for this fact to be out there) but that is not my info, and it is abundantly available so I never mentioned it. 100 percent certified fact if you want my opinion.Dec 9 2015
I bumped the following to the top because it is important.
I have corrected this report to state it was an in production Ford Expedition, not a prototype Excursion.
I HIT A NERVE. THE MAIL BOX IS FULL OF PURE TROLLAGE AND HATE MESSAGES SAYING I AM "EVIL" (and other useless stuff) with good messages apparently wiped out.
Topics covered in Today's mail: Muhammadism: Terrorism and Jihad in Islam ** Jim Stone is a Scandanavian whore of Cain ** Farooq is linked to ISIS ** Saudis are the biggest child traffickers in the world, and my silence on the topic makes me complicit ** Islam almost destroyed the Phillipines and the conquistadors saved them ** The earth is flat ** Obama is a Muslim ** Nibiru approaching ** I went back through mails I missed due to lack of time to get to them all, and found This interesting mail from a man on the ground in Turkey UPDATE: I took a look at this, and it is AWESOME. MUST READ. This is a continuation of a message I posted earlier. If you want what I believe to be solid info from Turkey, this is probably it. Turks speak English, so the high quality of writing is explained by that.Here is what hit the nerve: Yesterday I got a frame out of one of the videos of the police chase that proves no one was driving the SUV and it was indeed remote controlled. The trolls don't even care that I screwed up and said it was an un-released Excursion (rather than a 2 years released Expedition), no, they don't care about that mistake, they care about what I got right - Driverless SUV that had white flashing headlights, which are only available on police vehicles. They are pissed and calling me pure "EVIL". I am going to put up a couple messages that did get through, that were not hostile but seem to be attempts to "educate" me to the "facts".
The following has been efficiently edited because I don't want to eat the front page with it.
Jim, What do you make of this quote from **** ****** website (omitted because I hate troll web sites); "Farooq Saeed, who is now known correctly as Syed Rizwan Farook, has been linked to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, according to several reports. Also, we now know he and his wife had 19 assault rifles and radio controlled explosives designed to take out first responders. " My response: There is your litmus test. Ditch him. He's a scammer for the New World Order. Useless rotten peel for a mind to slip on.If no one was driving the SUV, as proven clearly and I told everyone how to prove it and provided the video which was produced by someone else that never made the point that I did and told them what free software to use to extract good data from sabotaged video (if they don't believe it) let's see troll boy post something like that.
Bottom line: if a "truther" wants war that truther is a liar. If a "truther" is still talking assault rifles rather than 3 white shooters, a car crash 5 miles away that the police got the bodies from, handcuffed patsies, a driverless SUV that is a proven police vehicle, the fact the main patsy was a business tax auditor up until 2 weeks ago when he got transferred to "health inspector" (probably because he blew something wide open and "needed to die"), if your "truther" is not interested in the fact the apartment was ripped open to everyone the day after, if he is not discussing these things, he is a pile of dung.
Jim, i love ur site but explain this simple thought. I agree San Bern was a false flag, as was the plan parenthood thing and Sandy Hook, etc. But with the recent San Bern. thing, WHY would a marxist muslim in the white house be setting up muslims as patsies? Doesnt make sense from what we believe and know about obama. why not shoot up some white Christian tea-party Ted nugent-types instead of Mr. And Mrs. Muslim? What is the angle here? Something not adding up. Is this happening from somewhere else other than the White House? Perhaps the Bush/Cheney/Nazi clan?what do u think?
My response: 1. Obama is not a Muslim. He is an Ashkenazi Jew, and "Muslims" on his staff have also all been ferreted out as Ashkenazi Jews. Trolls tried to pin Obama as Muslim because they knew he was not popular, and could be used to tarnish Islam. There is no fact behind it at all. As far as the speech goes, Jews always play the pacifist while they destroy people, the speech was no surprise.
2. Obama did not arrange this false flag and set no one up. He is a grade school simpleton placed on a pinnacle by appointment via rigged elections. There is no charisma there, it is all scripted nonsense. Obama is clueless about everything, and just a dashboard mounted bobble head doll with someone else in the drivers seat, always nodding his approval with every bump and turn.
Dec 8 2015
Don't be fooled into supporting a war
It is obvious that the Islamic terror meme is being used to get Americans to support a major war in Syria. And Trump is pumping it up as much as he can. In fact, I think Trump might even be getting manipulated into going rabid on the "Islamic terror" meme so the elite can use his popularity to accomplish their war agenda. That makes a pile of sense as far as I see it. Anything that works I guess.I am doing a little deep digging for what I think is a holy grail of truth in all of this that will prove out multiple conspiracies in one whack but won't say what that is right now to prevent censors from blowing it.
I will say this: I find it curious that during the video of police "apprehending the suspects" there is NOT ONE SECOND OF ACTUAL FOOTAGE OF SHOTS FIRED FROM THE SUV. It just goes from perfect SUV to shot to pieces SUV in one frame. This was obviously done because no one ever fired anything from that SUV. I went through a fair amount of footage of the SUV going down the road (everything I can find) using levels to try to extract as much sub detail as possible from the windows and it really looks like both the passenger seat and drivers seat are empty, and that the SUV is being driven via remote. The emergency flashers were on, which is super odd in a police chase but would not be odd if it was being driven via remote for a drill, and there was street radar which showed the SUV was only going 40 MPH while the police were chasing it which is double odd. At that point in all videos, the windows are rolled up and not shot out. So at that point in all videos, the police cannot say they were receiving fire from that vehicle.All the video is super poor quality, but I can extract sub detail down to one step in 16.7 million with Gimp moved sliders for hours on multiple frames (sliders that let you go up and down in the sub bits you can't see when the video is normally playing) and after extracting every possible ounce of detail I saw no evidence of anyone in those seats. I believe that either the videos are all CGI or that vehicle was driven via remote. At some point I should have pulled a discernable driver out of the murk from at least one frame out of many, and there is NADA.
Any frames that might have given enough detail to see clearly what was going on were miraculously missing from ALL videos, leaving only murky frames to work with even though all the before and after frames are there. Let me explain what I am talking about: (umm later, I got distracted by the fact this SUV does not even exist yet, I think that is more important. I will see if I can get a good extraction and post it later. UUMM, QUESTION: DID FORD PROVIDE LAW ENFORCEMENT WITH A SPECIAL REMOTE CONTROLLABLE SUV THAT IS STILL IN PROTOTYPING STAGE? they would not have to be evil to do that, or complicit in this event to do that, AND IF THEY DID, IT WOULD BE EASIEST TO JUST STRAP IT ON THE CURRENT SOON TO BE RELEASED MODEL, RIGHT? IF IT IS A PROTOTYPE, YOU HAVE A FEW OF THOSE YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SELL TO NORMAL CUSTOMERS ANYWAY, RIGHT? DING DING DING DING DING!!!
Dec 6/7 2015
Gun grab speech today UPDATE: I GUESS NOT. I don't know what that was!
Anyway, he mentioned the anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Ok. So let's see when the next "terror attack" is. Maybe the AI program told his controllers he had better play it cool because too many people knew that shooting was B.S. no matter how forcefully they keep venting the Emu, Ferret and Camel dung through Drudge. **sigh**///////delay the following for another up and coming day, they will try the gun ban later I guess:
I'd like people to consider something: We are on the cusp of war with Russia. What nation would want a gun ban in America right before such a war? RUSSIA. I have NEVER trusted Russia. And even if Russia is not the problem anymore, people ought to clearly see at least that it is the cold war cronies of Russia that are in control of the American government now, and even if Russia is not the bad guy now, the fact these cronies in our government want a gun grab right before what looks like it could be a world war means ONE THING: The want America to lose that war. CONSIDER THIS DURING OBAMA'S SPEECH: A gun grab now? ARE YOU KIDDING? who would want that, other than the enemy?
I posted the following to the comment section of a popular news site, and it is a great summary of what is in the report below:
There are a number of problems with the so-called terror attack. 1. The shooter was posting to Facebook during the attack (time records show he could not have done this, so if the shooting happened at all, it was staged by someone else.)2. When you look at the scenes where the SUV is shot up, they prove the story presented about how it happened to be a lie. Yes, there is a shot up SUV, but all the windows are rolled up, and if active shooters really were threatening police and shooting them from this SUV the windows had to have been rolled down because you can't point a large gun from a space as small as an SUV unless you point it out an OPEN window. The fact the windows are rolled up and shot out in all photos proves no one fired anything from that vehicle and ALL bullets came from police.
3. There is a lawyer working the case for the shooter's family, and he has revealed that both the man and woman were found handcuffed and shot to death in the back of the SUV, which means the SUV had to have been being driven via remote control for the media cameras because you can't drive while handcuffed, shot to death, and stuffed behind the back seat. All of America's cars are now by law at least partially drive by wire and ALL are completely hooked up to the cell phone system at ALL TIMES by Federal law (all models made since 2004,) which makes remote takeover possible. Obviously this is what happened in this case, because dead men can't drive.
There are many many many other huge inconsistencies which proves the shooting was done to make Muslims look horrible and provide an excuse to control the American people, and our Islamic patsy was probably chosen for this because he was a state tax auditor up until a very short time before this happened, (and was transferred to another job for the state) most likely because he uncovered criminal activity. I think someone wanted to get rid of him, and that (along with the fact that he was Muslim) is why he was chosen.
Dec 5 2015
My response: Here is your litmus test. Take all of the sites that are parroting the MSM script and throw them straight in the trash, no matter how good they looked in the past. Take all alternative web sites that are playing people's ignorance, saying no one in the family knew what the female shooter looked like because her head was always covered (as well as other things) and throw them straight in the trash. Take any alt media site that is hopping on the "it was real this time" meme and throw it in the trash.
At least a few people know that countless fake truth sites were set up in the past decade, feeding good info for years, only to gain people's trust so they could be used as weapons at a time like this. If they are parroting the MSM script this time it does not make them right just because they gave good info in the past, it just exposes them as the fake opposition. There are a few good sites out there, but they are like trying to find strawberries in a patch full of aphids. PICK YOUR SIDES NOW, EVERYONE HAS THEIR PANTS DOWN AND IT IS LITMUS TEST TIME.
Someone does not get it!
Black cars ?What do you mean to prove by showing different set of black cars, different types, at different positions, at different place and in different year season?! Note the sunlight - the sunlit scene is from summer, not from winter... (the horizontal view on FBI sunlit city scene is just a completely different one from the aerial view - someone sent you a bad image?!)
My response: Nope. No mis placed images here . . . . All are
still being shown in the same video sequence from the MSM and are still
being presented as the same scene. I have re-confirmed this many times
and even shot a video of the latest Mexican newscast, to prove the same
error is being broadcast even here. They screwed this so seriously it
looks like they are testing to see if the flu shots wrecked everyone's
brain badly enough for the general population to accept it as one scene!
If you think it is my mistake, it is only because you can't accept that
the lies are that provable and that this is not all real. It is a major
comedy type screw up.
To see what this guy is referencing, click here
Enough facts are in to paint a very clear picture now
The lawyer that got assigned to this case ended up being a huge problem for the false flag crew because he ended up being a good guy. And he spilled a key piece of evidence on national television - that both shooters were found behind the back seat of the SUV shot to pieces and already in handcuffs. So this opens a huge can of worms that blows a lot of secrets, the story HAS TO go like this now: The couple was hunted down as they were out and about together, murdered, and stuffed in the back of the SUV behind the rear seat. Subsequently (and there is no other way this could happen) the SUV, which was completely modern and full drive by wire, was then remote control driven "Hastings style" and the police shot it full of holes until a bullet cut a wire somewhere and it stopped. The police reported the couple was in full combat gear, but in reality the wife (who was the only one shown after the police shot up the SUV) was in shorts, high heels, and a short bare tummy blouse.So the story about combat gear is a lie, and because the couple were already handcuffed, the story about "brandishing weapons and shooting at police" was also a lie, which is subsequently proven by the fact that the windows were rolled up when shot out.
THIS IS PERHAPS THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT FOR BUSTING THIS ENTIRE RUSE: In ALL photos and video, the windows of the SUV are rolled up yet shot out. Yet the police claimed they were receiving fire from assault rifles from this vehicle. If this couple was using assault rifles, they would not have been able to fire them through closed windows because the barrels are too long, it is impossible to be in a car and point one out the side with the windows rolled up because there simply is not enough room in a car to do that. And no one is stupid enough to try to shoot a gun in an enclosed chamber like a car with the windows rolled up, the back blast would be severe. The fact they were up in all photos is cold proof no bullets were ever fired from this SUV, all the bullet damage is from police.
Additionally, we have two SUV shooting scenes clearly shown on camera. If there was only one shooting, and one nut case Islamic couple, there would be ONE SUV shot up in ONE location, not two.
There is a lot on this page now, for everything referenced above, complete with photos, scroll down the page. This is important stuff - this HAS TO be spread to bust this scam or the NWO will probably get America to support World War 3, the ALL THE WRITING WE NEED TO BLOW THIS SCAM WIDE OPEN IS ON THE WALL NOW AND YOUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT, ARCHIVE AND POST!
Maybe that is why Alt media is under attack - the scammers of this last false flag are busted multiple ways!
Lawyer's testimony (for whatever reason they have one) confirms - those working the case closely and not affiliated with the MSM have confirmed that both were shot dead and in handcuffs long before the police shot hundreds of rounds into the SUV, and the SUV was probably therefore being driven via remote control for the TV cameras, which that particular SUV allows completely because it is full drive by wire. A little "Hastings action" here. BLOCKBUSTER: CONFIRMED: let me repeat this: The couple blamed were not even patsies and were not the shooters. They were murdered in cold blood beforehand (most likely because as I initially stated, both were state employees and the husband up until recently worked in financial auditing for the state, and was recently assigned to be a health inspector.) Most likely this couple was chosen to be eliminated in this ruse (IF THEY ARE EVEN DEAD) because as an auditor most likely Sayed discovered something "inconvenient."The lawyer's testimony is on video HERE
The couple's home has been ruined for all forensic work.
Over 100 reporters have been allowed in and no serious police investigation was ever done because real investigations take weeks, not hours. This is because the patsies are innocent, and the police/FBI and whoever else set up this false flag do not want a real investigation. WE NEED TO FIND OUT WHO THE LANDLORD IS AND IF THE LANDLORD IS A JEW. THE LANDLORD IS NOW OBVIOUSLY COMPLICIT, THERE IS NO CONCEIVABLE WAY THE LANDLORD WOULD ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN WHEN THE RENT WAS PAID INTO THE FUTURE UNLESS THE LANDLORD SPECIFICALLY WANTED THE INVESTIGATION TO BE DESTROYED. THIS PROVES THE LANDLORD IS A SUSPECT IN THE REAL CRIME. ADDITIONALLY, THERE IS NO CONCEIVABLE WAY THE POLICE WOULD EVER ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN, THEY WOULD HAVE NAILED THE PLACE IN MINUTES. THIS PROVES THE POLICE ARE COMPLICIT IN THE REAL CRIME AS WELL. Over 100 reporters have been through the house. The neighbors are looting it as well. This most likely proves the couple really was shot to death, and also DEFINITELY proves they are innocent because if they were not completely innocent the police would have had that house on absolute lockdown. After all, there were supposed to be explosives there, RIGHT? Do the police just barn door any place that could have explosives for any old cattle to walk through? HELL NO!GUILTY OF THE FALSE FLAG AND ALMOST DEFINITELY OF MURDER: The San Bernardino Police Department, Many of the reporters, and obviously this would have all been staged by the Jewish community via the FBI and Mossad for the sole purpose of making Americans hate Muslims, because the Jews are going to kick off world war 3 and want the Arab world destroyed so they can have their ERETZ ISRAEL. This will be difficult to accomplish if Americans do not hate Muslims. This shooting is NOT what they are saying it is folks, the fact the house was not on lockdown PROVES IT.
Here is more on the fakery:
Re San Bernardino Shooting Channel surfed and caught a bit of the news which I never listen to but wanted to see the latest. Ohmylord, they are soooooo taking advantage of ignorant Americans -- now they are saying that since the woman wore a hijab her brothers in law did not know what she looked like. Are we that stupid??? It's common knowledge that the women of all countries do not wear their hijhab or covering or head scarves in the family at all, they only put them on when going outside. Therefore, this is blarney.And it points to the likely reason as being she did not want anybody to know what she was up to, because she was either working for the enemy or Israel or .... Otherwise, she'd not have covered up around her family. None of these stories make any sense, and the media/planners/jewish establishment are making fools of everybody who believes it hook, line and sinker as if sleep walking, never any independent thinking. Because of this, as a country we will probably just keep going farther and farther down the drain.
My response: It really is frustrating watching it all, and how ignorant the American population really is. IF the story about her never unveiling in front of family is true, something is definitely screwy. I doubt it, that would be unbelievable and I think it just took them a while to AI a face up or something of that sort but who knows. . . .
I am confident that this staged shooting and the Paris attacks were a direct response to the fact Russia has proven ISIS is run by Washington DC and the typical B.S. that happens when the Jewish community wants people to support a war. If they get away with this, the ONLY END will be glass parking lots all over America, which is precisely what the Jewish community wants. They own Russia to a huge extent, will play both sides, and with gun owning America nuked out of the picture they will then be free to simply take the entire world. Iran is another obstacle, but Iran is a 4 (very large) nuke country, practically nothing is needed to wipe them out. Absent nukes the going would be tough though . . . .
The only hope as far as I see it is miscalculation of world support, before you can pull any scam like this on the people you need virtually unilateral support. If they have miscalculated and do not own even one powerful nation as well as they think, they will lose this. They are walking the razor blade with this one.
I would not take indicators such as Russia banning GMO to mean Russia is the good guy. Though Russia completely banning GMO is a good thing, it could also mean "shadow" Russia is pushing GMO's to wreck everyone but themselves. Who knows. But they were pressured to accept them so that is a plus in their favor, indicating the evil is elsewhere. My great hope is that the evil the world faces all really is centered in England, Israel and the U.S., and that Russia can fix this honestly. But I don't have my fingers crossed, Russia actually being the good guy rather than being owned and played is in my opinion on the far fringe of hope.
More from "Vac"
Jim, you can be sure that your pages are well studied by the kinds of media groups I referred to last message, as the _____________ site has hurried full bore in an attempt to reestablish it's shaken credibility – only to give itself another black eye! They rushed out a story on Friday with the kind of 'breaking news' overtones reserved for the biggest of scoops; Turkish Troops Said To Invade Iraq Near Mosul - only to be rebuked by their own sources, for 'exaggerating' a 'routine rotation of troops' into claims of invasion.This gives us an opportunity to peer deeper into the murky world of 'mainstream' and 'alternative' media distortions – and perhaps even gain some further insight into what they are designed to achieve. The Turkish government fed a story on Friday to it's media outlets about the presence of Turkish army personnel in a part of Iraq close to Mosul. The various shadings of the story -all of which center on the training of militia groups in Iraq supposed to be fighting ISIL- range from a report of Turkish military trainers being sent to a camp close to that city – accompanied by some 20-25 tanks and a company of troops – to a full scale invasion of that country in order to crush the "Daesh" Islamist extremists which Ankara is under extreme pressure to appear to be fighting – rather than supporting.Drawing upon an initial report by zionist propagandda asset Stratfor, the ZH story speculated that the report of Turkish armored battalions arriving north of Mosul in preparation for a coordinated attack on the ISIL forces holding that city where in fact cover for an incursion designed instead to protect the oil transport route which which that same terrorist organization has been shipping stolen Iraqi oil through Turkey. The kernel of truth hidden within that surmise apparently resulted in a very public rebuke from the 'intelligence-gathering' outfit which purports to offer balanced and objective geopolitical assessments while really advancing the Yinan Plan objectives of the terrorist state occupying Palestine.
The convolutions of the real story are so great as to offer great challenge to any attempt to cut through the smoke and mirrors of dueling 'management perception' machines attacking from all sides. Nevertheless, it is necessary to make the effort. To do so, first we have to delve into the very murky world of Kurdish politics. An ancient ethnicity whose modern population straddles the borders of at least four neighboring countries in the region, the Kurds are themselves divided – by religious, political, and cultural fracture, into very discordant and competing parts.
The Kurdish part of northern Iraq has maintained a state of quasi independence since the virtual breakup of that country in the aftermath of the purposeful American destruction of its infrastructure and fragile socio-religious detente. They have supported that breakaway status via the possession of richly productive oil fields, the product of which has been shipped to Turkey for domestic consumption for several years now. This economic relationship has also produced a tactical political alliance between the Kurdish faction that has taken over the political leadership of the breakaway Iraqi parcel by refusing to hold elections after the expiration of their elected mandate – and the government in Ankara, which similarly, in refusing to acknowledge the results of their defeat at the polls in June of this year, decided to rule without reference to law or constitution. The result of this is that the KRG of breakaway Kurdish Iraq are allied against BOTH the PKK guerrilla forces fighting for Kurdish autonomy within Turkey, and the PYD militia of the Syrian Kurds who have gained control of large sections of the northern part of that country bordering Turkey.
As a result of this factional infighting between Kurds in the three countries, the Turks have been able to keep their internal and external opponents off balance, and rearrange the political spectrum on their immediate borders in favor of advancing their project of destabilizing and ultimately destroying the Syrian state so as to divide it between themselves and the zionist entity. The KRG government of northern Iraq is in turn a client state of that entity, which has long sought to use the Kurdish independence struggle to assist in the break up of the secular middle eastern states established in the aftermath of WW1 so as to become the dominant military and economic power in the region. Likewise, they have used the neo-Ottoman colonial fantasies of the wannabe Caliph in Ankara to make Turkey a defacto asset in the same plan.
Significant amounts of the stolen Iraqi oil which the Kurds market through Turkey ends up in the hands of the same buyers as the stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil which the ISIL terrorists sell to the tune of $2 million a day – arriving via tanker trucks to ports in western Turkey to be loaded onto tankers which sail to Malta and off-load to waiting ships which then head to the port of Askhelon in occupied Palestine. The Russians have now provided the documentation of the mechanics of this trade with the direct accusation of Turkish management of the distribution network, but the Turks have made sure that the domestic media does not touch that story on fear of more imprisonment on 'terrorism' charges.
This latest media blitz to give the impression that the Turks have joined the coalition's land campaign against ISIL – a fabrication in and of itself – requires that the Sunni militia forces in Iraq under their control are used as a cover for the insertion of Turkish 'boots on the ground' which will later be employed against the PYD forces that are not far away, in that of northern Syria where the borders of the three countries meet. Those Sunni militia forces are a part of the Shia-dominated militia forces which have sprung up under very loose control of the Iraqi government as the primary opponents of ISIL in that country. Because the Ankara regime is run by religious fanatics of the SUNNI kind, they foster the efforts of their religious co-brethren all over to the middle east while working hard to counter the Shia majority nations intent to group themselves into a bloc. Under the pretense of training these Sunni militiamen, the Turks have inserted theselves into Iraqi territory in a manner that they have not dared to repeat in Syria.
If you can get ahold of a map showing Sinjar, in the Ninawa region of northern Iraq west of Mosul, you will see the area of conflict likely to become even more intensely meddled with. The Kurdish breakaway forces fighting under the name of Pershmerga have clashed with Kurdish PKK forces in this area for months, accusing each other of failing to fight against the 'Islamic State' terrorists holed up there. You will see on the map how close to the Syrian border that place is ,and the cul de sac in the extreme northeast of Syrian territory - that can be snipped easily. I previously mentioned that the PYD Kurdish forces aligned with the Kurdish PKK will cross the Euphrates heading west in order to take all the remaining border where Turkey-sponsored terrorists are resupplied in Syria. I also stated that the Turkish army would balk at entering the Syrian theatre. The work around is obvious. By moving forces that are already openly – in effect – free to move around wherever they like on Iraqi soil, over to the border with Syria, they can pose a threat in the back of their Kurdish enemies which will force them to hold back from committing themselves fully to the western thrust. And since their Kurdish KPG friends are more than willing to see the Turks move in to protect their oil racket, against both their Kurdish enemies and their ISIL competitors... the Turks keep themselves free from (valid) charges that they are fighting the Kurds instead of fighting ISIL! All this achıeved without the Turkish army setting foot in Syria.
All these internecine struggles and Machiavellian manipulations must seem endlessly confusing to the reader. And I haven't even touched upon the different political tendencies which split the factions of the Kurdish population, in addition the the religious ones. And it seems that the Kurds are not clean and clear of hegemonist tendencies in the areas of northern Syria which they have taken control of. Reports of ´´ethnic cleansing´´ of minority Arabs and Turks have filtered through repeatedly - though it remains hard to confirm their accuracy. Kurdish Sunnis, Kurdish Alevis, Kurdish Shias, even Kurdish Yazidi, Combine that with Marxist and conservative factions and you have a mess - which the Turks are deviously exploiting to their advantage at every turn.
What does all this mean going forwards?
The project of a greater Kurdistan will be fought for with more Kurdish & Turkish blood. It will remain stillborn but serve the purpose for whıch it was always ıntended - to further fracture the sovereignity of states standiıng in the way of the ´´Project for a New Middle East.´´ If the Kurds can be induced to turn upon each other´then both Turkey and its terror statelet ally wıll be happy to pick up the pieces. Stopping the PYD from cuttiıng off their terrorist proxy forces along the Turkish border is the short term goal of this latest media blıtz. Having the Kurds destroy themselves as an effective opposition is the ıntermediate one. Ultimately - the long term goal is to make Turkey & Syria & Iraq all rump states... reduced to the kind of smouldering wreckage that LİBYA is today. That may seem to be a strange goal for the people running the show ın Ankara at the moment - but there is simply no accountıng for the degree of madness whıch sectarian religious & ethnic hatred can induce in such persons. As the zıonist strıng pullers well know.
A ´routine troop rotation´ or the beginning of ´an invasion of Iraq?´ BOTH narratives are more smoke and mirrors. Everybody has their own agenda to realize in this developing tragedy. There seems to be a great emphasis in the Zerohedge and other western media outlets storylines that ´this is all about oil´ theme. It is not. It´s about blood - at the end of the day. It always is.
Dec 4 2015
I tried to administer this web site earlier today but was not able to log in. Nothing spurious, occasional happenstance.
UPDATE: Hmm, maybe not happenstance, Whatreallyhappened posted the following: "ANNOUNCEMENT: Yes, the WRH server is being repeatedly attacked, and so are the servers of other Independent Media, which suggests that there is another huge false-flag being planned, and they want to shut off any challenges to the official story. Recall that in the weeks before 9-11, the FBI shut down the websites of Muslim charities so they would not argue against the rush to blame Muslims for 9-11. This appears to be more of the same."The fact the bodies were already in handcuffs laying behind the back seat does not look very good either!
Media running scam after scam, Facebook page not legitimate
An alias was used to frame Tashfeen, there is no evidence whatsoever she actually set up the facebook page and "pledged to ISIS(tm) yet CNN is reporting it as real when they ought to know better.With regard to this hoax shooting I am not going to post any of the official story other than to rip it apart
You can get lies anywhere, even Infowars, Zero hedge and others are pumping B.S. on this topic and I don't call it responsible to find the clearest story in the MSM and parrot it. The entire story line is a fabrication, and there is cold hard proof. In the picture below, the Mexican press had a full helicopter fly around of the top scene, and it DEFINITELY is not the second scene, there is no error there, the entire story is fake and rotten to the core AND FOR THOSE WHO CLAIM TO BE "ALTERNATIVE" OR "TRUTHERS" TO PARROT IT AS THE MSM PRESENTS IT IS A DISSERVICE TO EVERYONE AND A BACK STAB TO EVERYONE YOU PRETEND TO INFORM. I have a message to the "alternative" media: There is no B.S. here and if you want to comfortably sit the fence parroting MSM B.S. just because it is the safest thing and easiest thing to do you have no place, you might as well be them and all you will do is enable world war 3 by failing to apply your brain in even the simplest way. If you are that intellectually tired, GO TO BED, it would be better to hear nothing from you than to hear a scammer's lie repeated!
I really wish the ostrich tactic worked and I could just bury my head and make it all go away . . . . the way they morphed this story is spooky, if you did not read the full report there is a lot here, just take a look at what they did with this. I half think that both shooters, because they were both on the state payroll, cooperated with this false flag and have now been given new identities for a huge payoff. Newly married, they will now probably cruise off into the sunset, leaving their old world behind. Then again they could have been murdered. Who knows.
This story has morphed in all aspects and is all over the map as "they" adjust it to circumvent discoveries. But I found the photo that proves the current version of the story is a lie.
As I predicted last night, the shooters would end up being a husband and wife team, because the name they originally chose for the female shooter would cause political problems with Turkey. Additionally, This morning, all key elements about the male shooter being a health inspector who was present at a christmas party for autistic and disabled children up until 20 minutes before the shooting are gone because the think tanks could not come up with a way a man in a suit could get mad and then conduct a well coordinated attack in full combat gear with two other people 20 minutes later unless the number of shooters was reduced to 2, and the other shooter was his wife. Original story line: Sayed Farook, a state health inspector got mad at the party, stormed off, and returned 20 minutes later with two other people and shot the place up.Current story line: Sayed Farook left with his wife in the early morning and was not seen all day until he showed up at the shooting. Police found them 4 hours after the shooting and shot them to death in their black SUV, and BOTH SHOOTERS WERE WEARING COMBAT STYLE CLOTHING WHILE SHOT BY POLICE. Problem: I found a key photo apparently screen captured out of a video, and fixed the tone curve to reveal what was there. And what came out of the murk proves this is a lie:
The dead woman is in high heels, shorts and short blouse. No blood anywhere after being filled with bullets.
QUICK: Hit Google, read the current version of the story, and then try to explain the way this woman is dressed, and the lack of blood. They will change the story as needed, so get while the getting is good!
San Bernardino makeup shooting after Planned Parenthood attack failed
"Two shooters (now the only suspects) are dead (how convenient) and were shot to death by police in their car. Muslim man and woman. Probably husband and wife. Let's see if they morph the story to two men rather than a man and a woman, because now they already morphed the story from long rifles to handguns and assault rifles and three shooters to two, who arrived in 4 cars and left in one. I am sure situational artificial intelligence has been assigned to comb the web for public opinion and script the story line accordingly, which is why it keeps changing, often in irrational ways". The Muslim man was a former business tax executive for the state who had changed jobs and was now a health inspector for the state. So in this story line we have at least one guy that may have needed to be gotten rid of.This picture to the left destroyed the planned parenthood shooting story, which proves all that happened was the abortionists/staff ripped the doorway out with a wrecking bar, (details below, I am scraping up the details on this new hoax (or whatever it turns out to be) ANYWAY they needed a make up shooting after the last one was shredded by the hoaxters themselves with a wrecking bar - hopefully this new shooting was as fake as the Planned Parenthood event and no one actually died.
In this new event we have 14 "dead" and this one is MEGA suspicious because it happened at a government party at 10:59 AM I MEAN AM and it did not break on any major news outlet until three and a half hours later. RT said it happened at a golf course early on.Someone get onto Craigslist for San Bernardino, go to "gigs" and see if they hired anyone to stage this, dig back a month or so. I can get to craigslist but it is time consuming to dig through and I am looking elsewhere.
Digging . . . . . JEWISH LIE NUMBERS INVOLVED!!!! BUSTED!!! This shooting happened at a "Christmas party" with "600" people and I think Dec 2 is a little early for that. There was a video being shot from pretty much minute 1, (15 minutes after the shooting started,) there were hundreds of ambulances on scene, a tent set up to handle the shooting complete with lawn chairs, in other words, This was probably a drill.The shooters have Islamic names. That works perfect for Trump's story about dancing Muslims on 911, when we all know it was dancing Israelis. Trump has gotten disgusting with this topic as far as I see it.
The center this happened at has had so many active shooter drills lately that employees just thought it was another drill. There were no roadblocks set up which is very strange if this was real. Local news channels were there, reporting live, WAY TOO FAST, (proving foreknowledge) yet there was a huge delay in getting the news out via larger channels of up to 7 hours, which is why I missed this until now. WHY THAT HUGE TIME DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MAJOR NEWS OUTLETS AND LOCAL NEWS?
Unlike the canned parenthood ruse, this time the shooters are all dead. There were three of them OOPS, now only two, (male and female Muslims) driving four vehicles. That looks like a blooper in the story line. One vehicle was a "van packed with weapons" which is for me a stupid line that sounds great because after all, how can the original 3 people carry enough weapons on them to "pack a van"? but that works for the OOH AAH factor I guess and is subject to change . . . . UPDATE, IT DID, READ ON AND IF THERE WERE 4 VEHICLES INVOLVED, WHY DID ALL 3 SHOOTERS LEAVE IN ONE?LONG GUNS WERE USED THIS TIME (OOPS, THIS CHANGED ALSO, now it is assault rifles but could end up being a mix) to provide a way for the government to go after hunting rifles. And you can only really carry 2 long guns, they are heavy and I'd challenge anyone to shoot with more than 1 extra strapped across the back, I have never seen that done with long rifles, so this means the "van packed with weapons" story was written by a fool. But that story line is fading as AI corrects it.
"The San Bernardino PD's SWAT team was training nearby when the call came in of multiple shots fired just before 11 a.m. local time, Lieutenant Richard Lawhead told KTLA. They were already suited up and "ready to roll," allowing for a rapid response time." This shooting supposedly took place at a party for disabled people which were predominantly autistic. So the story line is: SHOOTERS SHOOT DISABLED AUTISTIC CHILDREN, DOUBLE SYMPATHY WHACK!, another near promise this is all a set up.
People are skeptical. Here are a few quotes from a popular forum:
"So...a Christmas part on Dec. 2nd, 11:00am on a Wednesday. RIIIGGHHHTTTT. Guy leaves, arms up, puts on tactical gear then gets two friends, arms them up and they dress in tactical gear and they all return and shoot the place up? BWAAHAHAHAHAHA! Even the narratives on this crap are stupid and unbelievable. " "Of course. Just called up a few buddies, donned their gear and joined in for a mass shooting. Seems likely.""Interesting - there was a Police "Training event" going on "close by." So the response time was very fast! How convenient!!!"
"one would have to be literally Forrest Gump retarded to not see the same repeating pattern".
My response: Yep.
They got a bloody nose from the fakeness of the canned parenthood show, and thus far have only used assault rifles and hand guns in their shooting ruses. So that has a limited impact on the weapons tyrants fear worse - long rifles, of which the best can penetrate practically anything all the while "assault rifles" are comparative wimps. Long rifles often kick very hard which is undesirable in combat, where people go down a lot easier than bears. All this new take on things proves to me is that they want ALL guns now, including deer and big game rifles.
I think I am coming to this conclusion: As part of the police training exercise that was going on nearby, 3 police officers were sent to the disabled center to "shoot it up" as part of a drill so the rest of the police could get a surprise call for a mass shooter, and respond as if it was a real event. They were all dressed in combat gear, (as such police are) and left in a black SUV (as such police would). That is starting to look like the real story here, and to get a Muslim tie in, later they murdered a Muslim man and probably his wife as the drove away from their home four and a half hours later.
Update: As this story morphs, it looks like they are attempting to establish an "Islamic terror" theme with the key shooter being mad about the event serving pork while he was there doing a health inspection for the state! That is wafer thin, what will they think of next?.
Two shooters (now the only suspects) are dead (how convenient) and were shot to death by police in their car. Man and woman "still dressed in combat gear and fully armed after leaving their home over 4 hours after the shooting". Originally the woman's name was "Tayyeep Bin Ardogan" but they rescinded that possibly for political relations with Turkey and they probably want the end theme to be that this was done by husband and wife so they can explain how this shooting was organized and executed so quickly after Sayeed Farouk (the state health inspector) got pissed about pork being served. Names gotta match for that take on the story. Let's see if they morph the story to two men rather than a man and a woman, because now they already morphed the story from long rifles to handguns and assault rifles and three shooters to two, who arrived in 4 cars and left in one. I am sure situational artificial intelligence has been assigned to comb the web for public opinion and script the story line accordingly, which is why it keeps changing, often in irrational ways. Maybe tomorrow the story line will be: "Husband and wife Islamic killing team murders autistic children over steamed pork fueled rampage." After all, if this really is being handled by situational AI as it sure appears to be, a computer just might spew that. And I fear there might really be two dead people in this false flag - a state health inspector that needed to be gotten rid of, and whoever was inconveniently with him when they shot up his car.Turkish reader sent the real history of what is happening in Turkey now
This is what is perceived/known by someone on the ground in Turkey. English is one of the primary languages in Turkey, which explains why this is so well written
Jim. Took your advice and moved to a public facility. I don't live close to a town so this one is an irregular opportunity. I may miss some developments going forwards, but will do my best to stay on top of it. "So a crisis between the military and the government must be provoked... which has to cause the military leaders to be arrested for 'treason'"Boom. This one is unfolding live time. The western media has picked it up... but as usual not in correct form. ZeroH - using their 'informed sources' ( Seven arrows owned)Reuters, and (state agit-prop tool)Anadolu wire services, advises
"A court in Istanbul has ordered the arrest of three senior army officers, including two generals on charges of espionage and leading a terrorist group in a case involving the search of Turkish intelligence trucks in 2014.
General Hamza Celepoglu was accused of forming and leading an armed terrorist organization and of trying to overthrow the Turkish government. General Ibrahim Aydin and a retired colonel, Burhanettin Cihangiroglu, were accused of forming and leading an armed terrorist organization as well as spying and trying to oust the Turkish government"
These gentlemen are Gendarmerie officers, NOT "Regular Army officers" - the distinction is critical here. Although formally a part of the Turkish Army, this component is the fault line which the faction in contol in Ankara will exploit to gain mentioned objective. Gendarmerie command reports directly to the Minister of the Interior-not Army General Staff, in all but training matters. This puts their command structure not just in a state of potential conflict of interest, but also allows the would be Caliph to open the attack on the Army without a direct frontal assualt. Classic byzantine intrigue and turkish de-light left hook.
Gendarmerie ... by the way... operate as constabulary in areas outside of municipal type policing. Their role could be deemed similar to that of provincial police - or state troopers. Except that they are HEAVILY militarized. Nothin missing from that Arsenal. They are therefore exactly halfway between police and the regular Army. More on that later.
IF he was to arrest a general of the army - directly under General Staff command - it is known that Erdogan would provoke a crisis in short order. Therefore the intermediate road has been chosen to lead to the showdown in increments. Army staff cannot intervene to save colleagues under command of Interior. But they can receive a clear message.
These officers are 'guilty' of no more than attempting to protect members of their down chain of command. A duty and responsibility well understood by military personnel through milennia. The actual search of the trucks - MIT(turkish state intelligence/like CIA)-hired vechicles busted by chance on orders of a local prosecutor- was carried out by local Gendarmerie personnel. Who are already in jail - for carrying out their public duties on direct order of the civil government! The trucks were carrying weaponry destined for "Syrian rebels" - who actually are Turkish members of the "Grey Wolves" Gladio-style fascist gang fighting in Syria while snugged amongst the local Turkmen minority. Though they are usually aligned politically with the opposition nationalist MHP party, the current government has undercut that alliance by directly funding the para's in attacking Syria - using them as proxy tool in a war that their army has refused to countenance.
There will be many army dining halls today where officers walking in will be looking at each other with the silent question - so when does the other shoe drop? They know better than to openly talk about what has happened - due to the abundance of human and mechanical 'listening devices' spread everywhere in their midst. Erdogan has once again managed to find the perfect tool to divide and confuse his potential challengers - political, military or civil. Fear of being caught in invented coup-mongering is expected to keep most of the officer class from starting to talk amongst themselves.
The government will not move directly against the military - yet. Parsing this move for a look forward, seems that they will use the Gendarmerie as stalking horse. That group has the lead role in fighting against the Kurdish 'rebels' within Turkeys borders - the army is for foreign operations - supposedly. The state is actively encouraging/instigating conflict between the Kurdish PKK and the armed forces - formal and informal. Gangs of guys with Islamist style long beards style are showing up all through the Kurdish regions pretending to be police, They conduct assassinations, instigate riots against Kurdish businesses, leave threatening messages on walls. It's not hard to see that a conflict between the Gendarmerie and the state's jihadi paras is eventually going to be 'engineered' - in which those remaining professional elements in the Gendarmerie will be forced to take action against the state's gangsters in order to conduct their duties... and will be accused of 'treason' for doing so! A purge of all the professionals - to be replaced by the complicit stooges already in place below them, will ensue.
Here's the probable scenario that I couldn't get a handle on two days ago. - Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) will shortly try (again)to cross the Euphrates River into the western zone that the crazies in Ankara have declared "off limits" - even though it is Syrian territory(!) The goverment will order the (regular)Army to detach forces from regular missions to secure the area - because it's proxy forces in the region have been severely decimated by the Russkie strikes. (Keep in mind that the Air Force component of the Turkish military has been knocked out of the skies as aftereffect of the Russian bomber downing.The Army will balk.
Curiously enough Jim - Gendarmerie General Command is responsibility for some parts of the Iranian and Syrian borders and the whole Iraqi border by law since 1988. But much much worse...they are also tasked with military police responsibilites - eg. provosts with responsibility over the Army! Truly messy, as we watch whom arrests whom... and counter arrests potentially!
Little by little, as the screw turns, the Army will be forced to either watch helplessly, or take up with talk of a coup - which will be turned against them in no time, like is happening now with the invention of a phony Iranian syping ring to hang blanket guilt on these particular generals.. Iran and Russia - lining up together as now 'unfriendly' neighbors on the borders of this tin pot dictatorship. It is getting more explosive by the minute, with Putin laying out a list of sanctions that will drive home the final nail in the economy's coffin. Sinister thing is... most of the effects of those chosen(agricultural and tourism) will be felt in the western region - whose the voters traditionally go with the CHP opposition - therefore undermining the last cohesive base of potential anti-regime grassroots resistance! Lose/lose again.
Think it may be time to start praying that there is some rare talent for strategic thinking amongst those Army guys. We need a coup very very badly now. I say we, in more than just a domestic sense... because the bottom line with these crazies in Ankara is simply this: if we go down, everybody goes! Wıth so many meddlers in the mix in this neighborhood now, Turkey is a gigantic suicide bomber - with the number of a bombs you have pointed out as already in country, the vest that they may well be wearing when they go! Erdogan cannot risk a repeat of the successful Eygptian coup against his muslim brotherhood buddies - he'll try to take all of us infidels down before allowing it. (these are NOT real Muslims... by the way - they have violated pretty much every tenet of that religion... on a daily basis!)
(One more important note to address. There has also been mumbling in the western press about Turkey's "trump card" being their ability to close the Bosphorus to Russian naval traffic. That is a canard. The only legal way that the wanna be Caliph can close those straits - is under a state of declared war! In peacetime, traffic is legally guaranteed by international convetion to be open to all traffic. Short of declaring a state of war against Russia - the ultimate last round in the roulette revolver - he cannot and will not close those straits to Russian traffic. If you see a confirmed report that they are closed... you will know we are truly in for it!)
Question for you! If you follow any of these zerohedge type collapsenik sites at all, you will have noticed how they steer their readers to 'rootin for Putin,' 'death of the dollar,' basically 'death to america' in essence. Seen from outside the fishbowl, this seems kind of bizarre behavior, or more bluntly, similar to suicide bombers and their vests! Seems less a random trend than a constructed meme designed to encourage Amerikans into participating actively in their own final snuff film. What think you about this - who is steering these people towards self destructive fantasies - and why?
Alright. That already seems like a lot/too much? for a message panel. Feel free to advise as to what you see appropriate in length/format. I could do up some stuff focusing on backgrounders like -the usual suspects(aka cryptos)role behind all of this- the religious dynamic, or the case of who these Kurds are. Send off in an email to your address here as word file from public facility, if that sounds good n secure. Be safe... keep up the great job!
My response: Posted in entirety, this is where WW3 might start so everything is important.
Planned Parenthood is doing make up work after the broad scale bust on their shooting hoax
Planned Parenthood has obviously unleashed an army of trolls, posting bible quotes which "justify and legitimize abortion". The quotes involve "the breath which gives life" and a so-called abortion potion "priests used to use to cause women to abort" that is "written right into the bible".Here is their primary argument:
All of it is a lie, as presented: "What if life doesn't begin at conception? What if the Biblical definition of "life" would allow even the latest of late-term abortions? What if right-wing Christians have it all wrong? To figure out if this is the case, it's best to start at the beginning - specifically, in the book of Genesis. Please turn your Bibles to Chapter 2, verse 7:""And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." My comment: So that justifies abortion? Quite the twist! "Since the Bible is the word of God and God is infalliable, anti-abortion fanatics have nothing to complain about. Simply put, life begins when one draws his or her first breath. This, of course, isn't the only reference like this. Job 33:4 reads:
"The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life."
My comment: Nothing about abortion there. The breathing quote is obviously figurative. How does that support abortion? And even if the breathing part was relevant, it is the MOTHERS BREATH that gives the baby life in the womb. The breath is still supporting life for both.
Ezekiel 37:5-6 is also very clear on the matter:
"Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live. And I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am the Lord."
My comment: This describes a process, many of which happen in the womb. Surprisingly (not) Planned parenthood skips the first parts and only focuses on "the drawing of breath". In reality, that particular bible quote says life is sacred all the way to conception.
"Once again, life begins upon the drawing of the first breath. Of course, there does seem to be some leeway (where it is acceptable to kill a baby even after the first breath:) Leviticus 27 makes it very clear that babies have no value to God until they are one month old."
MY COMMENT: Here is the relevant portion of Leviticus 27, which they left out entirely, expecting you to take their word for it:
27 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When a man shall make a singular vow, the persons shall be for the Lord by thy estimation.3 And thy estimation shall be of the male from twenty years old even unto sixty years old, even thy estimation shall be fifty shekels of silver, after the shekel of the sanctuary.
4 And if it be a female, then thy estimation shall be thirty shekels.
5 And if it be from five years old even unto twenty years old, then thy estimation shall be of the male twenty shekels, and for the female ten shekels.
6 And if it be from a month old even unto five years old, then thy estimation shall be of the male five shekels of silver, and for the female thy estimation shall be three shekels of silver.
So in verse 6, since the lowest age mentioned is 1 month, anyone below that age has no value and it is perfectly OK to kill them! HA HA HA, nice perverted canned parenthood twist there! See how Abortionists skew things? And the topic of these bible verses have nothing to do with abortion! AND NOW ONTO THE "MAGICAL ABORTION POTION" NEXT:
"If anything, Christians should only be angry if a child is killed after he or she takes his or her first breath - especially since God gives them a recipe for a magical abortion potion in Numbers 5:11-31: My insert: They omitted the following verses immediately before the following which read "The Test for an Unfaithful Wife" to hopefully cause people to take this out of context, and cause them to assume the verses prior said something like "how to expel an unwanted pregnancy". As a correction, I'll put them here:11 Then the LORD said to Moses, 12 "Speak to the Israelites and say to them: 'If a man's wife goes astray and is unfaithful to him
13 by sleeping with another man, and this is hidden from her husband and her impurity is undetected (since there is no witness against her and she has not been caught in the act),
14 and if feelings of jealousy come over her husband and he suspects his wife and she is impure--or if he is jealous and suspects her even though she is not impure--
Those previous verses were omitted so they could twist the subsequent verses to fit their agenda, implying that the previous verses (above) meant the following was an abortion formula:
15 Then shall the man bring his wife unto the priest, and he shall bring her offering for her, the tenth part of an ephah of barley meal; he shall pour no oil upon it, nor put frankincense thereon; for it is an offering of jealousy, an offering of memorial, bringing iniquity to remembrance.
16 And the priest shall bring her near, and set her before the Lord:
17 And the priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessel; and of the dust that is in the floor of the tabernacle the priest shall take, and put it into the water:
18 And the priest shall set the woman before the Lord, and uncover the woman’s head, and put the offering of memorial in her hands, which is the jealousy offering: and the priest shall have in his hand the bitter water that causeth the curse:
19 And the priest shall charge her by an oath, and say unto the woman, If no man have lain with thee, and if thou hast not gone aside to uncleanness with another instead of thy husband, be thou free from this bitter water that causeth the curse:
20 But if thou hast gone aside to another instead of thy husband, and if thou be defiled, and some man have lain with thee beside thine husband:
21 Then the priest shall charge the woman with an oath of cursing, and the priest shall say unto the woman, The Lord make thee a curse and an oath among thy people, when the Lord doth make thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to swell;
22 And this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, to make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot: And the woman shall say, Amen, amen.
23 And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and he shall blot them out with the bitter water:
24 And he shall cause the woman to drink the bitter water that causeth the curse: and the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter.
25 Then the priest shall take the jealousy offering out of the woman's hand, and shall wave the offering before the Lord, and offer it upon the altar:
26 And the priest shall take an handful of the offering, even the memorial thereof, and burn it upon the altar, and afterward shall cause the woman to drink the water.
27 And when he hath made her to drink the water, then it shall come to pass, that, if she be defiled, and have done trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be a curse among her people.
28 And if the woman be not defiled, but be clean; then she shall be free, and shall conceive seed.
The Big Guy clearly believes in the right to choose — as long as that choice is made by a man. Sure, the potion is magic but it causes an abortion no matter how you slice it.
My comment: At no point does that scriptural passage say any child would be expelled or any miscarriage would take place, and even if a miscarriage did take place she would still be able to "conceive seed" later which nullifies the entire pretext of this which is obviously instead some magic ritual to make a woman barren by magic if she cheated. So what we have here is a desperate twisting of scriptures to justify an agenda, and such a psychopathic desperate grabbing at straws to justify an abortion agenda ought to be enough to get the writer dragged in to see a shrink!
Aaah yes, canned parenthood. What more would anyone expect?The obvious real agenda here: To eventually make it publicly acceptable to murder newborns at up to one month of age, (every reference given here is done to hopefully at least justify partial birth abortion, where the baby is delivered alive, and prevented from drawing it's first breath while the brain is sucked out) and additionally, justify killing up to one month of age. Why? So these monsters don't have to fear jail time if they ever get caught murdering newborns in their satanic child sacrifice rituals.
Dec 1 2015UPDATE: I have now pasted a letter from Iran's Ayatolla Kahmenei below the canned parenthood shooting report a day earlier than I was going to post it because it is a MUST READ.
It is official - Abortion clinic shooting was staged by a leftist liberal pro choice transvestite!
Shootout never happened.
* No officer shot.
* CPR dummy used.
* Shooting staged entirely by Planned Parenthood with willing liberal
leftist transvestite accomplice with shady sexual history that includes
criminal offenses.

* Damage to the abortion clinic is not from gunfire. It is from a wrecking bar ripping the face off.
This is supposed to be shootout damage. How did a shootout totally rip
the door frame out and rip the face off the building when it was
supposed to be all happening through a window all the while there is not
a single bullet hole anywhere? ANSWER: They ripped the face off
themselves. There is only huge demolition type damage, why? ANSWER
2: Because this was staged by illiterate "never worked a day in their
lives except to murder or leech" abortionists who had no knowledge of
anything technical whatsoever, and it was beyond their ability to stage a
realistic scene.
* No staff shot
* Two un-named people dead with only the CPR doll dead at the scene, and in the news videos they handled it like a CPR doll, it looked like a CPR doll complete with matching hairline, which they handled totally improperly for the claimed injuries. The un-named dead in my opinion strongly supports the theory that Planned Parenthood had plans of killing people ex post facto to be blamed on this hoax.
This is the most shallow fake EVER.
I was skeptical when this story broke on a few of the major forums, but am now convinced completely - they really did use a CPR doll and no bullets were fired AT ALL.
IMPORTANT: An "eyewitness" hit my message window this morning, saying that the shooter ran into the abortion clinic for shelter after robbing a convenience store nearby, and that is why no one in the clinic was targeted. This is why I re-secured the mail window, because I knew that was disinfo and absolutely nothing else of substance on any topic came in, All messages (and an extremely short number of them) were written by the same individual across a few topics, with generic MSM info and nothing more. This proved the mail window had been compromised.
So I totally shrugged off the convenience store robbery lie, and now know the reality - this was a leftist pro planned parenthood actor that staged a ruse. No one shot, and no one will be jailed, THIS SHOOTING IS ALL A COMPLETE HOAX.
I read numerous reports, and none talk about a storming of the building with the police ripping the whole face off, or a severe vehicle impact ripping the whole face off, nothing of the sort, folks, they are staging that demolition damage as shoot out damage and have no other explanation which means they are BUSTED BUSTED BUSTED. And because they are a technically illiterate abortion club, they will never understand why.
Take a look at this letter from Iran's Ayatollah Khameinei!
This letter is exactly what you would expect to see from a high charismatic individual shortly before the battle of armageddon. He lays the geopolitical situation out clearly, despite still playing politics. This one actually scares me.This got put in the censor bots and triggers auto bans on Twitter. I wonder why!
Permalink this letter here
In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful To the Youth in Western Countries,The bitter events brought about by blind terrorism in France have once again, moved me to speak to you young people. For me, it is unfortunate that such incidents would have to create the framework for a conversation, however the truth is that if painful matters do not create the grounds for finding solutions and mutual consultation, then the damage caused will be multiplied.
The pain of any human being anywhere in the world causes sorrow for a fellow human being. The sight of a child losing his life in the presence of his loved ones, a mother whose joy for her family turns into mourning, a husband who is rushing the lifeless body of his spouse to some place and the spectator who does not know whether he will be seeing the final scene of life- these are scenes that rouse the emotions and feelings of any human being. Anyone who has benefited from affection and humanity is affected and disturbed by witnessing these scenes- whether it occurs in France or in Palestine or Iraq or Lebanon or Syria.
I genuinely believe that it is only you youth who by learning the lessons of today's hardship, have the power to discover new means for building the future.
Without a doubt, the one-and-a-half billion Muslims also have these feelings and abhor and are revolted by the perpetrators and those responsible for these calamities. The issue, however, is that if today's pain is not used to build a better and safer future, then it will just turn into bitter and fruitless memories. I genuinely believe that it is only you youth who by learning the lessons of today's hardship, have the power to discover new means for building the future and who can be barriers in the misguided path that has brought the west to its current impasse.
It is correct that today terrorism is our common worry. However it is necessary for you to know that the insecurity and strain that you experienced during the recent events, differs from the pain that the people of Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Afghanistan have been experiencing for many years, in two significant ways. First, the Islamic world has been the victim of terror and brutality to a larger extent territorially, to greater amount quantitatively and for a longer period in terms of time. Second, that unfortunately this violence has been supported by certain great powers through various methods and effective means.
Today, there are very few people who are uninformed about the role of the United States of America in creating, nurturing and arming al-Qaeda, the Taliban and their inauspicious successors. Besides this direct support, the overt and well-known supporters of takfiri terrorism- despite having the most backward political systems- are standing arrayed as allies of the west while the most pioneering, brightest and most dynamic democrats in the region are suppressed mercilessly. The prejudiced response of the west to the awakening movement in the Islamic world is an illustrative example of the contradictory western policies.
The other side of these contradictory policies is seen in supporting the state terrorism of Israel. The oppressed people of Palestine have experienced the worst kind of terrorism for the last sixty years. If the people of Europe have now taken refuge in their homes for a few days and refrain from being present in busy places- it is decades that a Palestinian family is not secure even in its own home from the Zionist regime's death and destruction machinery. What kind of atrocious violence today is comparable to that of the settlement constructions of the Zionists regime?
This regime- without ever being seriously and significantly censured by its influential allies or even by the so-called independent international organizations- everyday demolishes the homes of Palestinians and destroys their orchards and farms. This is done without even giving them time to gather their belongings or agricultural products and usually it is done in front of the terrified and tear-filled eyes of women and children who witness the brutal beatings of their family members who in some cases are being dragged away to gruesome torture chambers. In today's world, do we know of any other violence on this scale and scope and for such an extended period of time?
Shooting down a woman in the middle of the street for the crime of protesting against a soldier who is armed to the teeth- if this is not terrorism, what is? This barbarism, because it is being done by the armed forces of an occupying government, should not be called extremism? Or maybe only because these scenes have been seen repeatedly on television screens for sixty years, they should no longer stir our consciences.
The military invasions of the Islamic world in recent years- with countless victims- are another example of the contradictory logic of the west. The assaulted countries, in addition to the human damage caused, have lost their economic and industrial infrastructure, their movement towards growth and development has been stopped or delayed and in some cases, has been thrown back decades. Despite all this, they are rudely being asked not to see themselves as oppressed. How can a country be turned into ruins, have its cities and towns covered in dust and then be told that it should please not view itself as oppressed? Instead of enticements to not understand and to not mention disasters, would not an honest apology be better? The pain that the Islamic world has suffered in these years from the hypocrisy and duplicity of the invaders is not less than the pain from the material damage.
Dear youth! I have the hope that you- now or in the future- can change this mentality corrupted by duplicity, a mentality whose highest skill is hiding long-term goals and adorning malevolent objectives. In my opinion, the first step in creating security and peace is reforming this violence-breeding mentality. Until double-standards dominate western policies, until terrorism- in the view of its powerful supporters- is divided into “good†and “bad†types, and until governmental interests are given precedence over human values and ethics, the roots of violence should not be searched for in other places.
Unfortunately, these roots have taken hold in the depths of western political culture over the course of many years and they have caused a soft and silent invasion. Many countries of the world take pride in their local and national cultures, cultures which through development and regeneration have soundly nurtured human societies for centuries. The Islamic world is not an exception to this. However in the current era, the western world with the use of advanced tools is insisting on the cloning and replication of its culture on a global scale. I consider the imposition of western culture upon other peoples and the trivialization of independent cultures as a form of silent violence and extreme harmfulness.
Humiliating rich cultures and insulting the most honored parts of these, is occurring while the alternative culture being offered in no way has any qualification for being a replacement. For example, the two elements of “aggression†and “moral promiscuity†which unfortunately have become the main elements of western culture, has even degraded the position and acceptability of its source region.
So now the question is: are we “sinners†for not wanting an aggressive, vulgar and fatuous culture? Are we to be blamed for blocking the flood of impropriety that is directed towards our youth in the shape of various forms of quasi-art? I do not deny the importance and value of cultural interaction. Whenever these interactions are conducted in natural circumstances and with respect for the receiving culture, they result in growth, development and richness. On the contrary, inharmonious interactions have been unsuccessful and harmful impositions.
We have to state with full regret that vile groups such as DAESH are the spawn of such ill-fated pairings with imported cultures. If the matter was simply theological, we would have had to witness such phenomena before the colonialist era, yet history shows the contrary. Authoritative historical records clearly show how colonialist confluence of extremist and rejected thoughts in the heart of a Bedouin tribe, planted the seed of extremism in this region. How then is it possible that such garbage as DAESH comes out of one of the most ethical and humane religious schools who as part of its inner core, includes the notion that taking the life of one human being is equivalent to killing the whole humanity?
One has to ask why people who are born in Europe and who have been intellectually and mentally nurtured in that environment are attracted to such groups? Can we really believe that people with only one or two trips to war zones, suddenly become so extreme that they can riddle the bodies of their compatriots with bullets? On this matter, we certainly cannot forget about the effects of a life nurtured in a pathologic culture in a corrupt environment borne out of violence. On this matter, we need complete analyses, analyses that see the hidden and apparent corruptions. Maybe a deep hate- planted in the years of economic and industrial growth and borne out of inequality and possibly legal and structural prejudice- created ideas that every few years appear in a sickening manner.
In any case, you are the ones that have to uncover the apparent layers of your own society and untie and disentangle the knots and resentments. Fissures have to be sealed, not deepened. Hasty reactions is a major mistake when fighting terrorism which only widens the chasms. Any rushed and emotional reaction which would isolate, intimidate and create more anxiety for the Muslim communities living in Europe and America- which are comprised of millions of active and responsible human beings- and which would deprive them of their basic rights more than has already happened and which would drive them away from society- not only will not solve the problem but will increase the chasms and resentments.
Superficial measures and reactions, especially if they take legal forms, will do nothing but increase the current polarizations, open the way for future crises and will result in nothing else. According to reports received, some countries in Europe have issued guidelines encouraging citizens to spy on Muslims. This behavior is unjust and we all know that pursuing injustice has the characteristic of unwanted reversibility. Besides, the Muslims do not deserve such ill-treatment. For centuries, the western world has known Muslims well- the day that westerners were guests in Islamic lands and were attracted to the riches of their hosts and on another day when they were hosts and benefitted from the efforts and thoughts of Muslims- they generally experienced nothing but kindness and forbearance.
Therefore I want you youth to lay the foundations for a correct and honorable interaction with the Islamic world based on correct understanding, deep insight and lessons learned from horrible experiences. In such a case and in the not too distant future, you will witness the edifice built on these firm foundations which creates a shade of confidence and trust which cools the crown of its architect, a warmth of security and peace that it bequests on them and a blaze of hope in a bright future which illuminates the canvass of the earth.
Sayyid Ali Khamenei
Soros got kicked out of Russia
I read a report on Pravda earlier today that said Soros and every organization he owns is now kicked out of Russia with threat of prison to any employees who continue to work for Soros, publish his literature or do anything else associated. REASON? Because Soros runs non government organizations that do nothing but destabilize governments and is considered hostile. Now only if Europe would do the same . . . . . And that reminds me of another topic - there were headlines saying that Russia kicked the Church of Scientology out. This is not true, what happened is that one court in one region (a really important region that is over the center of Moscow) ruled that Scientology is a club and not a religion because Scientology's technology center trademarked some of their coursework in America and religions cannot have trademarks according to laws in that region of Russia.Scientology is NOT kicked out of Russia, but they have a certain amount of time (I don't have the details because there is so much puffery over this I can't tell who is lying about what) but it all boils down to paperwork changes and it will be business as usual. They are not going anywhere.
One interesting tidbit I did pick up is that evidently what started it all is the org in Moscow installed ultra high res security cameras that could keep a perfect eye on everything in the area to a distance of more than 1.2 miles away, and that got someone's undies in a bundle because that org is very close to sensitive government areas. So someone started digging for ways to cause trouble. Anyway, trouble was caused but it does not look like anything serious will happen.
PUNCH LINE: Church of Scientology is FAR MORE desirable than having Soros around!
Once again Pravda is a good read, There is stuff here that is not anywhere else.
_______________________________In many places in America, if not practically all of America, you will not be allowed to have an aquaponics setup in your yard. This means no aquaponics setup at all. For the rest of the world, the following is interesting to say the least and I think I might try it myself:
Hi James, Regarding seeds.... something that for some reason I have been doing for at least two years now is that when I eat any fruit or vegetables with seeds in them I remove/save the seeds and put them in a plastic ziplock bag. I have accumulated: honey dew melon seeds, tons of apple seeds - wild and store purchased, grapefruit seeds, asian apple seeds, plum seeds, orange seeds, pear seeds, grape seeds and lychee seeds.If anyone wants to learn how to grow food FAST in a very small space and have fish protein as well, I have a huge amount of files on Aquaponics - the combination of hydroponics and aquaculture. One can grow about 4,000lbs of food per MONTH on a 1 acre plot. The growing time increases 10x because it was discovered that the waste from fish is perfect for supplying food to the plants and waste from the plants is perfect for feeding the fish. Instead of being scammed for 100's of $$$$ through ads promoting this technology anyone can go here > < to download PDFs on this topic (including one called the IBCs of Aquaponics - the most comprehensive pdf on this stuff that I have found - which originally is free). One can start off very small inside a house/basement and expand.
It has been said that when you have the system running smoothly you can go from a lettuce seedling to having it on your plate in 21 days! Anyway, I would recommend this to those who really want to take control of their food supply. Also, people should start saving the seeds from the food they eat. Its not difficult to do.
My response: I save seeds that way also. Especially when the fruit comes from people's trees and not the store. If anyone tries this, make sure the seeds have dried out completely before putting them in a plastic bag, I use an open container to make sure they really are dry.
I will have to look into aquaponics. If it can be done with sunlight only, that might be a good urban survival option in an area that allows concrete construction (which would make it possible to put it all on the roof, where it is a lot more likely to be left alone.) America at least has large yards for the houses which will make it possible as well, provided you are left alone to do it (which is a doubtful prospect).
Anonymous wrote: I had a small aquaponics system to grow fish and vegetables in my back yard. It was very inexpensive to set up. You have to keep watching it though. It all worked well for a while. I was happy. Then I got a notice from local township for growing food in my back yard which is illegal in Illinois. I had to dismantle everything in 24 hours. I could have gone to jail. It can be set up in basement but it consumes a lot of electricity in basement and the size will be small. You have to have a certain minimum size to make it work. MY RANT: IF ANYONE SAYS "AMERICA IS SLIPPING AND IS NOW # WHATEVER ON THE FREEDOM INDEX, IT IS A LIE IF THAT NUMBER IS BETTER THAN #120 OR SO, BECAUSE THE TOP 150 FREE COUNTRIES ON EARTH WOULD NEVER TELL ANYONE TO NOT GROW FOOD ON THEIR OWN PROPERTY, TO GET THAT REQUEST MEANS AMERICA IS IN THE BOTTOM 10 AT BEST, IF NOT ABSOLUTE SEPTIC TANK BOTTOM.If you live in America, what the hell would you go to war for? Imagine having to dismantle such a system in Communist China or face jail! HA HA HA, that would NEVER happen in China, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, or any other so-called "HORRIBLE PLACE". If you want to know what bad is, just go to America on more than just vacation, be white, and deal with the bullshit!
Come on now, CIA, FBI, DHS, look at this and think! Who the hell are you working for? What the hell are you supporting? WTF are you doing leading attacks against patriots who are the last stand against such a tyranny?
HA HA HA, America puts criminals in jail! Yep, CRIMINALS, and they are trying to get the public to approve of locking even more CRIMINALS in jail. Fish growing veggie loving CRIMINALS! In Canada the slogan is "steal a bait car, go to jail". In America? Grow a garden GO TO JAIL!Wanna know why? Because they plan on starving the American people out. The Jewish community hates America to the core, you may think they hate the Muslims but beyond having the ability to rape America of all value they absolutely hate America more than any other nation and the "banker bailout" ought to be enough to prove it. These are the Jews in the luciferian illuminati globalist community (which means virtually all Ashkenazi,) so they are making sure everything appears PLENTY while they write law after law against self sufficiency to make sure no one could ever be. One day they will spring the trap, there will be no gardens, no one who even knows how to grow food, and they will kill the entire nation off in ONE SHOT unless you go into the camps, where they will chip you and permanently render you a slave. AND IF YOU FIND THIS DIFFICULT TO BELIEVE, JUST LOOK AT THE TESTIMONY OF THIS READER, A TESTIMONY REPEATED OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN BY OTHERS IN AMERICA AND FIRE UP A FEW NEURONS. There has GOT TO be a reason why they hate gardens so much, even a tree frog could read writing that clear!
The writing is ON THE WALL and only those who are foolish to the point of illiteracy can't read it!It appears a decent Immam sent the following about female circumcision, I WAS COMPLETELY RIGHT:
Jim, (Male) circumcision was a cultural thing, since thousands of years before Islam. Prophet Mohammed did not prohibit it and did not require it. There is no evidence that Prophet Mohammed himself was circumcised. Muslims continue the practice because Prophet Mohammed circumcised his grandsons on the eighth day (Jesus also was circumcised on the eighth day). However, it is not a requirement for becoming a Muslim.A person becomes a Muslim when he says 'There is no God besides God, and Mohammed is his messenger.'
When Prophet Mohammed was told that some people did female circumcision, he prohibited the practice saying that women derived pleasure through that part and it should not be removed. Hence Muslims do not practice female circumcision.
Some Christian tribes in Egypt still practice female circumcision as part of their culture. Nothing to do with Islam. - Your Imam (Islamic Cleric)
My response: I knew Muslims did not circumcise women, and it will be very important to make this point extremely clear, because the Jewish community is now trying to make the world believe Muslims are savages and that they do this to women for the sole purpose of getting people to support a war against Muslims. This is why I came out so strongly on the topic, the lie must be firmly smashed or the war mongers just might get what they want.
Thank you for writing this, and making it clear. I must also make something else clear: Absolutely anyone can declare themselves to be an Islamic cleric and then issue fatwas that are not Islamic, to bash the image of Islam into the sewer. Just because someone says they are an "Immam" or Cleric or whatever in Islam does not mean anyone should believe what they say, real Immams study for that position and do not spew absolutely insane B.S. and if you sent a message like this you are obviously real.
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