Tuesday 22 March 2016

Why Most Humans Are Domesticated Animals

Today, most adults are very irresponsible and so ignorant (lacking in knowledge) that they can barely tell the difference between what is “real” and what is “fantasy”.

The proof that most adults are irresponsible can be seen when you look at the current state of the global economy.

Most people these days would rather watch sports or shows on TV than learn about their natural rights and how the financial, legal, and political system work.

Because of their lack of knowledge in these subjects, it was not too hard for the Controllers of the New World Order (NWO) to brainwash these people to obey their authorities and Nazi-type government.

Did You Know You are a Corporate Slave?

In the USA, most of us are so brainwashed that we actually think we live in a “free” country. The unwanted truth is that roughly 98 percent of the American people are “living” under the umbrella of the corporation called the United States, Inc.

This is why Americans are not called “American Citizens” anymore. Instead, they are called “United States Citizens”.

A Citizen of the United States is a citizen of a corporation or a “ship”. Hence the term, citizenship or “citizen-ship”.

Because of this, a United States Citizen has no natural rights. If you do not live in the United States, your government most likely sold you out to the Controllers and their corporations too.

This is because most countries of the world are controlled by the Western legal system, which is not a system based on justice but a system based on commerce.

When you agree to be a United States Citizen, you consent to be an artificial person, which is defined in Black’s Law Dictionary as a corporation. As an artificial person (corporation), you do NOT have natural rights.

However, you can be given privileges by the government. Furthermore, you are bound to the acts and statutes (rules and codes) of the corporation called the United States.

Why Stealth Slavery is the Best Form of Slavery

Today, the Controllers of the NWO and their minions have nearly perfected their system of slavery.

Instead of forcing people to work for them without pay, the Controllers domesticated people to think that they are free, and then trick those people to work for the Controllers using contracts to bind them to the terms and conditions of those contracts. They also used unlawful tax “laws” to scare people to pay them money.

The best form of slavery is stealth slavery, which is a form of slavery that tricks people to think they are free. This allows the people in power to control the public with little resistance.

Stealth slavery is the best form of slavery, because when the masters can trick the slaves to think that they are free, they get more productivity and creativity out of the slaves.

The increase of productivity and creativity of the slaves can generate more wealth, allowing the masters to collect more tax to finance their slavery system.

Evidence That Most People are Domesticated “Animals”

In the USA, most Americans have no clue that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is a foreign agency. To be more accurate, the IRS is a foreign private corporation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and is the private “army” for the Federal Reserve (Fed).

For evidence of this, read these two empowering articles titled “Federal Tax Case Shows Evidence the U.S. Legal System is a Fraud” and “Did You Know the IRS and the Fed are Private Corporations? Plus, Exposing the Secrets of the Western Court System.”

Most, if not all, of the taxes collected by IRS are given to the Federal Reserve and then are turned over to the IMF, an international banking organization controlled by the United Nations (UN).

The UN is a front for the Crown of England, which is controlled by the Crown Temple (City of London) and the Vatican. In simple words, every time you pay the IRS, you finance your own slavery.

Today, the Controllers of the NWO are heavily investing in artificial intelligence (AI), so that they

The Flat Earth Theory

The Earth Is Flat

A couple of weeks ago I thought this was a ludicrous thought and so when Mark Sargent (Flat Earth researcher) was on Canary Cry Radio, well I was sort of disappointed they weren't going to talk about something relevant. Thankfully, I decided to download the episode on my archaic MP3 player and listened to it at work that day. I haven't been the same since.

 As of now after further research answering the initial doubts I had, I'm convinced we are living on a flat earth! It's actually obvious when you finally break free of the matrix New World Order group think. And, yes this is another conspiracy from the powers to be. This could be considered the biggest hoax they have hoodwinked the people into yet (which is saying something).

 Now, I'm not going to go over every single argument here in this simple blog post, and I'm not going to begin a flat earth blog to begin to become a leader in the field. I do want to give a layman's approach to this deception we have been fooled into believing. There's some very good research you can find on YouTube on this, as well as websites and interviews. Just steer clear of the dis-info agents called the Flat Earth Research society. They are sort of like the Alex Jones of the New World Order conspiracy.

Some notable leading researchers that I've found are Eric Dubay, Mark Sargent, and Math Bolylan. These guys know their stuff and think for themselves.

 So, how does a plane flying from New York to London end up having the same times either way they fly? Whether flying east or west, the plane takes the same time to get there?! The plane takes the same time to get to it's destination whether flying from New York to London, or from London back to New York! Right there, this proves that there is no ball earth spinning at a 1000mph eastward as the scientific elite tell us!

 Why can a boat see a lighthouse from the sea 80 miles away? The curvature of the earth wouldn't allow a lighthouse to be seen that far away, but it can be seen on a flat earth. Every mile away an object is it would go lower and lower, to the amount of about a half a mile below the curved horizon from 80 miles away, but the lighthouse is only around 200 ft high! Explain that one.

 Let me just start talking to you here: NASA is a satanic organization created by the Nazi's that came over after WW2, Freemasons run NASA and are the astronauts, there are no planets spinning around the sun – they are  close in stars and lights, the sun and the moon are circling around the top of the flat earth from only about 3,000 miles away and they are the same size, there are no satellites, there is no real pictures of the earth that are not manipulated- and only one that is used in all the books from Apollo missions window!, Antarctica surrounds the disc shaped earth's edges, the Bible talks about the earth being fixed and unmovable, the Bible calls the earth a circle (not a ball), the horizon is always eye level no matter how far you go up into the air (20,000 ft. a non-government camera has been), ancient cultures all thought the earth was flat until 500 years ago when Jesuit Priest said otherwise (Jesuits!), Antarctica is off limits to private industry although it has vast resources, no private explorer can explore the North Pole or Antarctica, and on and on....

 There is so much evidence that the earth is actually flat it's unbelievable. I learned about the hollow earth theory before a couple years ago, and I actually thought there was something to that, but it didn't resonate with my soul like this Flat Earth thought has. Spiritually, this reality of a flat earth settles in my soul and being with the up-most peace and reality. It's as if I knew it all along. I mean, flying around on a spinning earth in some vast universe just never clicked with me. From all observance, we are stationary