Thursday 31 December 2015

Child Sacrifice In The Vatican

This interview with ‘Svali’ (pseudonym) was conducted by investigative journalist and Illuminati researcher Greg Szymanski. Sadly Greg has not been heard from since late Aug 2013. Greg was about to re-air his ‘hard hitting’ radio show at the time and suddenly vanished from public view. A large volume of his articles and interviews with Catholic Church / Illuminati  insiders are archived at this link.
Also visit this link for similar human sacrifice testimony from many others. Following Svali’s testimony is a damming expose of Pope Francis by professor Michel Chossudovsky who is very familiar with the Pope’s sinister background in Argentina. Many now believe that Pope Francis may be the long awaited  ‘False Prophet’ who will team up with the Antichrist, Barack Hussein Obama. Watch for Obama’s coming assassination and miraculous head wound recovery found in Rev. 13 scripture.

GS: Okay, we’re back. It’s eight minutes after the hour, and we’re going to get deep inside the Illuminati, the Family, the Order. We have a guest who was involved with this group, born into it, for over thirty years. Her name is Svali. Svali, are you with us?
SV: Uh, yes I am.
GS: Well, it’s nice to have you here. I know you don’t give radio interviews, and I really want to thank you, because I think it really does help the American people understand about this secret organization that you were born into. So I guess we can just start from the beginning. Tell us – right from the beginning you were born into this, from wealthy parents. Tell us about your training in this group when you were a young child and then up until your orientation at the Vatican. Go ahead.
SV: (surprised, laughing) Well, that’s a pretty broad area, Greg! That could take hours, if you know what I mean.
GS: Yes, but do it, you know, if you could just outline it for us.
SV: Yeah. I mean, I was born in the group, I was born in Germany, and came to the US very young. I basically went through all the training that the group… all members of the group do undergo training to various degrees, depending on the role.
By the time I was a teenager, I was a youth leader, and by the time I was 22, I became the youngest member of Leadership Council in San Diego County . At that time I was a head trainer. I was the sixth trainer and eventually moved up to the second position.
GS: Mm hm.
SV: When I was twelve, I had mentioned with you the ceremony at the Vatican…
GS: Right.
SV: …that they really do make all leadership in the group undergo at some point.
GS: Now basically when you were growing up, I remember you told me that you were instilled at a young age. You were born to a very wealthy, well-to-do family.
SV: Yes.
GS: You moved back to the States. You were told at a very young age you were special, you were “chosen.” Correct?
SV: Well, they tell everyone in the group that they are special and chosen, and that’s one of the things that made me very cynical when I was older. You will never meet a person who is an Illuminati who has not been told or programmed for years that they’re special, they’re the only one that can do things for quote-unquote “Family”.
But I was told, yes, I would do great things for Family one day. The reason why I can filter some of this with an objective view is that I know what my role in the group was. It was over quite a significant number of other people. So I don’t evaluate my role or specialness within the group so much by what I was told, but by what I did.
(regretful downturn in voice on “what I did”)
GS: So you reached the age of 12, and then you’re told by your parents you’re going to an induction ceremony in the Vatican.
SV: Yes.
GS: Can you tell us how that happened and what occurred at that ceremony when you went there?
SV: (deep breath, voice becomes stressed) Okay. Um, this isn’t easy to talk about, as you know.
When I was twelve, I was flown over to Germany. And I was at, I’ll call them the German Fathers’ house, over there. And, there was some preparation for a few days, beforehand, and I was told that there would be a very important ceremony. And it was considered a sealing ceremony at that point. And basically I was told a little bit about what I was expected to do during the ceremony.
When we got there, we went through the Vatican. Underneath the Vatican there is a large room that I described to you when we talked before. It has 13 catacomb chambers leading into it. And what they do is as you go down these steps into the room, you can see that it’s circular, so they’re all rounded. They bring out the mummies from the catacombs. And they set them beside each one [each of the 13 catacomb chambers], and they say “That’s the spirit of the Fathers watching over the ceremony.”
During the ceremony, there was a large table in the center of the room. It was on top of this huge golden pentagram. They had a ceremony there.
GS: So how many kids, how many other children were with you being inducted into the Family or the Order, as they call it?
SV: There were two other children at that point. But there were several adults too.
GS: Okay.
SV: See, the Church also brings in adults to swear their allegiance, too, just so you know. I was told, and I don’t know if this is true, that if you want to rise to a certain position within the Catholic Church hierarchy, you do have to go through that ceremony as well.
GS: Okay, so you’re down in this room. Your parents weren’t present.
SV: No. No. The German Father and the French Father were.
GS: Okay, and at that point tell our listeners what you witnessed.
SV: (pause, additional voice stress) Well, there was a table. It looked like dark glass in the center of the room. It was made out of a stone, but it was very shiny and darkened black. It may have been something like obsidian or onyx, I’m not sure. This was the only time I’ve seen stone like that.
Around the corners it had these gold channels that, you know, collect fluids. A little boy was placed in the center of the table and drugged. I think he was drugged, because he was very quiet. He didn’t move or say anything.
GS: This was a little three or four-year-old boy, right?
SV: Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
GS: Then they continued to do a child sacrifice.
SV: Yes, they did. Yes. I told you about that before. Yeah.
GS: Now afterwards, quite, what an unbelievable experience for a youth, a 12-year-old. What went through your mind when that happened?
SV: I was terrified! I mean, I was absolutely horrified. I… I… I… I can’t describe the terror you feel when you go through something like that.
GS: And do you remember the words they were saying as this was going on?
SV: (pause) The man was in scarlet – he was speaking in Latin. And basically he was saying, “Please accept the sacrifice on this day.” And then he said, “This sacrifice will seal the ceremony.” And then he did it.
Again, I was so terrified that… (sighs) Have you ever been in a situation where your heart’s racing, but you can’t do anything? You’re just kind of sitting there, and you’re kind of fading in and out?
GS: Well, I can remember as a youth being frightened, but I don’t think I’ve ever…
SV: (crosstalk) No. All right.
GS:… had anything quite like what you’ve had.
SV: Imagine your heart rate going up to about 220. You can’t move. You’re kind of shaking, but you’re trying not to show it.
GS: Mm hm.
SV: It was horrible. Actually, I keep thinking inside, “I can’t wait ’till it’s over. I can’t wait.” You don’t say this, but inside you’re just saying over and over, “I can’t wait ’till this is over. I can’t wait ’till this is over. I can’t wait ’till it’s over.”
GS: Mm hm.
SV: Afterwards, the man in scarlet, he had a huge golden ring on his hand. He came over to the center of the room. Each of the people that were swearing that day had to go forward and kneel before him and kiss his ring, and swear my allegiance to the New Order, to the New World Order for all… until my death.
GS: Hm. Now at that point you were escorted out.
SV: Yes. Yeah. After the ceremony was all over. I mean, the other people also did theirs as well. They had to swear their allegiance too.
GS: And they were the same age as you?
SV: The two children were, but there were also three adults that went forward and did the same. And afterwards, we were told, (slowly and precisely): “May the same to you or worse occur should you ever break this oath.”
GS: Hm. So it’s basically… whew! Imagine at that age, what [this would do]. And you weren’t really prepped for this, were you? You were told there was a ceremony, but you didn’t expect anything like this, from what I’ve gathered talking to you.
SV: It was very difficult to go through, just because the sense of horrific oppression down there was the worst I’ve [ever felt.] I’ve gone through some ceremonies in my life in the Illuminati, you do go through them. But I have to say that in my experience this was the worst, just because… I can’t explain the amount of darkness in that room. It was just pure evil. And unless you’ve ever been in a… seen a person… it was just horrible.
It wasn’t just what happened, but just… I mean, the oppression. And I’m a Christian now, and I know the difference between when there is evil present – oppression – or when God’s love is present, which is joy and peace. That’s the exact opposite of what there was in that room.
GS: Now you know what I find quite interesting about this? About 25 years ago, I was a reporter and a freelance writer in Rome, and I spent six years there. I walked through the Vatican many, many times… hundreds of times. I covered the papal addresses, things like that.
During that time I was there during a Vatican scandal, which involved the Church bank and other things… members of the Illuminati, the Freemasons. I was approached by a woman, Maria Vendital (ph), and I’ll never forget this. Rome’s a small town. People knew I was covering stories about the secret societies, things like that. I had to ask people.
Well, this woman came up to me and told me similar stories. She wasn’t quite as specific because she couldn’t handle it without breaking out crying, and tried to commit suicide twice because she couldn’t get out of the Illuminati. She was a member, born into it from a very wealthy northern Italian family. She told me basically the same ceremony took place with her.
And so, when I started talking to you, I wanted to relay that to you, and also to relay to my listeners that I also heard about this, 25 years ago, from a woman by the name of Maria, and several other people in Italy that I talked to. I was never able to locate or really, probably for my own safety, ever find out what happened.
But again, Svali’s corroborating a story that I heard about 25 years ago. We’ll get back after the break with this incredible story of a member who is now out of the Illuminati, out of the group and safe, on the Republic Broadcasting Network.
[commercial break – Resume at 23:15]
GS: Okay, we’re back on the Investigative Journal. I’m your host, Greg Szymanski. We’re talking to Svali, a member of the Family, the Order, the Illuminati, for thirty years.
Svali, you leave the induction ceremony. You walk out into the Vatican courtyard with one of the fathers, I believe. What did he tell you then?
SV: At that point he just told me to never forget. He told me that I had performed well during the ceremony because I didn’t scream or pass out or anything like that. He said “You did very well,” and he was pleased. Then we stayed at a home nearby. It must have been a local person. I didn’t know them. We spent the night there before we went back to Germany.
GS: Okay, and what about the other people during the ceremony. How did they handle themselves? Do you remember?
SV: (sighs) I’m going to say, unfortunately, I was so… when you’re in that kind of situation, the last thing you’re thinking about sometimes is what the other people are doing. (Laughs) I was just so trying not to lose it myself. I do know that no one screamed or shouted or anything like that. Everyone was quiet. I think to say ‘dead silence,’ is, unless the person was spoken to, true – or unless they had to go forward and kiss the ring.
GS: All right, let’s move on. I think we’ve, uh…
SV: Yeah.
GS: A question I’ve wanted to ask you, and this is such a wide subject. I’ve had a chance to talk to you for a number of days, and I’ve done some stories about it.
You go back home, you’re twelve years old. You say you were schooled in the twelve disciplines.
SV: Yes.
[12 disciplines, from Svali’s online book:
1. To not need. 2. To not want. 3. To not wish. 4. Survival of the fittest. 5. The code of silence. 6. Betrayal is the greatest good. 7. Not caring. 8. Time travel: ” The child will be taught spiritual principles of “traveling” both internally and externally, with set ups, role playing, and guided exercises reinforced with trauma. The goal will be to reach “enlightenment”, an ecstatic state of dissociation reached after severe trauma.”
9,10,11: “Sexual trauma, learning to dissociate and increase cognition, decrease feeling.” (Details of these 3 steps vary according to child’s future role in the cult. These roles include Informers, Breeders, Prostitutes, Pornography, Media personnel, Preparers, Readers, Cutters, Chanters, High Priest/Priestess, Trainers, Punishers, Trackers, Teachers, Child Care, Couriers, Commanding Officers and Behavioral Scientists.)
12. Coming of age ceremony (Vatican underground sacrifice).]
GS: So your life begins, and you know now you’re in some type of organization that is very different than what most people experience. Tell us… I guess what I want to do is leave it open to you to begin. You’ve written so in-depth on this story. I’m just going to give you the microphone and let you begin. Tell the listeners what you think is important about your original training, about the group and about many things that I know people want to know about the Illuminati. Go ahead.
SV: Okay. Well Greg, first I want to say that my purpose in talking about this is not to glorify evil. There are very wicked people out there, very powerful people. I don’t want to at all magnify their power, but I do want people to know that this is real. These people exist. People who say there are people out there that are involved in these activities… it really happens.
I also, because I know that there are children being hurt in the group every day, and that’s my motivation for coming forward.
I don’t like giving interviews for obvious reasons. I am willing this one time to lay aside my privacy and personal safety because these people need to be stopped. They need to be stopped.
GS: Okay. SV: Okay? GS: Go ahead.
SV: Normally children in the group are born into it. The Illuminati very rarely does outside recruitment. That’s not their main method. It’s just passed down generally, generationally from father to son, and mother to daughters to children. And so the whole family line has been in it.
Throughout the centuries people have tried to escape, but a lot of times they were either poisoned, murdered or set up to look like a suicide. They don’t like it when people leave, and they try to make it very difficult – simply because it looks bad. (slight laugh)
They go through an enormous amount of training, from the time they are an infant. You undergo indoctrination. And when I say indoctrination, I don’t just mean like cult programming so much as watching your parents and seeing what they do.
My parents modeled their behavior. To them the group was very important for growing up. I saw that three times a week, everything was dropped to tend to the activities. Okay?
GS: Okay.
SV: Basically the training process is designed to help you take on your adult role in the group. The Illuminati cover so many levels there too. It goes all the way from what most people think of as a satanic coven type thing, at the very low local level, all the way through… it’s a huge, enormous business corporation.
At the mid-levels, you have people overseeing finances and administration, who are overseeing… I mean, these people are making a LOT of money through gun running, through white slavery, prostitution, pornography. They have links and ties to the Mafia, left and right. And, in fact the mafia are afraid of them. (Laughs)
GS: Hm.
SV: Yeah. (Laughs): Well, think about it! Because they know that you don’t cross the members of the group. They have a very spiritual orientation. They are not satanic, though; they are Luciferian, which is different.
The ultimate goal of their spiritual philosophy and their sense of discipline is they believe that should you complete all of your training, you become a god. That is their actual end goal. They believe in the achievement of Godhood – of Illuminist philosophy – through what they call Enlightenment, or Illumination, which is how they got their name.
GS: Mm hm.
SV: They are international. In Europe there are twelve fathers who sit, who represent the different nations of Europe. They are very expectantly awaiting He Who Is To Come, and during that ceremony in the Vatican, (bumper music starts) on my knees I had to swear my allegiance to serve He Who Is To Come. They believe that the coven…
GS: Svali, can you, uh, I have to take a break.
SV: Sure.
GS: We’ll continue with the massive organization, your role as a mid-level person in the Illuminati on the Republic Broadcasting Network.
[commercial break – resume 33:27]
GS: Okay, we’re back on the Investigative Journal, and I’m talking with Svali. Svali, why don’t we just pick it right up where we left off at the break. You were telling us about this hierarchy that starts with twelve fathers. Can you just run that down for us so people know exactly how this group is organized?
SV: Sure. At the top levels, it’s in Rome. That’s the power center or the heart of the Illuminati, where the power base is. And that’s why all leadership must swear fealty in Rome, because that’s considered the core of, the spiritual center of the Universe. That’s how they view it.
From there, in Europe there are twelve fathers – one for each country in Europe. When I was younger I had to also meet with the fathers at one point and kiss the ring, and go through another ceremony of allegiance to them as well.
In the Illuminati, the European Fathers rule over what are called the different houses. For instance, if you are from Germany then you belong to the German House, if you are from France you belong to the French House – they call them Houses. UK, Russia, Poland, Belgium, Spain, Italy and others.
From there, America was considered a mission field for them. In the 17, actually in the 1600s, Pittsburgh became the first port of entry for them. That’s where they first settled. That’s why it’s still considered a spiritual power base for the group on the East Coast in the US.
GS: You know, I did want to mention one thing. A caller / listener / reader of your stories sent me an email, and said, “Greg, check into the reason why President Bush, right after being elected, went into and talked to a Masonic group there.” I found that quite interesting.
SV: Oh yeah.
GS: Go ahead.
SV: It’s the spiritual power base for the group. From there, it spread out across the Atlantic seaboard, and then throughout the nation. The nation is divided into many regions, multiple regions but seven main regions. The East Coast region has its spiritual power base in Pittsburgh, but the administrative power base is in Alexandria, Virginia. That’s where they administer the finances during the day to day operations.
The West Coast, or the West region, west of the Mississippi, has its power base in the San Diego area.
GS: And that’s where you spent a lot of time, correct?
SV: Yeah. Yes. I was sent from, the Alexandria Council sent me to San Diego to help them out.
GS: Okay, go ahead.
SV: Those are the two, of course, main regions. And then each of those regions are divided into sub-regions.
So then you have your Regional Councils sitting over those, and overseeing activities. If you can think of the structure of a large multinational corporation, that’s really how the Illuminati is structured. Then beneath each of the regional councils are your local councils. They call them sister groups or sisters, or your local councils. Then you have your local groups under those as well, or what they call the sister groups.
Any major metropolitan city could have anywhere from five to fifteen groups, depending on the size of the population base. Or more.
GS: Now you were saying that, how many people are in this group in America now, from your estimate, of knowing a lot of this stuff? Go ahead…
SV: Pure Illuminati, I would say about one percent, give or take, based on population.
GS: So it’s a fairly huge… big organization, correct?
SV: Yes.
GS: Now their goal, basically. Just give us the broad overview goal, and then I want to get into some of these, you know, your role in it, and some of these ways that the Illuminati makes money that you learned about.
SV: Yeah.
GS: Go ahead.
SV: You know, when you say “To rule the world,” it almost sounds laughable – like “yeah, right”, you know. I think people get ideas of thinking or wanting to rule the world. But really, that is their goal. They believe that they are the intelligent leaders, and they believe that the rest of the world are sheep that need wise… They see themselves as wise leadership. So they believe that their goal is to rule the world.
GS: Mm hm.
SV: But at the same time, they have occult ways of doing that. Their main way of doing that is behind the scenes. They believe in infiltration of the media, of education and of government – those are the three areas – and of the financial system. And they have successfully done quite a bit of all four throughout Europe and the US, as well as other countries.
GS: Now you said that they, basically the Illuminati is divided into about six or seven groups, and everyone is born into a group. Could you outline what those groups are?
SV: Well no, it’s all one group, there are just different levels.
GS: Yeah, that’s what I mean. Like the Sciences, the Government, or…
SV: Oh. Oh. Okay. The Illuminati is divided into different branches of learning. These branches include Sciences, Military, Government, Leadership, Scholarship and Spiritual. Those are the six branches of learning. And while all children need to undergo some training or teaching in each area, as they get older… They begin profiling you from infancy, and they know where your activities and abilities are. Then you’re, you really go into… Most people specialize in one branch or possibly two branches of learning.
GS: And you were involved in what branch?
SV: I was heavily involved in Sciences, and also to some degree I did some Spiritual as well – but mainly Sciences.
GS: Just to backtrack one minute, these twelve disciplines. As a child, you were rigorously trained in this, correct?
SV: Yes.
GS: Okay. And what were those disciplines?
[1. To not need. 2. To not want. 3. To not wish. 4. Survival of the fittest. 5. The code of silence. 6. Betrayal is the greatest good. 7. Not caring. 8. Time travel. 9,10,11: Sexual trauma, learning to dissociate and increase cognition, decrease feeling – details of these 3 steps vary according to child’s future role in the cult. 12. Coming of age ceremony (Vatican underground sacrifice).]
GS: I mean, if… You don’t have to go through each one of them, but what primarily were you taught?
SV: (pause) I think the best way would be to give you an example of just one type of training that they do.
GS: Okay.
SV: I was two years old. I was left in a room for probably a 24-hour period. When you are that age it is hard to estimate, but it was a long time. I know that the sun did go around (laughs) at least once, and it wasn’t just like a few hours.
At that age, when you are two and you are left alone without food and water, you are terrified. And at the end of the time, I was just dying of thirst. My morale was just… I have never been so thirsty in my entire life.
My mother walked into the room. A lot of times they have the children, you know, or the parents train the children at these early ages. There was a table in the middle of the room and I was sitting at it. She brings in this cold pitcher of water and she starts pouring it. I said, “Mom! I want a drink of water,” and she slapped me out of the chair. (pause)
GS: Hm.
SV: And I remember crying! And as I’m crying, she’s drinking the water in front of me, and she leaves! She takes the pitcher of water. And a couple of hours later, she came back in and did the same thing. And I said, “Mom, Mom, I want water!” And she slapped me! I mean, across the room.
After this had happened about three times, luckily I was bright enough that by the third time she came in, I mean, I remember crying silently, but I just looked at her. I didn’t ask.
After she got up and left with the pitcher, a man came into the room. He said, “You did very well that time.” And then he gave me a drink of water.
GS: Hm.
SV: That was part of the “learning not to want” stage. Looking back on it, I realize now as an adult that the part of that training was to teach me not to recognize my own physiological needs and respond to them, but to look to outside people to tell me what I wanted or needed. Which is what…
GS: Now you basically, you told me you led a dual life in the Illuminati. That’s basically how they function.
SV: Oh yeah!
GS: You have a day job, and then at nighttime you’re quite busy sometimes with the cult activities, correct?
SV: Yes.
GS: Okay. What I wanted to get into… you were talking about these groups. I remember I mentioned to you, you said you had these meetings three times a week. I said, “Well, what about if I wanted to go and visit, and maybe do a story about them?” What would happen, or how could… would I be able to find one of these meetings that were going on, in your area of Escondido?
SV: Well no, because of the security measures. And A), you really don’t want to show up unannounced at a meeting if you could get through their security, because the chances are you would never make it out alive. Let’s just say that a certain auto accident would occur, and be reported in the papers: “Unfortunate accident – man accidentally runs into tree.” (Laughs) I mean, I’m serious!
The security that they have during group meetings is so intense that it would be very difficult. They have security at the one-mile perimeter, the three-mile perimeter and the five-mile perimeter. They have three people assigned. Usually one is up in a tree where you can’t see him at the five-mile perimeter.
GS: Mm hm.
SV: And then you have one person who is standing, looks like a security guard for the estate, because these are often large, wealthy estates, which is appropriate. He is dressed in a uniform. The third person is standing hidden behind a tree. As cars come through, and they come through the gates – remember these are gated estates.
GS: Mm hm.
SV: So if it’s not someone on their approved license checklist, they will stop the car. It’s just like at a military installation. They will say, “Can I help you? Are you lost?” Their goal is to delay the person. Now if a person is saying, “Oh, this is blah blah blah,” and they are just asking for directions, they will give them directions, be very pleasant and send them on their way, to where they are supposed to be going.
But if they are acting as if they want to go further into the estate, and this is not an okay person, then they will say, “Uh, all right, well HE’S NOT EXPECTING YOU.” That’s a code word. That tells the person either behind, up in the tree, or hidden further back – they radio ahead and they say “UNEXPECTED VISITOR.”
At that point, everyone has been trained to pick up and leave immediately, within five minutes – with no traces of the activity.
GS: So this is some of the methods they go through so you don’t get caught. I know that you wrote an article about why the cult doesn’t get caught.
SV: Oh yeah.
GS: It’s pretty specific. You have so much stuff here, and we can’t get into it all in two hours, so please pick and choose what you think is most important. But I find that to be interesting – why the cult doesn’t get caught. Is there anything in just a brief time you could explain to us… that?
SV: Well, their security, their money, their influence. Some of these people even own newspapers. Imagine trying to get a (laughs) article published, you know, disclosing… There’s a lot of reasons why they don’t get caught. That’s the first thing people ask.
Then my next question is, “Well, how many child pornographers are there out there, that the police have been chasing for years, and have never found or caught?”
GS: Correct.
SV: And they’re not even members of a secret organization. They’re just trying to hide, you know. So when you consider that…
GS: Now you…
SV: Okay.
GS: Yeah. You were a mid-level person in this organization, a head trainer. We’re going to get into those specifics in the next hour. But you know, what did you learn about the infiltration of this group into all our different areas of government and media? They are basically at the high levels of most of our financial institutions also, correct?
SV: Yes.
GS: And that is a great way to pursue their goal. I guess I’ve got to ask you this. How come things are moving a little bit faster in America now? I remember back in the 80s when I was confronted with this, when I came back home I didn’t really see this kind of New World Order movement… all this different symbolism that you see now. What is going on, just for our listeners, right now? Why are things stepped up since 9-11?
SV: I believe it’s because they can see the fulfillment of their goal… See, I’m going to sound very cynical now, and please forgive me for this, okay? Their goal is to rule the world, and personally I believe that they do – it’s just not open yet.
GS: Mm hm.
SV: And they say they’re now preparing people for when they disclose themselves openly. Does that mean that they can’t be stopped? I believe they could. I believe it would take a miracle, because of the amount of infiltration I see at all levels of society, and the world. These guys, these people have a lot of money. They have a lot of influence. And your average person has no idea of how much is going on behind the scenes that no one understands.
But, with that said, I think that they’re already there, they just aren’t open. These people just don’t know where they’re going! (Laughs) If they did, I think the average person would be horrified to know how much is going on behind the scenes that people really don’t know.
GS: Yeah, and the point of this interview, one, I had two goals…
SV: But… But you see, I don’t want to sound disparaging, because I am also a strong Christian. I have faith in God, and I believe through prayer, and through people knowing… I mean, I would like them to be stopped. I just don’t know, at this point, how do you take on the financial institutions of the world, the major oil enterprises of the world, you know? (Laughs) That’s the question! (Laughs) You know?
GS: Yeah! You know, it is a difficult question. Now you’re in the mid-level of this group. You worked your way up to a head trainer, correct?
SV: Yeah… Yeah.
GS: Now what did you learn… Before we get into specifics, you outline some in of your writings, the big money-making… the ways this group makes its money. Can you go over and outline some of those methods?
SV: Again, if you can think of an illegal activity, they’re probably involved at some point. Maybe not overtly, at the point of where the actual money is first shaking hands – but when you have child pornography, prostitution, white slavery, gun running, gambling, then at some point where the money is changing hands, buffered by about four layers of people, there’s going to probably be someone from the Illuminati involved at that point. These guys have their fingers in everything.
GS: Now…
SV: Uh…
GS: Go ahead.
SV: But they also use legitimate means. They launder their money. When you have a lot of money, you have to do something with it. And so, these men don’t come in and say, “Hi! I’m a member of the Illuminati and I want to run your bank.” What they’ll do is they’ll quietly come in and become a quiet investor, start buying up shares. And over a period of maybe, almost a lifetime, they will get a controlling interest in the bank, or become a very… you know. Or maybe in their son’s lifetime.
That’s the other thing about the Illuminati. The Illuminati do not see it as “This is what must happen now, in my lifetime.” These people have goals that last for centuries, for two centuries. They are very, very patient.
GS: And that’s why the specific training of the children is so important, correct?
SV: Yes. It’s to teach you PATIENCE. Everyone knows, growing up in the group, we may not see the coming order disclosed or open or revealed in our lifetime, but our children or our grandchildren may. So they will spend their entire life trying to bring about the goals of the organization.
GS: (Chuckles) Hm. Incredible. So now you’re in the mid-level. I can see now where they used these programming techniques, the different mind control techniques. We have a minute before the break. Just kind of whet our interests about how you… what your specific role was.
SV: Well, they did a lot of what you might call human experimentation. And they had a lot of research protocols going on. So one thing I did was to supervise the research going on. I was teaching the younger trainers and head trainers how to do things more efficiently, how to do their job well, but also reviewing their research reports for errors or problems.
Eventually I became kind of a consultant. If a problem occurred, or they didn’t know how to install something, or if they needed assistance, I would help them with problem solving as well.
GS: Okay, Svali, I’m going to have to take a break. We’ll be back in three minutes. We’ll continue, on Republic Broadcasting Network.
[commercial break – resume 54:24]
GS: Okay, we’re back on the Investigative Journal. I’ve got a short four minute segment here, then we’ll take a break and come back with Svali for a whole [additional] hour. We’re talking about jobs in the Illuminati, the practical daily jobs that these members of this group, who are infiltrated in America heavily… what they do. Now one thing I find interesting, Svali, knowing the media… I’m not going to name names or anything, because I don’t have any specific information. But I find it interesting.
Doing some background checks on a lot of the top media people in our country, they all come from these very wealthy families. (Laughs) Now that’s not the typical MO for a journalist. A journalist is somebody who grows up on the street, wants to talk to people, I can think of Jimmy Breslin, guys who never went to college, didn’t know how to type, and just got in there, took their tie off and started writing stories.
But you know, as you look at the media now, there are all these silver spoon kids – growing up with silver spoons. I find that quite interesting. How deeply infiltrated, from your knowledge, are they in our media?
SV: Wow. Pretty… I do know, uh, fairly deeply. I remember that when I was in San Diego on Leadership Council during meetings, they would laugh about how people had no idea of how much they were being influenced and didn’t even know it. They found that kind of amusing, which is… I mean, that’s the mindset of people in the group, though. They’re like, “The sheep have no idea that they’re being led by the hand.”
And they find it amusing, because they show it as evidence of… I mean, I’m just describing what they say, I don’t agree with it now, but they saw as evidence of the stupidity of the m… of the average person – that they have no idea.
I’m not saying that every news story or every newscaster is a member of the group… by no means. But, they specifically do teach and train and educate children that show an aptitude for the media, because they want that. And if the person has a bright, charismatic personality, and presents well, then that child will go into that, if they have their verbal communication and other skills required.
GS: Well, you know, that could explain why a lot of our stories really never get covered, outside of the influence they have financially and the ownership of the media.
SV: (crosstalk) That’s absolutely not by coincidence.
GS: What’s that?
SV: Not at all a coincidence.
GS: Yes. That’s a good idea, folks, why you’re not getting the news from those outlets. Not only in our government. It explains a lot of things. Look at the war in Iraq. Look at the evidence there that shows what is wrong. Look at what they’re doing in Iran right now. I mean, it’s incredible. All this stuff is pretty obvious, people. There’s something behind it. Svali is here trying to explain this organization from her knowledge, and it is quite, quite a story.
I know this idea. You were involved as a trainer of mind programming? I mean, this is just, I’m looking at some of the chapters in a book you have yet to publish [in paper book form]. We’re talking about brainwave, color control, metal, jewel programming, programming link to stories and movies… I mean, it goes into suicidal programming.
In just a minute here before our break, can you kind of break down what you learned about the importance, well, oh! We’ve got to take a break, Svali, sorry. We’re going to do that quickly, then we’ll get back to you. We’re talking to Svali, regarding her role as a head trainer in the Illuminati, the American Illuminati. We’ll be back, on the Republic Broadcasting Network, in two minutes.
GS: Okay, we’re back on the Republic Broadcasting Network. One more hour. We’re talking to Svali, and she was a head trainer in the Illuminati.
Svali, what type of programming do they actually teach you, and how do you learn these different techniques?
SV: Well, you’re taught from childhood on. My training in how to be a programmer started very young. I was mentored by another programmer at the age of 5, by a doctor at George Washington University. Not only did he do the programming on me, but also taught me how to do it to others. The types of programming… again, that could be a whole ten-hour segment to go into depth. From the time a child is an infant, all through their life basically, they are tested, they are profiled. Trainers can create a psychological profile, and then they update it frequently.
Basically, they are trying to install in this child the ability to obey, loyalty to the group, and the ability to do their job within the group.
Now those jobs vary in complexity. You may have on one side a child trained to be a prostitute. On the other end you may have a child trained to become a governmental figure, which is a lot more complex programming.
But as long as the loyalty to the group is instilled, and that is the first and foremost programming always installed, then no matter what their eventual role is, they will remain loyal. And that becomes their first loyalty. Whatever nation, whatever their public role in life is, their first and foremost loyalty will be to the group, and to serve its goals – whether they know.
A lot of times, the goal is [also] to be able to help the child create that complete division between their day role and their night role. So a pleasant, charming, wonderful, kind person in the daytime could be an absolutely cold, ruthless person at night – or during the day, you know, it’s also during the day they do it.
Then you may have a housewife with children who goes out and completes a courier job for the group. And no one would ever suspect her. Who is going to suspect [that] this lovely-looking little housewife with a baby in a car seat is actually carrying some valuable documents?
Again, the first and foremost other thing was to instill loyalty, and they want to discourage people from questioning orders. They really don’t want you questioning that, and they want you to obey their directives. Should people show signs of not doing that, then they go on for tune-ups. Actually people are being programmed all through their life. We used to call them tune-ups. It’s a lifelong process for members of the group.
GS: We have a minute here before our break, and we’ll get back and get in depth into some of these areas. But what went wrong with you? I mean, the dropout rate probably is very low…
SV: Extremely low. (laughs)
GS: …considering the number of, considering the training. But what went wrong with you? They somehow missed something.
SV: When I was very young I absolutely believed in the goals of [the group]. You never saw a more loyal group member. I thought that they were saving the world. I thought that we were doing a wonderful thing. But the older I got, I started to see the methods that were being used for so long, and that the ends do not justify the means. I became increasingly cynical, partly because I saw what I was doing to people. I was lying to them. I was manipulating them. I was telling them things that weren’t true. I remember questioning this, thinking, “I was told lies as a child too, then. I was manipulated.”
GS: Wow.
SV: And finally you start to question, as an adult, the things you were taught. (bumper music starts)
GS: Okay. We’re going to take a break, Svali, we’ll be back in three minutes on the Republic Broadcasting Network.
[commercial break – resume 8:27]
GS: Okay, we’re back on the Investigative Journal. Svali, I wanted to ask you a question. Before we get into how you finally left the group, and what happened to you afterwards in your life now – tell us. You wrote an article that is very interesting – A Day in the Life of a Trainer for the Illuminati. Tell us what you went through in a normal day in your role at the Illuminati. Go ahead.
SV: Okay. Basically I would get up. At the time that I described in that article, I was teaching at a Christian school. And so I would get up, I would get my two children dressed and ready for school. Just like a normal mom, you know, go through the day, come home. We’d have little friends over and play, and stuff like that. Then, you know, have dinner. I was a good mom. I was your average American housewife – on the surface.
But underneath the surface, then my husband and I would remind each other on nights when there was a meeting. And then what we would do is when we would go to sleep, I had programming in place that would allow me to wake up within ten minutes of the specified time. If I knew there was a meeting that night, I would wake up ten minutes before it was time to get ready and go. A lot of times we would even go to bed with our clothes on. And I never really thought that was abnormal, you know?
GS: Mm hm.
SV: I thought everyone went to bed with their clothes on. I didn’t even question it, you know, on nights when we had meetings. I thought, “Oh, it’s warmer.” (Laughs)
GS: Okay.
SV: And then we’d get up and go, and drive to the meeting. I was also very involved in Military in San Diego. In fact the group has a lot of military orientation. So on top I would take the kids to their area, there was an area where the kids would go and change. They had a room and we would have like baskets of clothes, and we would change our clothing. You’d pick out your clothing, it had your name on it, and put on your uniform. Or whatever you wore that night. The kids would wear these little miniature military uniforms.
Then they would go out and do their training exercises. They were learning how to march, how to shoot. All kids in the Illuminati, at least in that area, know how to take apart a gun, put it together and shoot with deadly accuracy by the age of eight years old. Martial arts, there’s a lot of martial arts training. Sometimes I’d help supervise that, or fill in if there’s a military trainer [who] was [absent]. Everyone had to be – there was a lot of cross training. But most of the time I supervised the training. I would be working on implementing programming, or what we’d call tuning up – reinforcing previously installed programming in adults.
At that point I was normally supervising the younger trainers. They would be doing it, and I would be there watching and making sure they did it correctly. Or I would be also evaluating whether – sometimes every once in a while we’d be working on something that was somewhat experimental, and then I would be taking a more active role, assessing the person’s responses to the new protocol, recording it and if there was any difference between established parameters for that protocol or expected responses, I would be flagging that.
GS: Give me an example of someone you were working on. What… how would they be introduced, what would be the reason? Would they be military, what is, how does someone get sent to you?
SV: No, these were all members of the group!
GS: Oh, okay.
SV: Oh! I can tell you that in San Diego, twenty percent of the active members of the group were active military.
GS: Okay.
SV: Okay? And think of military intelligence. Think high-ranking officials, colonels, (laughs), commanders. My ex-husband was a lieutenant commander in the Navy, getting ready to become a commander, okay?
GS: All right.
SV: These are not stupid people.
GS: So you were basically working on the programming of the members involved.
SV: (crosstalk) Yes. Oh yeah. Yeah.
No, we didn’t program people who were not members of the group. You CANNOT install significantly traumatic mind-control programming in a person who is not a member of the group.
GS: (crosstalk) Good.
SV: Now there are certain… what you can do is what we call passive programming, which is basically through media means. If someone’s watching a television program, they go immediately into alpha state. Everyone in the group, even a baby in the group knows that, because these people are very much into behavioral psychology. That’s a trance state, almost, a very relaxed state where messages can be implemented.
And that’s why I very strongly suggest people be very careful about the TV shows they watch! That’s all I will say about that.
But no, you cannot take an adult who is not a member of the group and do what we did to them. They would go psychotic, or they wouldn’t survive it, probably. They wouldn’t be able to psychologically handle it.
GS: Tell us some examples of what you were doing. Program techniques.
SV: (sighs) Sometimes, (sigh) it would involve, normally we would start with a hypnotic induction or even sometimes we would inject a medication. A lot of times especially young children have a lot of fear when they are going into programming, but adults do too. We want them to relax. We give them a very short-acting medication to relax them.
We would then invoke a hypnotic state in them. If it was an older person I would be checking that the codes are already installed. If I was getting ready to install programming in like a young child, I would tell them, explain to them very patiently exactly the behavior expected. I’d say, “I want you to do this, and this, and this.” I break it up into steps. Then I’d say, “First we’re going to practice this.”
I would show the child what I want them to do – I would model it. I would then tell the child, “DO IT.” The child would then do it, okay? But, normally they won’t do it well the first time, so she would… she or he would get shocked. That was called, because the group very much uses what they call positive and negative reinforcement. Okay?
If a child did not do it perfectly the first time, they are shocked. That’s the negative reinforcement.
Then I would say, “DO IT AGAIN.” They would show me the behavior.
Now at this point we start associating the behavior with an external stimulus or cue, too. Now a lot of times a child… If this is a behavior, though, that we want associated with a specific code, the child will often then traumatize very heavily first, to create a fragmentation in their personality. Then the behavior and the associated cue are given.
You might hear a tone, like “ding ding ding.” [I say,] “All right, I want you to do this.” Ding ding ding. The child hears the tone, they get up and they do the behavior. Once they can perform it perfectly, they are rewarded with praise. Good job, or a hug. Children like hugs, or something like that.
Then you do it over, and over, and over. That’s why trainers have to be very patient people. Because then maybe after the child has done it fifty times, then they hear the cue, they get up, [and] they do it. It’s not even a conscious [decision]… it’s reflexive. At that point it’s considered installed.
For very, very important programming, I’m talking about like end-level assassin programming, because we did train people how to assassinate people, and that’s a whole other topic I don’t want to go into here…
GS: Okay.
SV: We would then do a ritual to seal the programming afterwards.
GS: (Final-sounding) Okay.
SV: Okay?
GS: Just something, I was looking at some of your articles. One was “Christmas in the Cult.” Just to get off on a different subject here…
SV: Sure.
GS: You say this is quite different for you, when you were growing up, than it is for most children. Can you just kind of briefly tell us what you meant by that?
SV: Yeah, um… (sighs) I mean, we had trees and presents and things like that. But for most children, Christmas is just happy time, you know, lots of presents. But in the group, there are some very high ceremonies that are celebrated. Several times, in fact many times, I flew into Germany. And there, there wasn’t a Santa Claus. They had a figure called Father Yule…
GS: (crosstalk) Mm hm.
SV: …who represents Christmas there. But he is not the kind of benevolent Santa that you see here. This is a man with a golden scepter dressed in a white robe and a golden sash around.
I was once at the German Father’s house, where there was a gathering with children and adults, and Father Yule was present. He raises the scepter and basically strikes down a child in front of everyone.
GS: (laughs in disbelief) Oh my God!
SV: I know!
GS: (shocked) He strikes down a CHILD? I just…
SV: I know. Yes. He struck down the child with his, his scepter. And that… that is not what you call a happy Christmas, you know?
GS: No. (sighs)
SV: And at the same time, yes, we did have a tree, you know, and fruitcake and all that, and decorate the house, but there is another side to Christmas. It’s, it’s…
GS: (in shock) You know, I’m just listening and I just can’t believe, you know, we’re, you know, we have leaders in our country that have probably gone through this kind of stuff. I mean, uh, it’s just incredible, this group. I know they’ve been around for a long, long time, thousands of years, and gone through it, came here. George Washington was a 33 rd degree Mason…
SV: (crosstalk,) Oh, YEAH!
GS: …and we go on. Uh, the quest… you know, I just, I want you to understand, just from my point of view, I just wonder how… you know, you write a story, “The End of the Illuminati.” How do we get rid of these people? I know, you’re out of it. You couldn’t take it any more. You think we can inspire more mid-level people to just LEAVE, like you, so they have no one to DO this kind of INSIDIOUS… CRAZY… PROGRAMMING and lifestyle! What do you – what do you think?
SV: Well, I believe that, as strongly as a Christian, that it’s a spiritual warfare as well as an emotional and psychological warfare. I believe that, by the grace of God.
But I will also say that when I was in the group, a lot of the members are not happy. You have people in the group that are there because they love it, because they believe in our goals, they are totally dedicated. But to be honest, a lot… I often knew as many people who would have left in a minute if they thought that they could get out, and make it.
GS: You know, about your husband, uh, just to break in and then go back into that. Do they marry you to somebody in the group, or is that forced on you?
SV: (crosstalk) Yeah. Yeah. No. In the group, the marriages are always arranged, in my experience. In my 38 years in the group, I never knew of a couple, in the Illuminati, that did not have an arranged marriage. It can’t be…
GS: (crosstalk) You just mentioned a couple that I, I suspect. Clinton and uh, Bill and Hillary.
SV: Oh, well, YEAH! (Laughs)
GS: (Laughs)
SV: YES! Definite. Definite.
GS: Yes. Bill?
SV: Yeah.
GS: Go ahead.
SV: Yeah. A lot of times, these marriages are arranged for compatibility, but also for bloodlines – to bring the right bloodlines together.
GS: Okay, good. We’re going to be back in three minutes. I want to continue this, and then we’re going to get into Svali’s life after the Illuminati, on the Republic Broadcasting Network.
[commercial break – resume 23:17]
GS: Okay, we’re back on the Investigative Journal. I’m your host, Greg Szymanski. And let me tell you, as an interviewer, and someone who has researched the Illuminati for a long time… it started way back when, when I was a young reporter in Rome…
It’s a whole different ballgame when you’re actually talking to someone with experiences like this. It takes it out of that realm of what is quasi-fiction fact, into the realm of reality. It’s – it’s really shocking.
And, uh, I’ll be honest with you. This is a story, uh, that folks, you have to listen to – because this is going on in our country. All the things you’re seeing regarding our rights being taken away, the police state, the war in Iraq, 9/11 – all these things have to do with this powerful group.
Svali, you know, we’re talking about mid-level people. Now we’re going to talk about some of the lower-level people. I’m interested in who they are. But you said they weren’t happy, but a lot of them probably stay because it’s very… I mean, this is a… it’s a very lucrative way to live, I imagine.
SV: Oh, yeah!
GS: …families?
SV: Oh, yeah! That’s the main thing, that’s one of the factors that keeps people in. The reason more people don’t leave is because leaving means giving up your husband, your children, your entire family on both sides, your money. And basically, for a lot of people, leaving the group means giving up everything, and starting out penniless and alone.
Not only that, but you’re combating child programming to recontact, to go back, to be loyal, to be a good member.
GS: Mm hm.
SV: And I know many people have tried to leave and went back, because they just couldn’t take it.
GS: Do you, uh, do you want to take a phone call right now? Break it up?
SV: Sure!
GS: Okay. Marilyn, in California. You’re on the Investigative Journal. Marilyn?
Marilyn (ML): Yes, I’ve been a part of this. I lost part of it, I’ve been listening on the Internet. I didn’t quite catch it. How did this woman become involved in this Illuminati training?
GS: Uh, go ahead, can you explain that, Svali?
SV: I was taught it from early childhood. I was mentored into it. Trainers in the group are mentored. You wok with older adults and they show you, and you are given increasing responsibility. And so by the time you are in your teens, you are basically doing adult training responsibilities. You’ve been taught for years.
ML: Your parents put you in it, or… ?
SV: Yes, they were members.
ML: Oh, I see, so it comes down through the parents – one parent to another.
SV: Yeah. Or from both.
ML: (shocked) Are they private SCHOOLS?
SV: Through what?
ML: Are these private SCHOOLS?
SV: Well, my children were schooled at private Christian schools. They were all Illuminati. (Laughs) Okay?
ML: (surprised, “Now I get it” voice tone) Oh, you’re saying that the CHRISTIAN schools are Illuminati!!
SV: SOME of them are. Not all – but some.
ML: Yeah, obviously.
SV: No, no. The ones that my children in were, specifically. But no, there’s a lot of good Christian schools that have nothing to do with the group, but some can be. Now I went to a public school, but what’s interesting is, out of three public schools I went to as a young child, two burned down. (sadly): So there’s no access to any school records.
ML: (completely shocked) I’ll be DARNED.
GS: Marilyn, just to get you up to speed. You’re born into this, then you’re trained as a young child. You go through an induction ceremony in the Vatican. And this is going on with one to two percent of our population, according to Svali. Very serious, in all levels. Government, and everything else. Go ahead, Marilyn, do you have another question?
ML: Yeah. When you said the Vatican, now that is not a Christian religion, okay? Now I’m a Christian. Catholics is a Christian religion, we look at them as the precursor of the New World Religion. So…
GS: Well, you know, if I may just break in. I grew up a Catholic. I don’t get involved in the splicing of the religions. I’m basically stating that when I started researching the Illuminati as a reporter in Rome, and I realized there was a bad portion of the Church, I looked at it. I had to deal with the evil and the good. So that’s the way I reconciled it. The evil WITHIN the Catholic Church, at the high level of the Vatican , which seeps down into many, many areas. Go ahead.
ML: Okay, well I won’t argue that point.
SV: (crosstalk) Now… Now… Now…
ML: I won’t agree with it, but it sounds like you have become possibly Born AGAIN to get out of this? Would I be correct in that?
SV: Yes. Yes. Now I very much… Now first, I do want to say I am not slamming the Catholic Church or the average Catholic. I have many good friends that are Catholics, that are strong Christians. I became a Christian, and that was the only way I could get out. But just so you know, too, a lot of card-carrying Illuminists, well we don’t really carry cards, but I’m using that term…
ML: Yes.
SV: …are members of the Baptist church, are members of Pentecostal churches. It… This… I was on a worship team for a Wesleyan church in San Diego … in my day life. Okay?
ML: Oo-kay. Uh, yeah. Very, very confused. I mean, I, uh, I think this is interesting. Many people say that the Catholic Church will be the forerunner of the New World Religion. There’s some very good books out. In fact, I think you may have interviewed one of these men – the Grand Plan Design by John Daniels?
GS: Uh huh.
ML: You remember that?
GS: Uh…
SV: But, but…
GS: Go ahead.
SV: The average Catholic has no idea of what’s going on in the Vatican.
ML: Yeah, yeah. I think that’s interesting that, that the average Catholic would not know what’s going on. That’s just my take on it. (laughs)
GS: Well, I’ll tell you something. As an average Catholic going to Rome my first time in 1980, I didn’t know what was going on, and I grew up as a Catholic, went to Notre Dame High School. It was quite a learning experience for me.
ML: I think the Catholics, when they find out how evil the church is, stay in it! I mean, they really… why would they want to stay in it? That’s what bothers me. I know some good people who are like that. And I don’t get it! (Laughs)
GS: Well, the only answer is… it doesn’t… (bumper music starts) (laughs) I don’t know. There are many Catholics who aren’t actively practicing.
ML: Yeah. Thank you!
GS: But anyway, we’ll leave that for another time. Thanks, Marilyn. We’ll be back on the Investigative Journal in three minutes, with Svali.
[commercial break – resume 33:20]
GS: Okay! Uh, you know, they’re not going to get me. That’s for sure. My house is anti-Illuminated. It’s not going to happen, folks. Just to end that, Svali, before I get back to you, just to end that conversation we had with Marilyn about Catholicism. I look back at it, and I really thank my dad. And I do it in kind of a way, I’m just thinking about it now. I didn’t know what the Church was about.
But you know, something strange did happen when I was young. My mom died, and I was ten years old. My brother was six months old at the time she died of leukemia. It was a very, very tragic affair – left my dad and me and my brother alone. And I remember my dad literally took a priest, a head Monsignor in our parish. And I won’t even tell you where. Saint John Rebove (ph), right outside of Chicago.
This man came into our house, I’ll never forget it. He said that he was going to put ME and my little BROTHER in an ORPHANAGE. My dad literally picked him up and threw him out the door! Literally.
SV: Wow.
GS: And from that point on, my dad never went back to church again. My brother never went to a Catholic school. I of course asked if I could finish, only because I had friends there. But you know, who knows what would have happened, you know, looking back on the craziness that goes on in the Church.
But anyway, Svali, you were talking about, uh, you know something? These people that are too… that do not want to get out because of the financial ties. But let’s go back to when you were in the Illuminati. How did this happen? How did you finally leave? Tell us this whole story about you leaving the Illuminati. We haven’t touched on that yet.
SV: Sure. Well, I do want to say one thing that I agree with Marilyn on. Without faith in God, I couldn’t have done it. I became a Christian, and that was for me revolutionary. It made me question again more of what I was being taught, or had believed all my life. I, for the… I began to realize that what I was doing was wrong. I became increasingly cynical.
I also then started standing up to the head trainer in the county who despised me. He would do things that were just blatantly cruel for no reason whatsoever. I’d say, “You’re wrong”. Well, people don’t like that. (Laughs)
He took it out on me in a lot of horrible ways. I finally made the decision to run. I ran to this… to another state, because I knew that my chances of getting out while still staying in that area with people I knew, surrounded by people who were in the group, was not going to be very good. So I went to another state.
GS: You had to leave your family and everything, right?
SV: Everything. Well, my children were with their grandparents. At that point I thought that was better than them being with my husband. I was going to go get my kids. But my husband then called and he said, “I want to reunite with you.” And I said, “Okay, that’s wonderful.” And I said, “But you have to get help. You have to get some treatment, because we can’t go on. You’ve got to get out of the group.” He said, “Okay. Help me get the kids and I’ll meet you in a week.”
So the day before, he called and said, “I’ll be there tomorrow,” blah blah blah. And so I was excited, thinking, “Oh, he’s getting out, he’s getting out, that’s wonderful!” Instead, he went… he had gotten the kids several days before. He was lying to me, and I didn’t know it. He had gone to a judge.
And the day that he was supposed to arrive, there was a knock on my door. It was a policeman serving me DIVORCE papers, and also a restraining order, saying that I could not come within a hundred yards of my husband or my children.
And at that point, I felt slightly punished (sigh) for leaving the group.
I fought that, and it… (sighs) I fought for four years with a court system that said things like this didn’t occur, because my husband would go into court and say, “This woman is psychotic. She’s making it all up. There’s no way. Ha, ha, ha. This stuff doesn’t happen in this day and age.” And the judge would say, “You’re right.” Slam. Full custody to their father. And I had to have supervised visitation for four years with my own children, so that… because I was considered a kidnap risk.
Through a lot of prayer, I had my whole church praying for me here in Texas, and through Lambley Research and miracles, my children were finally allowed unsupervised visitation with me, after four years. During that time, I said to my daughter, who was fourteen, I said, “I want so badly for you to get out”. And she looks at me, and she starts going…
(hyperventilating, extremely terrified): “Oh! You shouldn’t have said that, Mom! You shouldn’t have said that, Mom!” You know? She just… she just freaked out. She just totally lost it.
GS: Mm hm.
And I realized that it was her programming cycling, because she was just terrified. You know, she’s like, (terrified, very rapid): “Why did you say that, why did you say that”, and I said, “It’s okay, it’s okay, honey, calm down, calm.”
And the following… she was just shaking and shaking. And then finally she said, “Well, I don’t want to go back and get hurt.” And then I said, “YOU DON’T HAVE TO.”
And at that point I faced several prison sentences, but I called my ex and I said, “I will face… I will not let those children go back and get hurt again.”
GS: Okay.
SV: And he flew out to get them, and he could have put me in prison at that time, because I was breaking the custody visitation. And you know how strong the courts are on that!
GS: Mm hm.
SV: And I said to him, “Please… Look.” Because it was so nice. My daughter and son both said, “We don’t want to go back, Dad. We don’t want to get hurt. We don’t want to do this anymore.”
He looked at them, and he said, “I want to go think about it.” He went home, and I was praying for him at the time.
And then that night he called me, and he said, (delirious, hyperventilating): “Oh my God. Oh my God.” I said, “What is it?” He said, “We’ve gotta get out! We’ve gotta get out!” (Laughs) And I said, “YES! You do!” And then he said… and then he made the decision to get out.
At that point he went to a Notary Public. He gave me… he did a legal case document giving me full custody of my children. And then he said he was so sorry for, he put me through, the H, E, L, L he had put me through for years.
GS: Now, have you had any reprisals from people in the group since you were leaving, or any warnings?
SV: Yes.
GS: To keep quiet, or anything like that?
SV: (crosstalk) Yes. Oh, yeah! Oh… yeah, of course! There’s one time when I did write one article that named some specific dates and times. I got hurt afterwards, and it made me very cautious. That’s why I don’t give a lot of radio interviews, and why I don’t do a lot of this. That’s one reason why…
GS: Well, I appreciate this, because you know, the number of people you’re going to help, by… maybe, maybe waking up the American people to what is really going on. Sometimes you can wake up many more people by a person like you, than talking about a hundred million different generalities.
Let me take a call. Chris, in Washington, you’re on the Investigative Journal.
CH: (calm, relaxed cadence): Hi. Svali, I just want to say how much I appreciate your bravery, in presenting this information in the way that you are. I’ve read your website recently. And my question is very simple. Based on the information that you’re presenting, I’m wondering what timeline the organization of the larger Family that you’re describing has for implementing the New World Order?
SV: Okay. I was told it would occur during my generation. I was told that by the year 2050 that they would be revealed. Now again, their timelines change, though. In fact, I jokingly referred to them as being like the Soviet Union, because you know how they had their five and ten year plans, and then things always got changed? In my own lifetime I saw several different timelines for things that were supposed to occur and change.
But as Greg noted, I’ve also heard of, from different people, that actually there is a HUGE push in the last few years. It’s like, “It’s CLOSE. It’s CLOSE. Let’s make things happen more quickly.”
CH: Mm hm.
SV: So I couldn’t begin to guess whether that’s an accurate timeline or not. I know what I was told.
CH: I have a follow up question and that’s it…
GS: Go ahead.
CH: …and this will be it for me. I have recently, against my own resistance to doing so, investigated, started to investigate fringe matters, if you will. Among them, the upcoming date on the Mayan Calendar of 2012.
SV: Uh huh.
CH: And as I’ve done this research, I’ve allowed myself just to be open to this information without believing anything I’m reading. One of the ideas that is presenting itself is that around 2012, not just according to the Mayan Calendar but many other theories out there, that we will be undergoing, as a planet, a revolutionary shift, if you will, of some kind or another.
And I’m wondering in the back of my mind if there might be any kind of race against the clock on THAT scale, if you will – especially if we’re talking about a potential spiritual warfare…
SV: Oh, yeah.
CH: …using your words in play here. Do you see a possible relation there?
SV: Yes, I do. And, 2012 IS an important year. But again, I was not told that the final Revealing would occur then. But I believe that probably… what will happen is that there will be events taking place that will help to set the stage.
CH: Okay.
SV: But it’s going to be… I was told… again, I’m telling you what I was told while a member of the group, so please take it with a grain of salt. As I know, these people aren’t always honest or trustworthy – they are deceptive. But I was told that there would be an enormous economic collapse prior to the Revealing. That basically the stock market would destabilize.
CH: Well, that appears to be already happening.
SV: Yeah. Yeah. And I was told it would make the Great Depression look like Sunday school. And at that time, it’s going to… they’re going to really be manipulating finances to bring about chaos, confusion, warfare, and then…
But see, I don’t like to be so negative. But I am telling you what I was taught when I was in the group, you know?
CH: Well, I so appreciate it.
SV: Yeah.
CH: And I’m sure we all do.
SV: Yeah. I…
CH: You’re a great voice.
SV: Well, thank you! I appreciate that very much. But out of this chaos they said would come order. You see, the group believes that out of chaos comes order.
CH: Well, I don’t want to take any more time…
GS: (crosstalk) Well, as far as I’m concerned, I’d rather, you know, let things… Svali, these guys want to bring down this country financially, in whatever way possible. And right now, your voice is important in that.
And Chris, I really appreciate you saying that, because we want to stop these guys! I mean, come on! Let’s get the American people to get together and just put an end to this. We have a powerful group in numbers. We may not have the money, but we can take it back. And I don’t want to be bullied by these kind of people. That’s my feeling.
SV: Yeah.
GS: Let me take another call. Uh, Harper in Canada. Harper? Go ahead.
HP: Great, thanks Greg. And Svali, I read your expose when it came out on a few years ago, and I always wondered what happened to you, because you vanished from Suite 101. So it’s great to hear about you. A couple quick questions, I’ll make them real fast. First is the term Moriah Conquering Wind. I’d never heard that before or since I read it in your expose. I wondered if you could elaborate on that term a little bit.
I also wanted to ask you if this cult, as far as you know, claims to or believes to derive any of its heritage from Atlantis or any other lost civilization. Okay?
SV: I’m not sure about the reference to Moriah (pronounced like “Mariah” Carey) you’re describing, because Moriah is… is our name.
But I certainly can address the second question. The Illuminati completely believe that Atlantis is real. They teach it to their children as part of the oral history. They believe that it was one of the greatest civilizations that ever existed, and one of the most advanced.
What they teach… their take on it is that Atlantis was a great race of highly intelligent people who had a highly advanced faith, and who were highly enlightened.
But what they teach the Illuminati children is that then this prophet of the enemy, who was a prophet of God, came and foretold their destruction if they didn’t change their ways.
They were definitely Occultists. They were Luciferians on Atlantis. That was the religion. And in fact, a lot of the advances that Atlantis enjoyed was passed down to them through supernatural means… that is what I will say.
So they laughed at the prophet. In fact they killed him. And, he… I guess sometime afterward, we were taught that a few inhabitants escaped, but that tragically the great city was lost.
The Illuminati to this day mourn the loss of Atlantis, because they feel that these were… that the few survivors that left were among the great people who helped found the Free… what you would call the precursors of Illuminism.
HP: One more quick question, if I may.
GS: Go ahead.
HP: And I wanted to ask you if you have any reason to believe that people, men and/or women at the top of the pyramid, so to speak, practice a kind of magic where they are kind of skipping through time, in other words…
SV: (excited crosstalk) Oh! Oh! YES! Oh, without even being at the top… Oh, yes!
HP: …their body leaving, their soul or spirit leaving one body and coming and being born into another one, and therefore, you know, living through time.
SV: (excited crosstalk) Oh yeah! Yeah! Oh, yes! Yes, All the time. In fact, see, now this, now I didn’t go there in this interview. You start telling wackos, you start discussing things like that. But in the spiritual side, they very much teach things like time travel, traveling out of body, you know, psychic battling, things like that – things that cannot be explained by logic.
And I saw things that I cannot explain through human intellect or reasoning, that were highly supernatural, and involved all of that… and more.
[Svali has reported in 2-3 different articles seeing a group of people levitate an animal and choke it to death, though here she seems to refer to more than just that.]
HP: Okay, great. Pleasure to speak with you, Ma’am, and God bless you.
SV: Okay, God bless you too.
GS: Okay, I think we have Dave Wilcox called in. I think you know Dave through emails, Svali.
SV: Yes.
GS: Dave, uh, you want to say hello? And do you have a question for Svali?
DW: Sure. Uh, Svali, it’s great to have you on the air, and I’m really glad you decided to do it. So thank you very much.
SV: Oh thank you, Dave. It’s good to talk with you. Yeah.
DW: Yeah, I feel like you’re an old friend. I’ve been reading your stuff for so long, and you share so willingly and openly about yourself. It’s a real honor to be able to speak with you in person like this.
SV: Well, thank you!
GS: All right, well Dave, you may have something you want to say to Svali. Go ahead. You have a question?
DW: Sure. I think one of the things I’d really like to have covered here is [this]. You shared with me in an email recently about these stages of enlightenment that they try to guide people through?
SV: Yes.
DW: I would like you to try to sketch out for people how the behavioral conditioning that’s coming through the media, the movies and so forth might have affected them.
In other words, what personality characteristics would you see in a person when they have been influenced by these teachings? How would the average person, who is not really a bad person, start to be leaning, if the Illuminati teachings were actually having an effect on them? What would they be like? What would start happening?
SV: Well, again, as I said, the average person is not going to be a member of the group…
DW: Right.
SV: …so the influence would be much less. But the media, I believe that… well, I KNOW. I don’t believe, I KNOW that some of the media that we’re seeing nowadays is specifically targeted towards teaching people their philosophy or goals. All you have to do is watch the children’s cartoons on Saturday morning, and almost across the board you’ll see morphing, power battles, occult. And that’s intentional.
Movies coming out. Basically, if a person is being influenced by their teaching, that person will learn to not trust their own instincts, their own feelings, their own body, their own perceptions. They will be looking outside for guidance.
Second of all, they will be moving towards a heavily occultic worldview – that leaning upon the occult is heavily encouraged. All you have to do is watch Harry Potter! (Pause – laughs) You know?
DW: Yeah, I mean, the whole idea that…
SV: (crosstalk) I mean, not to slam one of those Potter movies, or the Matrix.
If you want to know pure Illuminist philosophy, the Matrix shows it. Definitely. The entire philosophy.
DW: Oh yeah. Right down with Morpheus being broken down with the injections, and they said that it’s like hacking a computer. (bumper music starts)
SV: Yeah! That’s an excellent [example…]
GS: (crosstalk) Okay, let’s take a break. We’ll come back with our final segment. A big finish on the Investigative Journal, with Svali, on the Republic Broadcasting Network.
[commercial break – resume 54:21]
GS: Okay, we’re back with our final segment with Svali. She’s telling us about her experiences… thirty years with this insidious group called the Illuminati, how deeply penetrated and infiltrated they are in our culture and our country.
Svali, we talked about the higher levels, the mid-levels you were involved in as a head trainer. How low do they go? I said all along they’re involved in gang stalking, the MK-Ultra program, infiltrating truth organizations, infiltrating groups that are trying to do good. How far down DO they go?
SV: Well, they go down to the sister group levels I mentioned. The sister groups have anywhere from, usually roughly around 30 members. And those are what a lot of people would consider the… what you would consider the satanic cults, with a high priest and priestess. That would be the local level, the lower level.
But those people are also very active in their community. And so, they WILL be involved in intricate infiltrating activities when possible. Because to them, it’s not infiltrating… it’s helping. They think they’re helping the group, or helping people by becoming a member and spreading the influence.
GS: Let me squeeze in one more caller, Roger, a faithful listener. Roger, you’re on the Investigative Journal.
RG: Uh, yes. Thanks. I had so a big question and so little time that maybe I’ll just squeeze it in…
GS: We’ve got a couple minutes. Really try to work it in, Roger.
RG: Yeah, uh, well, you will enjoy this first, and that is that I recall when Charlotte Izerbie (ph) was here on the local Clear Channel radio show. The host was, of course, dismissive of an Illumi-Nazi agenda. It was great to hear Charlotte say, “You’re telling me? My own father was a high-level”… and she, of course, was a first or second-fiddle secretary at the department of Ed. And she said, “You’re telling me my own father on his deathbed was telling me, “You go get ‘em, girl,” and he was one of ‘em.”
GS: (Laughs)
RG: So that was great. Anyway, my question was towards the philosophical / religious motivators, if you will, which you have been dwelling on. I’ve been trying to form it up into a more cohesive, integrated…
GS: Try to make it quick, we’re running out of time. Go ahead.
RG: Yeah. To expose the ethos of the, you know, it’s like the Neocons serve as the pseudo-intellectual rationale for the Illumi-Nazi agenda. And I don’t presume that it turns on such fine distinctions, so much as it is a bare-knuckled lust for power. But, everybody has sort of a worldview that they use to justify their actions. And of course, it’s a most un-conservative, humanistic social engineering agenda on a far larger scale.
Now you mentioned about these people, basically, and it’s as rare as hen teeth…
GS: Quick, Roger…
RG: …yeah, to find somebody that’s not oxymoronically both a spiritualist and an occultist, and also a, what do you call, a hardcore rationalist. Or maybe that’s just [a] Republican assumption, right?
SV: (sighs)
GS: (slight laughing in delivery): I know there was a question in there somewhere, Roger…
RG: Yeah.
GS: But anyway, thanks for calling. Let me, I’ve only got a minute. I’ve got to finish with Svali.
Svali, tell us in your own words, you’ve got about a minute or two left here. You went forward, you came forward, (bumper music begins) you’re now living a life completely away from them. What’s your hopes of the future in our country right now?
SV: My hope is that people will realize that this is happening, and that they will start doing something about it – that they will start looking at it. Now again, we’re talking about people who are mentally wealthy, but it won’t be easy. But if people could rise up in prayer, and just say, “THIS ISN’T OKAY”…
If people would become informed enough to learn more about it, be aware they exist… and then, possibly, PRAY. Pray that people will take action against the things that are happening. Because these people…
GS: Okay, Svali, I’m…
SV: Okay. All right.
GS: We’re all out of time. We’re going to end on that prayer. I really thank you for coming forward. You’re very courageous. We’ll talk again, and I’ll be back tomorrow on the Investigative Journal. Same time, same place.
SV: Goodbye.
[END OF BROADCAST]  Listen to live… here
Greg Szymanski
Greg also has his own daily show on the Republic Broadcast Network. Go to Greg Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at
Pope Francis Has A Very Sinister Past!
Many Now Believe He Is The False Prophet In Revelation 13!
Who is Jorge Mario Bergoglio? 
Author’s Note ( Professor Michel Chossudovsky)
From the outset of the military regime in 1976, I was Visiting Professor at the Social Policy Institute of the Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina. My major research focus at the time was to investigate the social impacts of the deadly macroeconomic reforms adopted by the military Junta. 
I was teaching at the University of Cordoba during the initial wave of assassinations which also targeted progressive grassroots members of the Catholic clergy.
The Northern industrial city of Cordoba was the center of the resistance movement. I witnessed how the Catholic hierarchy actively and routinely supported the military junta, creating an atmosphere of  intimidation and fear throughout the country. The general feeling at the time was that Argentinians had been betrayed by the upper echelons of the Catholic Church.

Three years earlier, at the time of Chile’s September 11, 1973 military coup, leading to the overthrow of the Popular Unity government of Salvador Allende,  I was Visiting Professor at the Institute of Economics, Catholic University of Chile, Santiago de Chile.

In the immediate wake of the coup in Chile,  I witnessed how the Cardinal of Santiago, Raul Silva Henriquez –acting on behalf of the Catholic Church– confronted the military dictatorship.
In 1973, he had been appointed “Provincial” of Argentina for the Society of Jesus.
In this capacity, Bergoglio was the highest ranking Jesuit in Argentina during the military dictatorship led by General Jorge Videla (1976-1983).
He later became bishop and archbishop of Buenos Aires. Pope John Paul II elevated him to the title of cardinal in 2001
When the military junta relinquished power in 1983, the duly elected president Raúl Alfonsín set up a Truth Commission pertaining to the crimes underlying the “Dirty War” (La Guerra Sucia).
The military junta had been supported covertly by Washington.
US. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger played a behind the scenes role in the 1976 military coup.
Kissinger’s top deputy on Latin America, William Rogers, told him two days after the coup that “we’ve got to expect a fair amount of repression, probably a good deal of blood, in Argentina before too long.” … (National Security Archive, March 23, 2006)

“Operation Condor”
Ironically, a major trial opened up in Buenos Aires on March 5, 2013 a week prior to Cardinal Bergoglio’s investiture as Pontiff. The ongoing trial in Buenos Aires is: “to consider the totality of crimes carried out under Operation Condor, a coordinated campaign by various US-backed Latin American dictatorships in the 1970s and 1980s to hunt down, torture and murder tens of thousands of opponents of those regimes.”
For further details, see Operation Condor: Trial On Latin American Rendition And Assassination Program By Carlos Osorio and Peter Kornbluh, March 10, 2013
(Photo above: Henry Kissinger and General Jorge Videla (1970s)

The military junta led by General Jorge Videla (left) was responsible for countless assassinations, including priests and nuns who opposed military rule following the CIA sponsored March 24, 1976 coup which overthrew the government of Isabel Peron:
 ”Videla was among the generals convicted of human rights crimes, including “disappearances”, torture, murders and kidnappings. In 1985, Videla was sentenced to life imprisonment at the military prison of Magdalena.”
Wall Street and the Neoliberal Economic Agenda
One of the key appointments of the military junta (on the instructions of Wall Street) was the Minister of Economy, Jose Alfredo Martinez de Hoz, a member of Argentina’s business establishment and a close friend of David Rockefeller.
The neoliberal macro-economic policy package adopted under Martinez de Hoz was a “carbon copy” of that imposed in October 1973 in Chile by the Pinochet dictatorship under advice from the  “Chicago Boys”, following the September 11, 1973 coup d’Etat and the assassination of president Salvador Allende.
Wages were immediately frozen by decree. Real purchasing power collapsed by more than 30 percent in the 3 months following the March 24, 1976 military coup. (Author’s estimates, Cordoba, Argentina, July 1976). The Argentinean population was impoverished.
Under the helm of Minister of Economy Jose Alfredo Martinez de Hoz, central bank monetary policy was largely determined by Wall Street and the IMF. The currency market was manipulated. The Peso was deliberately overvalued leading to an insurmountable external debt. The entire national economy was precipitated into bankruptcy.
(See Image right: From left to right: Jose Alfredo Martinez de Hoz, David Rockefeller and General Jorge Videla)
Wall Street and the Catholic Church Hierarchy
Wall Street was firmly behind the military Junta which waged “The Dirty War” on its behalf. In turn, the Catholic Church hierarchy played a central role in sustaining the legitimacy of the military Junta.
The Order of Jesus –which represented the Conservative yet most influential faction within the Catholic Church, closely associated with Argentina’s economic elites– was firmly behind the military Junta, against so-called “Leftists” in the Peronista movement.
“The Dirty War”: Allegations directed Against Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio

Condemning the military dictatorship (including its human rights violations) was a taboo within the Catholic Church.  While the upper echelons of the Church were supportive of the military Junta, the grassroots of the Church was firmly opposed to the imposition of military rule.
In 2005, human rights lawyer Myriam Bregman filed a criminal suit against Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, accusing him of conspiring with the military junta in the 1976 kidnapping of two Jesuit priests.
Several years later, the survivors of the “Dirty War” openly accused Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of complicity in the kidnapping of  priests Francisco Jalics y Orlando Yorio as well six members of their parish,  (El Mundo, 8 November 2010)
(Image Left: Jorge Mario Bergoglio and General Jorge Videla)
Bergoglio, who at the time was “Provincial” for the Society of Jesus, had ordered the two “Leftist” Jesuit priests and opponents of military rule  “to leave their pastoral work” (i.e. they were fired) following divisions within the Society of Jesus regarding the role of the Catholic Church and its relations to the military Junta.
While the two priests Francisco Jalics y Orlando Yorio, kidnapped by the death squads in May 1976 were released five months later. after having been tortured, six other people associated with their parish kidnapped as part of the same operation were “disappeared” (desaparecidos). These included four teachers associated with the parish and two of their husbands.
Upon his release, Priest Orlando Yorio “accused Bergoglio of effectively handing them over [including six other people] to the death squads … Jalics refused to discuss the complaint after moving into seclusion in a German monastery.” (Associated Press, March 13, 2013, emphasis added),
“During the first trial of leaders of the military junta in 1985, Yorio declared, “I am sure that he himself gave over the list with our names to the Navy.” The two were taken to the notorious Navy School of Mechanics (ESMA) torture center and held for over five months before being drugged and dumped in a town outside the city. (See Bill van Auken, “The Dirty War” Pope, World Socialist Website and Global Research, March 14, 2013
Among those “disappeared” by the death squads were Mónica Candelaria Mignone and María Marta Vázquez Ocampo, respectively daughter of the founder of of the CELS (Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales) Emilio Mignone and daughter of the president of Madres de Plaza de Mayo, Martha Ocampo de Vázquez. (El Periodista Online, March 2013).

María Marta Vásquez, her husband César Lugones (see picture right) and Mónica Candelaria Mignone allegedly “handed over to the death squads” by Jesuit “Provincial” Jorge Mario Bergoglio are among the thousands of “desaparecidos” (disappeared) of Argentina’s “Dirty War”, which was supported covertly by Washington under “Operation Condor”. (See
In the course of the trial initiated in 2005:
“Bergoglio [Pope Francis I] twice invoked his right under Argentine law to refuse to appear in open court, and when he eventually did testify in 2010, his answers were evasive”: “At least two cases directly involved Bergoglio. One examined the torture of two of his Jesuit priests — Orlando Yorio and Francisco Jalics — who were kidnapped in 1976 from the slums where they advocated liberation theology. Yorio accused Bergoglio of effectively handing them over to the death squads… by declining to tell the regime that he endorsed their work. Jalics refused to discuss it after moving into seclusion in a German monastery.” (Los Angeles Times, April 1, 2005)
The Secret Memorandum
[This section was added on March 19, 2013]
The military government acknowledged in a Secret Memo (see below) that Father Bergoglio had accused the two priests of having established contacts with the guerilleros, and for having disobeyed the orders of the Church hierarchy (Conflictos de obedecencia). It also states that the Jesuit order had demanded the dissolution of  their group and that they had refused to abide by Bergoglio’s instructions.
The document acknowledges that the “arrest” of the two priests, who were taken to the torture and detention center at the Naval School of Mechanics, ESMA, was based on information transmitted by Father Bergoglio to the military authorities. (signed by Mr. Orcoyen)
(see below).
While a former member of  the priests group had joined the insurgency, there was no evidence of the priests having contacts with the guerrilla movement.

“Holy Communion for the Dictators” 

The accusations directed against Bergoglio regarding the two kidnapped Jesuit priests and six members of their parish are but the tip of the iceberg. While Bergoglio was an important figure in the Catholic Church,  he was certainly not alone in supporting the Military Junta.
According to lawyer Myriam Bregman:  “Bergoglio’s own statements proved church officials knew from early on that the junta was torturing and killing its citizens”, and yet publicly endorsed the dictators. “The dictatorship could not have operated this way without this key support,” (Los Angeles Times, April 1, 2005 emphasis added)
(Image right: General Jorge Videla takes communion. Date and name of priest unconfirmed)
The entire Catholic hierarchy was behind the US sponsored military dictatorship.  It is worth recalling that on March 23, 1976, on the eve of the military coup:
Videla and other plotters received the blessing of the Archbishop of Paraná, Adolfo Tortolo, who also served as vicar of the armed forces. The day of the takeover itself, the military leaders had a lengthy meeting with the leaders of the bishop’s conference. As he emerged from that meeting, Archbishop Tortolo stated that although “the church has its own specific mission . . . there are circumstances in which it cannot refrain from participating even when it is a matter of problems related to the specific order of the state.” He urged Argentinians to “cooperate in a positive way” with the new government.” (The, January 2011, emphasis added)
In an interview conducted with El Sur, General Jorge Videla, who is now serving a life sentence for crimes against humanity confirmed that:
He kept the country’s Catholic hierarchy informed about his regime’s policy of “disappearing” political opponents, and that Catholic leaders offered advice on how to “manage” the policy. 
Jorge Videla said he had “many conversations” with Argentina’s primate, Cardinal Raúl Francisco Primatesta, about his regime’s dirty war against left-wing activists. He said there were also conversations with other leading bishops from Argentina’s episcopal conference as well as with the country’s papal nuncio at the time, Pio Laghi.
“They advised us about the manner in which to deal with the situation,” said Videla” (Tom Henningan, Former Argentinian dictator says he told Catholic Church of disappeared Irish Times, July 24, 2012, emphasis added)
It is worth noting that according to a 1976 statement by Archbishop Adolfo Tortolo, the military would always consult with a member of the Catholic hierarchy in the case of the “arrest” of a grassroots member of  the clergy. This statement was made specifically in relation to the two kidnapped Jesuit priests, whose pastoral activities were under the authority of Society of Jesus “provincial” Jorge Mario Bergoglio. (El Periodista Online, March 2013).
In endorsing the military Junta, the Catholic hierarchy was complicit in torture and mass killings, an estimated “22,000 dead and disappeared, from 1976 to  1978  … Thousands of additional victims were killed between 1978 and 1983 when the military was forced from power.” (National Security Archive, March 23, 2006).
The Role of the Vatican

The Vatican under Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II played a central  role in supporting the Argentinian military Junta.
Pio Laghi, the Vatican’s apostolic nuncio to Argentina admitted “turning a blind eye” to the torture and massacres.
Laghi had personal ties to members of the ruling military junta including  General Jorge Videla and Admiral Emilio Eduardo Massera.
(See image left. Vatican’s Nuncio Pio Laghi and General Jorge Videla)
Admiral Emilio Massera in close liaison with his US handlers, was the mastermind of “La Guerra Sucia” (The Dirty War). Under the auspices of the military regime, he established:
“an interrogation and torture centre in the Naval School of Mechanics, ESMA [close to Buenos Aires], … It was a sophisticated, multi-purpose establishment, vital in the military plan to assassinate an estimated 30,000 “enemies of the state”. …  Many thousands of ESMA’s inmates, including, for instance, two French nuns, were routinely tortured mercilessly before being killed or dropped from aircraft into the River Plata.
Massera, the most forceful member of the triumvirate, did his best to maintain his links with Washington. He assisted in the development of Plan Cóndor, a collaborative scheme to co-ordinate the terrorism being practised by South American military régimes. (Hugh O’Shaughnessy, Admiral Emilio Massera: Naval officer who took part in the 1976 coup in Argentina and was later jailed for his part in the junta’s crimes, The Independent, November 10, 2010, emphasis added)
Reports confirm that the Vatican’s representative Pio Laghi and Admiral Emilio Massera were friends.

(right: Admiral Emilio Massera, architect of “The Dirty War” received by Pope Paul VI at the Vatican)
The Catholic Church: Chile versus Argentina
It is worth noting that  in the wake of the military coup in Chile on September 11,1973, the Cardinal of Santiago de Chile, Raul Silva Henriquez openly condemned the military junta led by General Augusto Pinochet. In marked contrast to Argentina, this stance of the Catholic hierarchy in Chile was instrumental in curbing the tide of political assassinations and human rights violations directed against supporters of Salvador Allende  and opponents of the military regime.
The man behind the interfaith Comité Pro-Paz was Cardinal Raúl Silva Henríquez. Shortly after the coup, Silva, … stepped into the role of “upstander,”a term the author and activist Samantha Power coined to distinguish people who stand up to injustice—often at great personal risk—from “bystanders.”
… Soon after the coup, Silva and other church leaders published a declaration condemning and expressing sorrow for the bloodshed. This was a fundamental turning point for many members of the Chilean clergy… The cardinal visited the National Stadium and, shocked by the scale of the government crackdown, instructed his aides to begin collecting information from the thousands flocking to the church for refuge.
Silva’s actions led to an open conflict with Pinochet, who did not hesitate to threaten the church and the Comité  Pro-Paz. (Taking a Stand Against Pinochet: The Catholic Church and the Disappeared pdf)
Had the Catholic hierarchy in Argentina  and Jorge Mario Bergoglio taken a similar stance to that of Cardinal Raul Silva Henriquez, thousands of lives would have been saved.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio was not, in the words of Samantha Powers, a “bystander”. He was complicit in extensive crimes against humanity.
Neither is Pope Francis “a Man of the People” committed to “helping the poor” in the footsteps of Saint Francis of Assisi, as portrayed in chorus by the Western media mantra. Quite the opposite: his endeavors under the military Junta, consistently targeted progressive members of the Catholic clergy as well as committed human rights activists involved in grassroots anti-poverty programs.
In supporting Argentina’s “Dirty War”, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has blatantly violated the very tenets of Christian morality which cherish  the value of human life.  Author’s message to Pope Francis: “Thou shalt not kill”
“Operation Condor” and the Catholic Church
The election of Cardinal Bergoglio by the Vatican conclave to serve as Pope Francis I will have immediate repercussions regarding the ongoing “Operation Condor” Trial in Buenos Aires.
The Church was involved in supporting the military Junta.  This is something which will emerge in the course of the trial proceedings.  No doubt, there will be attempts to obfuscate the role of the Catholic hierarchy and the newly appointed Pope Francis I,  who served as head of Argentina’s Jesuit order during the military dictatorship.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio:  “Washington’s Pope in the Vatican”? 
The election of Pope Francis I has broad geopolitical implications for the entire Latin American  region.
In the 1970s, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was supportive of a US sponsored military dictatorship.
The Catholic hierarchy in Argentina supported the military government. The Junta’s program of torture, assassinations and ‘disappearances” of thousands of political opponents was coordinated and supported by Washington under the CIA’s “Operation Condor”.
Wall Street’s interests were sustained through Jose Alfredo Martinez de Hoz’ office at the Ministry of Economy.
The Catholic Church in Latin America is politically influential. It also has a grip on public opinion. This is known and understood by the architects of US foreign policy as well as US intelligence.
In Latin America, where a number of governments are now challenging US hegemony, one would expect –given Bergoglio’s track record–  that the new Pontiff Francis I as leader of the Catholic Church, will play de facto, a discrete “undercover” political role on behalf of Washington.
With Jorge Bergoglio, Pope Francis I  in the Vatican –who faithfully served US interests in the heyday of General Jorge Videla and Admiral Emilio Massera–  the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in Latin America can once again be effectively manipulated to undermine “progressive” (Leftist) governments, not only in Argentina (in relation to the government of Cristina Kirschner) but throughout the entire region, including Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia.
The instatement of  “a pro-US pope” occurred a week following the death of  president Hugo Chavez.
“Regime Change” at the Vatican

The US State Department routinely pressures members of the United Security Council with a view to influencing the vote pertaining to Security Council resolutions.
US covert operations and propaganda campaigns are routinely applied with a view to influencing national elections in different countries around the World.
Similarly, the CIA has a longstanding covert relationship with the Vatican.
Did the US government attempt to influence the outcome of the election of the new pontiff?
Firmly committed to serving US foreign policy interests in Latin America, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was Washington’s preferred candidate.
Were undercover pressures discretely exerted by Washington, within the Catholic Church, directly or indirectly, on the 115 cardinals who are members of the Vatican conclave?
Who is Pope Francis I, Interview of Michel Chossudovsky with Bonnie Faulkner, Guns and Butter, KPFA Pacifica
Notes by Mark Brander…. Those who will not come out of the Catholic Church, renounce, and repent of, all the false doctrines and witchcraft therein, will without a doubt be cast into either Hell or Outer Darkness.
Jesus was no doubt, talking about the Catholic Church when He said in Matthew 23..
And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
Nor are we to worship Mary or any of the Saints, keep statutes of them, or pray in their names. It is blasphemy and punishable in Outer Darkness.(See paragraph below)
Jesus teaches the Apostles in Pistis Sophia, a copy of which is on this website.
Excerpted from Pistis Sophia
Of the proclamation of the disciples. JESUS continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples: “When I shall have gone into the Light, then herald it unto the whole world and say unto them: Cease not to seek day and night and remit not yourselves until ye find the mysteries of the Light-kingdom, which will purify you and make you into refined light and lead you into the Light-kingdom.
”Say unto them: Renounce the whole world and the whole matter therein and all its care and all its sins, in a word all its associations which are in it, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from all the chastisements which are in the judgments.
“Say unto them: Renounce murmuring, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the fire of the dog-faced one.
“Say unto them: Renounce eavesdropping, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the judgments of the dog-faced one.
“Say unto them: Renounce litigiousness, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the chastisements of Ariēl.
“Say unto them: Renounce false slander, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the
Light and be saved from the fire-rivers of the dog-faced one.
“Say unto them: Renounce false witness, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and that ye may escape and be saved from the fire-rivers of the dog-faced one.
“Say unto them: Renounce pride and haughtiness, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the fire-pits of Ariēl.
“Say unto them: Renounce belly-love, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the judgments of Amente.
“Say unto them: Renounce babbling, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the fires of Amente.
“Say unto them: Renounce craftiness, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the chastisements which are in Amente.
“Say unto them: Renounce avarice, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the fire-rivers of the dog-faced one.
“Say unto them: Renounce love of the world, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the pitch- and fire-coats of the dog-faced one.
“Say unto them: Renounce pillage, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the fire-rivers of Ariēl.
“Say unto them: Renounce evil conversation, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the chastisements of the fire-rivers.
“Say unto them: Renounce wickedness, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the fire-seas of Ariēl.
“Say unto them: Renounce pitilessness, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the judgments of the dragon-faced ones.
“Say unto them: Renounce wrath, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the fire-rivers of the dragon-faced ones.
“Say unto them: Renounce cursing, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the fire-seas of the dragon-faced ones.
“Say unto them: Renounce thieving, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the bubbling seas of the dragon-faced ones.
“Say unto them: Renounce robbery, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from Yaldabaōth.
“Say unto them: Renounce slandering, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the fire-rivers of the lion-faced one.
“Say unto them: Renounce fighting and strife, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the seething rivers of Yaldabaōth.
“Say unto them: Renounce all unknowing, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the servitors of Yaldabaōth and the fire-seas.
“Say unto them: Renounce evil doing, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from all the demons of Yaldabaōth and all his judgments.
“Say unto them: Renounce sloth, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the seething pitch-seas of Yaldabaōth.
“Say unto them: Renounce adultery, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light-kingdom and be saved from the sulphur- and pitch-seas of the lion-faced one.
“Say unto them: Renounce murder, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the crocodile-faced ruler, this one who is in the cold, is the first chamber of the outer darkness.
“Say unto them: Renounce pitilessness and impiety, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the rulers of the outer darkness.
“Say unto them: Renounce atheism, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the howling and grinding of teeth.
“Say unto them: Renounce magic potions, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the great cold and the hail of the outer darkness.
“Say unto them: Renounce blasphemy, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the great dragon of the outer darkness.
“Say unto them: Renounce the doctrines of error, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from all the chastisements of the great dragon of the outer darkness.
“Say unto those who teach the doctrines of error and to every one who is instructed by them: Woe unto you, for, if ye do not repent and abandon your error, ye will go into the chastisements of the great dragon and of the outer darkness, which is exceedingly evil, and never will ye be cast into the world, but will be non-existent until the end.
“Say unto those who abandon the doctrines of truth of the First Mystery: Woe unto you, for your chastisement is sad compared with that of all men. For ye will abide in the great cold and ice and hail in the midst of the dragon and of the outer darkness, and ye will never from this hour on be cast [up] into the world, but ye shall be frozen up in that region and at the dissolution of the universe ye will perish and become non-existent eternally.
The boundaries of the ways of the worthy.”Say rather to the men of the world: Be calm, that ye may receive the mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light-kingdom.
“Say unto them: Be ye loving-unto-men, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light-kingdom.
“Say unto them: Be ye gentle, that ye may receive the mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light-kingdom.
“Say unto them: Be ye peaceful, that ye may receive the mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light-kingdom.
“Say unto them: Be ye merciful, that ye may receive the mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light-kingdom.
“Say unto them: Give ye alms, that ye may receive the mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light-kingdom.
“Say unto them: Minister unto the poor and the sick and distressed, that ye may receive the mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light-kingdom.
“Say unto them: Be ye loving-unto-God, that ye may receive the mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light-kingdom.
“Say unto them: Be ye righteous, that ye may receive the mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light-kingdom.
“Say unto them: Be good, that ye may receive the mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light-kingdom.
“Say unto them: Renounce all, that ye may receive the mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light-kingdom.
“These are all the boundaries of the ways for those who are worthy of the mysteries of the Light.

Producer: Wayne Morris
Today we are going to hear from investigative journalist Jon Rappoport give a talk entitled The CIA, Mind Control, and Children about the CIA’s use of children for creating mind control agents. Author of U.S. Government Mind Control Experiments on Children, he talks about the impact of the mind control testimony submitted to the Presidential hearings on radiation experiments. Jon also speaks about the mindset of those responsible for these horrors and the implications to society.
John Rappoport:
We are going to launch into this subject, but with a few comments before we start. Mind control is one of those things people don’t like to talk about, including yours truly frankly. I got into it, and I saw the evidence, and it was … you know, there it was.
Officially MKULTRA was a CIA mind control project that lasted about 10 years … let’s say from 1952 to 1962-63 … Before it started, there was ARTICHOKE AND BLUEBIRD … those were other CIA mind control projects. After it ended, supposedly in 1963, an office called ORD Office of Research and Development took it over. Their job we don’t know about … we are not sure of everything they did because that information is not available. It is in 130 boxes of material somewhere … maybe in Langley, Virginia but they won’t release it. Various people have said that they employed more sophisticated measures than MKULTRA to do mind control on people.
I think one of the reasons that this is such an important subject is because we are looking at people here who have a certain attitude about life itself, and these people are in the government and they are in important positions in the government … and in order to understand what they are really about, we get a look at them that is unprecedented by looking at what they did with this kind of experimentation on humans.
 In other words, they hate life. That’s pretty clear. They have their own version of life, which is like “death” and that’s where their life is … that’s what they feed off of. I would say that most, if not all, secret societies are based on the same concept. Once you cut through all the paraphernalia and symbology of secret societies, you are basically dealing with people who have, for one reason or another, given up on life completely. They are now into the form of life that is involved with death … that’s their territory. And it’s a pretty horrendous thing to say, but I think that would be borne out. 
My own feeling is that we are talking about a confluence of different influences here on individuals that go back a long way into the past … into the history of families in which they grew up … I am talking about long term history of what those families are … and these people who are entirely functional, but entirely psychotic if you want to use that term. It doesn’t really do it justice but it tells you something about them. I am talking about John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles … I would say they are very good examples. Look at their faces … look at what you see there … you see almost nothing. There is a kind of mask-like quality about these people, an emptiness — very competent people who go about their business, who seem to have no feeling or “juice” for life. And I would say these people are often born into families who go back centuries possibly in that kind of disconnected condition from life. While they are able to function very successfully in society and deal with power, because that is their ticket and their coinage, they find that control and destruction of life is the only thing really that gives them life.
Since I have read this information that I will be sharing with you tonight, I am beginning to come to the conclusion that the people who were involved in the nuclear weapons scenario really wanted to destroy the world. It may seem obvious to say but they see that as “liberation” if you can wrap your mind around that … as a release from, what they consider to be an oppressive situation that just simply can’t be tolerated. They see destruction as liberation and so the only thing that would hold them back, I think, from destroying the world is the feeling that they may not have the playground left in which to enact their scenarios of destruction. There would only be one, and that would be the explosion that would take care of the planet.
I would say that this is what we are dealing with. I would put up as a model against that, on the other side, although this man is not a messiah by any means, but if you know any of the work by Wilhelm Reich, the psychiatrist who broke away from Freud, he developed an entire psychology around the concept of liberation of energy … from within the person … that was locked up. It was really the first time … he was the main figure in the history of Western psychology, let’s put it that way … which was a recent effort. To simply say that we are talking about energy here, and that freedom and the release of free energy from a human being against blocked up channels gives you what is called “life” — that’s life. And he was, of course, destroyed by the government. He had a device that was an energy accumulator device. He was arrested because a federal agent posing as a buyer or distributor of that device offered to take off his hands and bring it through state lines and so he was served a subpoena to appear before the federal government that involved illegal interstate commerce, and his comment was rather native, he said, “how can they possibly serve me … that’s politics … I am talking about science.” He didn’t honour the subpoena, they put him in jail, and he died. He was talking about fantastical things like plumes of blue energy shooting out of the top of a person into the sky and this kind of liberation of energy would occur. He said that energy creates clouds, and storms, and weathers, the same energy that we have inside ourselves is identical and he called the unit of it an “orgone”. He invented these wild machines that were able to, supposedly, manoeuvre this energy around. He is a fascinating person, and I always hold him up as a person who ultimately stands for the other side of things — which is life.
The reason that you find some of these fascist lunatics involved with magic and occult sciences and heavy, heavy, heavy symbology and all of that … is because within these secret societies, they are dealing in death as life.
If you could imagine life as a kind of hourglass and they fall through the top and through the skinny part and out the bottom and they see that as being a form of living, and they take their sensation and their thrills from some sort of upside down version of life. I wanted to paint that little sketch before I started, because we are going to get into some pretty strange territory here. I want to say that I think this is basically what is going on. It’s important to know that these people occupy key positions in our government and still do and they are not accountable. It tells you something about what is called a democracy …
I have brought some testimony together into this book called, US Government Mind Control Experiments on Children. It’s a compilation basically of testimony that was given in Washington and before I read from it while I can still remember … I want to make a few announcements, a little bit about myself and the people who are here tonight. This is Deep River Books. She Who Remembers is taping this talk … the tape is available afterwards. I will probably forget to remind you and Jeannie will stand up and say something. Ralph Cole of Justice Vision is taping. He has also been taping meetings of Heal, an alternative AIDS group which is doing some excellent work about bringing the truth about AIDS to people and he has some of those tapes available too. This book is available upstairs at Deep River, and so is another book of mine, called AIDS Inc. which I wrote in 1988.
I am investigative reporter, for about the last fifteen years, and I basically have been investigating what I call medical fascism which I believe is the mechanism by which people are going to be dragged into Brave New World if that is the outcome that we unfortunately end up with. That issue is not decided, but because the medical world has such great authority with people, they believe so much in doctors and experts, they are going to try to make that move … they are going to try to bring people to heel under the aegis of medicine … they are going to try to say that they know science, and therefore you have to listen to what they say, and if they say take a drug, or you are suffering from a germ, there is no questioning that. If they say you are detained or quarantined, there is no questioning that … I see that as being something that is coming around here.
This testimony was given before the President’s Committee on Radiation on March 15, 1995. We had three people who went up there from New Orleans … Valerie Wolf, a therapist and two of her clients, Claudia Mullen and Chris Denicola. God only knows how they got in and testified. I have heard the story from Valerie, and I still don’t even believe it, but … basically she told me the screener up there, the person who was screening applicants to speak about cruel and unusual radiation experiments on Americans … she said, well I have clients and they are saying that some of these doctors who administered radiation, administered mind control to them so we want to talk. And they said okay. They testified, from what I can gather, for a very short period of time verbally. They submitted a lot of testimony to the Committee from other therapists and other patients, and they somehow got in … nobody knows how … but they got in and that opens a certain kind of door for us, because it puts it on the record and it gives it a certain legitimacy and what these patients essentially said was, from the time they were 4 years old, 7 years old, they were tortured by the CIA and the military. You can call it something more sophisticated, but it really isn’t. It involved electroshock, physical torture, lights, spinning tables, hallucinogenic drugs, sleep deprivation, isolation tanks, hypnosis, mind programming with commands, layers of trauma that induced buffer zones of amnesia between the traumas, and essentially thereby created multiple personalities. As one psychological theory has it, if you induce enough trauma, you get a split in the personality because the person can’t face the pain, so they put that part out of it, and they come with a new personality. If you keep doing it, you invoke or create different personalities, and then if you are the CIA you try to program these sub-personalities to do different things like memorize information photographically and not remember it, do courier operations, assassinations, sex agents, blackmail operations, all of this.
Now I must say that I think some representations of this kind of operation are a little too neat and clean … that is people assume it is like (clicks fingers …) … okay we will create 37 personalities now and program each one … do these commands and call it up and da da da da … I really doubt that it works that way. I think that in many cases, it is a total wash-out. In many cases, it is just psychosis time, madness. (In many cases people are killed because they just won’t respond, and they will not stand for it no matter what is induced …) There are two tracks here … and these are the tracks. There is testimony by the people saying this was done to me … and then you decide if you believe that or not. Then over here, there are attempts to verify through obtaining documents from the CIA and the military that such experiments did in fact go on to create a parallel track of research to give credence to what these people are saying over here because there are many good people w ho want to say this is all nut-case territory over here, and we don’t want to know about it, and frankly, I don’t blame them. So the researchers have said, the ones who are really into this, we want to try to document it as well on the other side and efforts have been made in that direction, and continue to be made in that direction.
Let me introduce into the record, and it would be nice if we were all sitting here in front of an Arlen “Single Bullet Theory” Spector and people like that … something called Volume Seven, Recent Advances in Biological Psychiatry, the Proceedings of the19th Annual Convention and Scientific Program of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, Los Angeles, May 13, 1964. The Officers of this group include Ewen Cameron, M.D., Psychiatrist from Canada many will recognize as possibly the major monster on the planet as far as mind control … much has been written about him … I am not going to talk much about him tonight. 
In Part One in the Table of Contents, we have the following paper: “Automatic Nervous System Responses in Hospitalized Children Treated with LSD and UML” and one of the researchers is Loretta Bender. Loretta Bender cannot be nailed down as being a CIA employee. She was in fact, in 1961, a president of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, but she was part of a small group of researchers who were doing early LSD research … most of whom were doing it for the CIA. She attended conferences where those people showed up … like this, and she attended at least one conference by the Josiah Macey Foundation which was a conduit and front for CIA money. The paper is rather lengthy but I am just going to read you a few things from it. This is not part of the book.
“In the children’s unit of Creedmore State Hospital with a resident population of 450 patients, ages 4 to 15, we have investigated the responses of some of these children to lysergic acid and related drugs in the psychiatric, psychological and biochemical areas. Two groups of boys receiving daily LSD, UML (which is a methylated derivative of LSD) or psilocybin … at first the medication was given weekly but was eventually given daily for periods of up to several months. Dosages remain constant throughout, LSD 150 mcg. (which is a standard for an adult trip), psilocybin 20 mg. daily or UML 12 mg. daily, all given in two divided doses. The average duration of treatment was 2 to 3 months.” Daily. Children, 7, 9 , 11 years old …
The psychiatrist who sent me this told me that he has a statement at home which he is going to fax me which shows that in several cases at least with these children, this was carried on for several years daily. Of course, all of the testimony here about what happened to the children is they got nothing but better … these were autistic, retarded (a loose term signifying really nothing), but autistic or schizophrenic children … that was the diagnosis. They all “responded, became more straightforward, and here” and whatever. You decide …
That is a very significant piece of evidence here. That shows that as early as 1964, the CIA was in fact experimenting … or a person with probable CIA connections … was experimenting on young children with LSD and other similar drugs.
Now I have here a staff memorandum given to me by Harlan Girard, a very active researcher in his field, to Members of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments from the Advisory Committee staff on June 27, 1994, and this is a summary of the CIA, its history and its activities. In other words, members of the Committee on Radiation staff submitted this to the Committee at large to kind of clue them in on what the CIA is prior to the 1995 Hearing of the President’s Committee on Radiation, and they say, “In the 1950’s and 60’s the CIA engaged in an extensive program of human experimentation using drugs, psychological and other means, in search of techniques to control human behaviour for counter intelligence and covert action purposes.” This is quite an admission. In other words, they are training agents, it says here, by using mind control on them. It doesn’t say they are using mind control just to sort of get information from foreign agents. The possibility that the CIA itself engaged in human radiation experiments emanates from references in a 1963 CIA Inspector General’s report on project MKULTRA which was a “program concerned with research and development of chemical, biological and radiological materials capable of deployment in clandestine operations to control human behaviour.” Now in the rest of this report, they indicate that they cannot find any records of specific radiological experiments carried out by the CIA, and obviously they are looking. This doesn’t look like a total whitewash.
But that doesn’t mean that you believe them, it just means that those records have been destroyed or hidden away deep hidden away … because everybody agrees that radiation is a bad thing … and the CIA … the last thing they want is for people to believe that they used radiation on people. But this does indicate that there was a reference about research and development of radiation by the CIA for purposes of deployment in clandestine operations to control human behaviour. How the hell do you use radiation in clandestine operations to control human behaviour? Well, I would suggest that you use it to traumatize people whom you are training as agents so that you can gain control of them and you therefore have them under your thumb, and they do what you want them to do. The testimony here tends to bear that out … that radiation was used on people as a method of inducing trauma, not as a way of testing … you know … does radiation cause harm? Which is sort of the gist of the President ‘s Committee on Radiation … they went half-way. They said “terrible things were done to unwitting Americans … radiation was used by doctors on them in hospitals” but this goes further, we are now talking about a whole other level, because those experiments which were supposedly carried on as a misguided effort to see what toxicity levels were like, unfortunate occurrences, things got out of control at times, isolated individuals did commit crimes, da da da da …. you know. But they were attempting to do medical research … and that’s one of those hypnotic phrases, “medical research”. I could probably put everybody to sleep just by saying “medical research, medical research …” (laughter) And people would reach into their pockets and come out with money, man … well hey, cancer and infantile paralysis and m.s. … whatever you want … I’ll give you money … medical research, medical research. Politicians know that’s the key they turn all the time … when they can’t figure out what to say, they say we need more money for research … and that means tax money and it means things you don’t want to be subjected to most of the time …
Valerie Wolf is something else … this woman is down in New Orleans … she is seeing clients other people won’t see … therefore they tell strange stories. These are clients who have been fired by other therapists … they are very unruly, out of control, they do not recover, nothing works, they cut themselves, they go into hospitals, they try to commit suicide … they are people that therapists generally flee from … and she says “let’s go …” That’s her scene … so it stands to reason that she would hear stories that other therapists cannot hear … and in her statement to the Committee on Radiation March 15, 1995, she says, ” … the research programs [that her clients were submitted to] included radiation, drugs, mind control and chemicals … my clients have reported all of these being used on them, although technically they were considered to be part of the mind control experiments. Generally it appears that therapists across the country are finding clients who have been subjected to mind control techniques. The consistency of their stories about the purpose of the mind control and the techniques such as electroshock, use of hallucinogens, sensory deprivation, spinning, dislocation of limbs, and sexual abuse is remarkable. There is almost nothing published on this aspect of mind control used on children, and these clients come from all over the country having had no contact with each other. From the small sample of therapists to whom I talked, it appears that about 25% of the clients report memories of being used in radiation experiments. It is possible that more people were exposed to radiation, but that the memories have not yet emerged because our awareness of this experimentation is so new.”
Let me say now, before we get into it further, that the one organization in the United States that has tried to debunk all of this is called the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. They are based in Philadelphia. They say that any recovered memories in therapy, that is any patient who goes into therapy and recovers a memory is a liar or unintentionally lying because their therapist induced it, suggested it, guided it, okay? Now, I talked to these people and at certain levels they are very well meaning of course … that is always the way. I talked to their PR person and I asked when were you born, this organization? She said, “1992”. I said well how extensive is it? And she said, “We have a chapter in every state.” Now for anybody who has ever been an activist or worked in non-profit 501C3 … are you kidding me man? You have a chapter in every state in 3 years? You’re cooking, you are cooking … and in foreign countries they have chapters too. But no foundation money and no government funding … this is like, you know, they are like … walking on water … you know? (audience member: “It took McDonald’s longer …) There we go. That’s the False Memory Syndrome Foundation … (audience member: “individual contributions …”) It is true … now that organization was founded by Pamela Freyd … her daughter accused her husband of abuse as a child … and in the resultant uproar they founded this organization … Frontline on PBS did an entire episode on all of this …… and then received a letter, from I think it was the daughter’s brother who said, that was quite a presentation you put on about the FMSF and my mother … and I just wanted to tell you though that despite your sympathetic treatment of this organization, everything my sister said was absolutely true and they were abusing her from the time she was a little kid.” That’s interesting about the beginning of this organization.
Now on the board of this organization we have such luminaries as Louis Joly West … Louis “I never worked for the CIA” Joly West. This guy has been documented to have done all kinds of stuff for the CIA and military on mind control stuff … gave LSD to an elephant, and killed it. Wanted to start the Centre for the Study of Violence at UCLA in the l970’s. We have letters, and this was going to be located in a used, abandoned missile base somewhere out north of LA, and part of the deal was they were going to do psychosurgery on violent offenders which is the selective melting of brain connections to keep people from being violent. And this was touted as being highly medical, very precise. This is right in the ballpark of what I am talking about here when they say “it’s all medical … we have miniaturized and we can take out certain neurons here and there, and everything’s cool.” Some people throw up their hands and say who am I to … I don’t know … maybe they are right …
Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist who investigates toxic drugs and violence projects against citizens using psychiatry as a front … he lays it on psychiatrists. He discovered that the one case where they claimed a cure by psychosurgery was turned into a gibbering lunatic and that’s why he was cured of violence. He wasn’t able to even live unless somebody was taking care of him all the time and this particular patient was heralded as a cure by Frank Irvin and Bernie Sweet and these guys in the 70’s who were the doctors doing psychosurgery. That was their model, showcase cure of violence.
So Louis West, who wanted to start this centre at UCLA, is on the board of FMSF and so is Martin Orne, a Harvard psychiatrist who has done contract work for the CIA in the past. And several other people who have those kinds of connections. They want to debunk this stuff right out of the box … forget it. This is the kind of stuff they want to debunk. 
Claudia Mullen, client of Valerie Wolf, reports to the Presidential Commission: “Between the years of 1957 and 1984 I became a pawn in a government scheme whose ultimate goal was mind control and to create the perfect spy. All through the use of chemicals, radiation, electroshock, hypnosis, drugs, isolation in tubs of water, sleep deprivation, brainwashing, and verbal, physical, emotional and sexual abuse. I was exploited unwittingly for nearly three decades of my life, and the only explanation given to me was that ‘the end justifies the means’ and I was serving my country in their bold effort to fight communism. I can only summarize my circumstances by saying they took an already abused 7 year old child and compounded my suffering beyond belief. In 1958 I was to be tested, they told me, by some important doctors coming from a place called The Society [… that’s the Human Ecology Society, a known CIA front]. I was told to cooperate, answer any of their questions, then since the tests might hurt, I would be given shots, xrays, and jolts of electricity. I was also instructed not to look in anyone’s face too hard and to ignore names, as this was a very secret project … but to be brave and all those things would help me forget. Naturally as most children do, I did the opposite, and remembered as much as I could. A Dr. John Gittinger [Rapaport: these people in the testimony named names, they did not screw around …] tested me and Dr. Cameron gave me the shocks, and Dr. Green, the xrays. Then I was told by Sid Gottlieb I was right for the Big A … meaning Artichoke.”
“By the time I left to go home, just like every time from then on, I would recall nothing of my tests or the different doctors. I would only remember whatever explanations Dr. Robert Heath of Tulane Medical School gave me for the odd bruises, needle marks, burns on my head and fingers, and even the genital soreness. I had no reason to believe otherwise. Already they had begun to control my mind. The next year I was sent to a place in Maryland called Deep Creek Cabins to learn how to sexually please men. I was taught how to coerce them into talking about themselves. It was Richard Helms, Deputy Director of the CIA, Dr. Gottlieb, Capt. George White and Morse Allen who all planned on filming as many high government and agency officials, and heads of academic institutions and foundations as possible. So later, when the funding for radiation and mind control started to dwindle, then the project would continue at any cost [in other words, blackmail]. I was to become a regular little spy for them after that summer. Eventually trapping many unwitting men, including themselves, all with the use of a hidden camera. I was only 9 years old when this kind of sexual humiliation began. I overheard conversations about a part of the agency called ORD run by Dr. Green, Dr. Stephen Aldrich, Martin Orne and Morse Allen ….”
Dr. John Gittinger was Sid Gottlieb’s protege … Gittinger tested everybody. He was like a fanatical tester, developing profiles of humans, different types of humans, all kinds of questionnaire type tests. Sid Gottlieb was the head of MKULTRA projects for the CIA … a very high ranking bureaucrat, probably never treated a patient in his life. These people (testifying) were saying that these people were doing it … they were not supervising it alone, they were doing it. Dr. Green seems to be a name that is a cover name that many different people used. However there was a Dr. L. Wilson Green, Technical Director of US Army Chemical and Radiological Laboratories at the Army Chemical Centre … so we could have both things happening there. Richard Helms became director of the CIA … a real smooth operator. He was the person who destroyed many MKULTRA files before they could be revealed. Capt. George White made a statement to the effect of “nowhere else but in the CIA could a young, red-blood ed American rape, pillage and plunder without … accountability” He set up a brothel in San Francisco in the 60’s, paid off prostitutes to bring in johns to a room which he was filming, and these johns unwittingly drank LSD in their cocktails, and filming was supposedly to determine what the effects of LSD were on unwitting subjects. This is documented up and down. 
By the way, for those of you who want to get the background here, John Marks’ Search for the Manchurian Candidate, Walter Bowart’s Operation Mind Control now updated, are upstairs … and there is a very difficult book to find called The Mind Manipulators by Alan Scheflin which goes into a wider arena and is a very valuable reference source. There are many other books, Journey into Madness … but the Marks’ book, Scheflin book, and the Bowart book all took off from the same revelation of the ten or so boxes of information that were finally released by the CIA in about 1977 … they were actually financial records of MKULTRA. They didn’t think they were very incriminating, but they finally began to look at them and saw they were very incriminating. A mistake …
Then we had Morse Allen who was the head of Project Bluebird, another mind control project. High up people here she is talking about … who planned on filming as many high up officials … She says “I overheard conversations about a part of the agency called ORD run by Dr. Green, Dr. Stephen Aldrich” who became Director of ORD researched remote control of brains by electrodes, he went to the college I went to, Amherst College … hope I run into him some time. Martin Orne, mentioned again … we are not stinting here on names, these people just named them … sitting here in a room in Washington, D.C. before the President’s Committee on Radiation saying that Richard Helms was involved in torture and brainwashing of children. 
Now, Valerie Wolf makes this comment about Claudia Mullen: “After 9 months of therapy, she came to therapy one day with MKULTRA written with other words on a piece of paper … the first time … she had never mentioned any of this before. From that point on, she began to work on the mind control issues and began to improve. All of her memories have emerged spontaneously, without the use of memory enhancement techniques such as hypnosis or sodium amytal. I had told her nothing about government and CIA research projects. To the best of my knowledge, she has read nothing about mind control or CIA covert operations. Since she decided to listen carefully and remember as much as she could about conversations among the researchers, her memories are extraordinarily complete. I have sent written copies of memories to Dr. Alan Scheflin for validation [the author of The Mind Manipulators who is a professor of law at the University of Santa Clara]. He has confirmed that she has knowledge of events and people that are not published anywhere … that some of her memories contain new information and that some are already known and published. Some of her memories have been confirmed by family members. She has also shown me old scrapbooks where she wrote notes to remember what was happening to her, and hid the notes under the pictures in the scrapbooks.” Claudia Mullen states that she is still being monitored, that there is a doctor in New Orleans, who was her family doctor. She names him in her longer testimony … and she said to me, “don’t tell him you are going to do something before you do it, just do it.”
Apparently as recently as a month or two ago, she feels that … it’s a strange situation … apparently she is not positive that this doctor was monitoring her, but now she is. She went to his office … she doesn’t remember what happened to her … there were marks on her when she left the office … and she feels he is still monitoring her. So there is an element of danger involved in this, for these people. Some of these statements in here are anonymous. Some therapists made statements anonymously because there was public censure by their peers for getting into this stuff. I am told that a therapist named Corey Hammond spoke at a recent convention on methods of deprogramming this kind of mind control that he has developed … Valerie Wolf says she is using these, and they are terrific, they work. He has been subject to a lot of censure by other psychologists, societies, whatever it is and that he doesn’t want to talk to people any more, just for making a verbal presentation at this conference.
Chris Denicola, another client of Valerie Wolf. Tucson, Arizona. “I was taught how to pick locks, be secretive, use my photographic memory. Dr. Green taught me a technique to withhold information by repeating numbers to myself. He would show me information, then shock me [electroshock]. I would repeat the numbers in my head. I refused to disclose the information that he just gave me, and he found me to be very successful in that part of his mind control experiment. I was four years old. He moved on to wanting me to kill dolls that looked like real children. I stabbed a doll with a spear once, after being severely tortured. The next time I refused. Dr. Green used many torture techniques, but as a I got older, I resisted more and more. He often tied me down in a cage near his office. Between 1972 and 76, he and his assistants were sometimes careless and left the cage unlocked. At these times I snuck into his office and found files with reports and memos addressed to CIA and military personnel. Included in these files were program projects, sub-projects, subject and experiment names, with some code numbers for radiation and mind control experiments. I was caught twice and Dr. Green tortured me ruthlessly with electric shock, drugs, spinning me on a table, putting shots in my stomach and my back, dislocating my joints and hypnotic techniques to make me feel crazy and suicidal. Because of my rebellion and growing lack of cooperation, they gave up on me as a spy assassin. Consequently the last two years, 1974-76, Dr. Green had access to me. He used various mind control techniques to reverse the spy-assassin messages through self destruct and death messages if I ever remembered anything. His purpose? He wanted me dead and I have struggled to stay alive all of my adult life. I believe that it is truly by the grace of God that I am still alive.”
That’s just a piece of her testimony. A statement from Alan Scheflin, lawyer, professor of law, Santa Clara: “Claudia’s therapist [Valerie Wolf] has been kind enough to send me, with her client’s informed consent, some of the pertinent records reflecting Claudia’s memories of her experiences as an unwitting subject in these experiments. I have been able to confirm that some of the information Claudia has provided is absolutely true and could not have been derived from any published source.” I spoke with Scheflin and he said to me, I thought he was playing it a little close to the vest with this, I understand he is writing a book on this, so I don’t know … he said, “there is one piece of information that I was able to confirm, and I don’t know how she could possibly have known this. It involves the connection between two government researchers that is not published anywhere” and he said “I just happened to know that they are connected and she mentioned that they knew each other.”
Let me just comment on some of this here. All throughout this testimony you have other clients and patients saying similar things. Dr. Green, Dr. Green, Dr. Green, Dr. Green. Electroshock. Torture, sex abuse and all of that. About three weeks ago I met a woman who is a therapist. She works north of Los Angeles. If you met this woman and talked to her, you would say ‘she’s very on top of things, she is very smart, she seems like a real human being.’ So she looks at me and she says, “I was part of this when I was a kid, as a child.” She doesn’t want to talk about it yet, but she said, “… this business about creating perfect spies, I don’t think that’s it. I don’t think that’s why they were really doing it.” Part of the explanation about what they were supposedly trying to do was to create blank slates … that was their thinking. You can take a human being and erase their mind, then we can program it to be whatever we want it to be. Well adults just go psychotic, so let’s try children … they are more flexible and they have less in their mind to take out … how mechanistic can you get, and that would be the rationale supposedly. From that it has been assumed that the whole point of this was to create a perfect spy, with with nice neat categories of sub-personalities, and program and trigger words, manchurian candidate type stuff. You know, “we will now call up sub-personality 134. Are you there?” “Yes I am here.” “What have you learned on your recent trip to Vienna?” Start. Bing. And then sub-personality 134 says, “I boarded the train, and went to Vienna, and read the following documents that were given to me …” — like a computer? That this was the intention. But this woman said to me, “Yeah, but I think there is something beyond this. It is somewhere in the back of my mind, but I can’t get to it.” I didn’t question her about how she knows this, but she said “First of all this was a very wide-ranging project … there were echelons of the project, not just simply one level. There were children brought up from South America and Mexico. They were considered expendable. They were used with the crudest techniques of brainwashing and so forth. The idea was to learn from this techniques in a more refined way techniques that would be used on another echelon of children. The best and brightest in America.” I said, “Do you mean children from well-to-do families?” She said, “Not necessarily. The smartest.”
They could be thinking that what they want to do is program these kids who would later, supposedly, emerge in prominent positions in society, so that they would then have long term control of society by controlling people in power positions. She said (she didn’t say “yes”) but she said, “Well, yeah, that makes sense. The Nazis got a hold of the intelligentsia. They turned the intelligentsia — they were able to either silence or bring the intelligentsia into their fold — so it was a major project. She said to me, “They brought a lot of doctors over here after the War and not just the rocket scientists … they brought a lot of doctors over here.” And all throughout this testimony you will read, sprinkled here, “a doctor with a German accent … was it Green … was it Greenburg … a German Jew? … did it look like he was a Jew? … he had blonde hair …” That kind of stuff.
I would say this is a Nazi project, but a lot of the Nazis are American-born. It shouldn’t be excused or explained away on that basis because as we know, if we look at Nazi psychiatry for example, they learned a lot from the Americans, especially about eugenics. This is not something where we should say, ” … well, the Nazis took over …” This is home-grown stuff. This is Americana at its worst, at its lowest form. This is also the sub-sub-basement that you walk into when you are a materialist, when that is your philosophy. And I don’t mean you are a materialist in the sense that you want money, possessions … I mean, philosophically. The materialist position is that we are meat, and tissue, and cells, and electrical impulses, and that’s it. When that system collapses, we are gone, never to return. My own feeling is that when you espouse and embrace that philosophy, the ultimate, ultimate sub-basement that you end up in is that sub-basement … that’s where you end up. Finally, that’s where it all comes out.
I must say, even though I admire many of the researchers on psychedelics, and feel that they are basically liberating types of people, I think some of them make a mistake when they start talking about, ” … well, it’s all chemicals anyway … what difference does it make? … we are only dealing with chemical reactions anyway, so what’s this nonsense about consciousness separate from chemicals?” They are using that of course to say, “why is the government trying to outlaw the use of psychedelics, if in fact all consciousness is chemical anyway, they are just being selective in their choices of chemical … they are saying ‘alcohol – yes, lsd – no’.” But I think these people have something to think about in this one area. I am not trying to put them down at all, in fact I admire them. But I think when they start talking about “well, consciousness is just chemicals anyway…” I am afraid I have to disagree. I think it is a lot more than chemicals. You can certainly make people do very bizarre things with chemicals, and you can make them suffer a great deal because we are in these bodies … it’s a lot more than that. That’s where I think you wind up. You wind up with this crazy idea about programming people … that’s where I think you wind up with this stuff.
On the plus side, if we know this, if we understand what is happening here, and therapists can be brought into this whole dialogue, then we are talking about bridging something that is very un-middle-class into the middle-class and into people who normally don’t consider these kinds of things because we are talking therapists here, private practice therapists whose patients come into their office and say “I was part of CIA mind control.” I am not saying that the middle class is not some fabulous entity that we have to somehow court, but I am saying that this is an issue which can get some people involved who normally do not get involved and if they are so willing, they can create some havoc with the government and that’s my next point here.
One of the reasons that I am going into this, and getting involved in it, is because I want people to begin to see the government for what it actually is and I think this is a way of doing that. Unequivocally coming to it. People say, “the government, yeah … if we just get more of the right people in … a little more funding for research … more this … more that … everything is going to work out and we will get the nice guys, elect Bill and don’t elect George, and elect Jim and don’t elect Phil …” You know … it’s all this kind of whipsawing stuff I see every time an election comes around. “We gotta vote for Bill because if we don’t we’ll get George …” and this and that … boppada bop …. It’s like a vice that people are in, and everybody knows it.
I have a statement here from Colin Ross. A very interesting man. Never heard of him before. He’s a psychiatrist from Richardson, Texas. He has been researching the CIA for 20 years. Every time an MKULTRA type researcher dies, he sends away FOIA requests, because he figures, well the guy is dead, they will be more likely to release the documents now, and he just … he’s very cute with this, see? He accumulates a little of this, a little of that. 
MKULTRA had about 139 to 150 sub-projects … nobody knows what they all were, or even if that is the subtotal. It’s the basic mind control project of the CIA after WWII. He has files on as many of these as he can possibly get. “I have in my possession about 80 of the 149 sub-project files which I obtained through FOIA, filing requests with the CIA on each deceased investigator of interest.” (I like that.) 
He says, “Neurosurgeons at Tulane, Yale and Harvard did extensive research on brain electrode implants with intelligence funding and combined brain implants with large numbers of drugs including hallucinogens.” So while they were telling Tim Leary and Richard Alpert to get out of Harvard … because a few people were taking acid and enjoying it … there were other people there who were inserting electrodes in people’s brains and then giving them acid. “MKULTRA alone included four sub-projects on children, one was conducted at the International Children’s Summer Camp in Maine by an unwitting investigator. The MKULTRA sub-project file in my possession for this project states that “the CIA’s interest in this research was in establishing contact with foreign nationals of potential future operational use by the CIA. The children who served as subjects in the project were as young as eleven years old.”
“Multiple personality disorder patients in treatment throughout the United States and Canada are describing involvement in mind control research that is much more sophisticated than MKULTRA. Deliberate sexual abuse of children to make them more dissociative … ” and then he ends up simply by saying, “I would be pleased to testify at length at any hearings on CIA and military mind control.” Colin Ross, M.D. Psychiatrist Richardson Texas
Here is a statement from a therapist submitted anonymously. “One client told me that they were made to believe they had been abducted by UFO’s so that if memories were retrieved, they would be discredited by the community.” I found that kind of interesting. Hmmm. Other people mentioned satanic costumes … CIA people putting on satanic costumes while they were doing their crazy stuff here …
Here’s John Boyd, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, practiced clinical psychology for 25 years, Ohio State, University of Virginia. “I have treated three patients whose memories of childhood abuse include detailed recall of sophisticated mind control technology being inflicted upon them by “experts” in collusion with the patients’ mentally disturbed parents. The independent reports of these individuals contain similar information of an esoteric and intricate nature concerning mind control technology which in my opinion could be gained only through personal experience.” The press says nothing. The press says zero about this.
Here’s a woman operating under the pseudonym I believe of Chandra Walker-Michaels. “I learned how to handle weapons, particularly how an ice-pick left a neat hole, a hole that allowed so little blood to escape that the victim could remain in public view for hours before they would be discovered not to be napping.” “I was taken on planes to Germany and Egypt to assist Joe with arson … to Israel, along with messages … to Mexico for terrorist activities. I remember a small laboratory in a partially exposed basement of a large building I visited many times starting at age four south of Washington, D.C. At the age of fourteen I was drugged and woke up on a stretcher, and I heard men outside my door discussing how they had gotten me past the guards at Langley that night. At the age of fifteen Joe introduced me to an elderly man who he referred to as “the Senator”. At the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C. the portly gentleman was brought to the room adjoining ours. Our closet space was filled with photographic equipment viewing the Senator’s scene … I refused to participate. I was severely punished.”
Just a word about the media, and then we will take a break. One of the best payoffs of being a reporter for fifteen years is that I have come to see this machine called “the media” and how it operates in a way that I never thought was possible because I have talked to a lot of reporters, and they become the eyes, the mouth and the ears for everybody else. Since I am now researching the Oklahoma City bombing, and I have done a lot of research on AIDS, and now this and other topics, there is a pattern that always seems to emerge. The pattern is that there is a cover story that emerges very quickly after something is either revealed or happens. Very quickly a cover story comes to the fore and then anything that does not fit the cover story is discarded. In the case of Oklahoma City, it happens to be basically that McVeigh and a few of his friends are rednecks … the rednecks are connected to other rednecks who belong to militias and the militias blew up the building and that’s it … we don’t want to know anything else … they are all kind of crazy and stupid … that’s the end of the story … they rented a Ryder truck knowing it could be traced … they bought 5000 lbs. of ammonium nitrate knowing it could be traced …(hey business is suddenly picking up … did you see that guy who suddenly came in and bought 5000 lbs. of ammonium nitrate??? Wow. I thought business was kind of slow and then all of a sudden they came in like 15 or 20 cars and they like, loaded it up in the backs of the station wagons and they kept coming back for more and they took it away … I guess April is a really good planting month you know?? They have a lot of crops in mind …) That’s the cover, right? They were that stupid, and that’s all we have to know. And McVeigh, three hours after the explosion, happens to be driving in a car with no licence, and a cop stops him and says “I will have to cite you for driving without a licence and you will have to appear …” McVeigh says “No problem”, then the cop looks at him and he is writing out the citation, he’s going to give it to him, and let him drive away. No problem, Driving without a licence. So what? Then the cop says, “Sir, do you have something under your windbreaker there?” And McVeigh says, “I have a weapon under my windbreaker.” Pulls down the zipper, there’s a 9mm Glock, and a five inch knife hanging off his belt. He has just killed 100 people … he’s on a lonely road some place … a cop stops him … he’s going to let him go … he then shows the cop his weapon … the cop then puts his service revolver to his head, disarms him, takes him to jail, puts him on ice for a few days until the Feds … they work fast these guys … three days and they know who did it, they know what happened, they come to the jail where he is, and they take him … Right? By the way, I was told that initial reports placed McVeigh at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma. People who anonymously testified in here, and it has been mentioned by other people, that some of the mind control that was done on them was done at Tinker Air Force Base. Tinkerbell, right?
So this is the scenario that is painted by the press, see? Talk about mind control here … now the reporters that I talked to … how they slip and slide with this … once the cover story is established … how they manage to keep from discovering anything, or thinking about anything … or just considering the insanity of the cover story itself, is really something to behold. And I have been talking to a bunch of reporters down in Oklahoma City now … I just listen and we talk and it is all very chatty and everything … and for example one guy who was with the only daily in Oklahoma (The Daily Oklahoman) … all he could talk about was the federal boys … the federal boys combing through the wreckage of the building … the federal boys were there and they did this and they told me and they said this … and it was kind of like, when a sportswriter covers the Yankees … the Slugger told me this, and he told me he threw the curve ball and he holds it this way … had a beer with Mickey … you know, that kind of stuff … “the federal boys told me” that they couldn’t find any other kind of bomb in the building at all … that’s it … what else is there to know … the federal boys day after day were going through the wreckage and they told him they couldn’t find anything … this guy would have talked for three hours like this if I had let him … and that’s how he keeps himself from figuring out what’s going on and each reporter has his own little scene.
In the case of this one here, of course, now Valerie Wolf and one of her clients, they say “look we are not sure we really want to get this exposed all the way out because we know that the False Memory Syndrome Foundation right now has a stranglehold on the press.” That’s the cover story. Nobody cares that the FMSF board is composed of these guys with CIA, mind control connections … That’s the cover story that’s laid down, and so everything else is irrelevant. That’s what we have to bust — is that cover story — with enough people coming forward and saying, “it’s not true”.